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by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 11:43 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)
Replies: 48
Views: 724

Re: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)

"Of course it is," Makime shook her head, "And I assume Shinsei's current choice of abode is no accident. That shrine is not one to Inari, of that I am sure. Do you think..." She paused, "...that Shinsei is playing host to this so called Champion of Jigoku? It tried to take Lord Hisomu before, denie...
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 11:31 pm
Forum: The Sleeping Garden
Topic: D5 - EA - Childrens' Games and Self-Reflection (Wide-Open)
Replies: 48
Views: 998

Re: D5 - EA - Childrens' Games and Self-Reflection (Wide-Open)

Makime arrived armed and armored, her eyes took in the group and the monk.

With a sigh she waited for whatever came next.
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:58 pm
Forum: The Headwoman's House
Topic: We See Each Other Plain (D5 LM CLOSED)
Replies: 16
Views: 332

Re: We See Each Other Plain (D5 LM CLOSED)

"Of course you did." Makime looks at the woman, "A coward remains a coward. But understand this, throw yourself on their mercy but the only you will find is how your execution is carried out. How many people have died from your actions? Do you even know how many are at risk now because of them? You ...
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 10:06 pm
Forum: The Headwoman's House
Topic: We See Each Other Plain (D5 LM CLOSED)
Replies: 16
Views: 332

Re: We See Each Other Plain (D5 LM CLOSED)

Makime follows her in, stopping at the door she looks back at the Lion samurai following her. "Come if I call for you, it shouldn't be necessary." The Lioness was unperturbed by the cough, "I don't like to waste time. You are a traitor and you will be made to account for that after Jigoku's defeat. ...
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 9:45 pm
Forum: The Headwoman's House
Topic: We See Each Other Plain (D5 LM CLOSED)
Replies: 16
Views: 332

We See Each Other Plain (D5 LM CLOSED)

Makime made her way to the headwoman's home a third time this week. Her steps were purposeful and her expression devoid of emotion. Stepping up to the manor door she knocks.

The time had come to clear the air between these them.
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 7:26 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16312

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

Actually on this...I wonder if it is all just dream logic again.

That could uh...have some weird/bad side effects for the villagers if the realms are sealed and suddenly their arms and such disappear.
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 6:41 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)
Replies: 48
Views: 724

Re: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)

"If the young Princess continues to demand I defer to her status as a child of the Emperor," Makime rubbed her temple, it was too early in the morning for this, "Then my first duty is protecting a beloved daughter of our sovereign is it not, and as such would be required to place her under protectiv...
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 6:01 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)
Replies: 48
Views: 724

Re: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)

Makime raised an eyebrow at this, "You are a Shiba, one of several daughters and not even the heir. Like my daughter Ayano is a Makime. Power was not gifted to her fiat because I gave birth to her. Nor had she the right to demand or order my appointed officers and lords by virtue of being my heir. T...
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:40 pm
Forum: The Headwoman's House
Topic: Purification of the Form [D5, EE, Event]
Replies: 140
Views: 2855

Re: Purification of the Form [D5, EE, Event]

Makime was there, watching. Her expression was unreadable. The villagers hated her already, so she wasn't particularly concerned if she got glares from a few of them. It was all rather perfunctory, and she would have been for more awed if the source of the healing wasn't already very suspect in her ...
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:35 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16312

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

Ayano, after all this, with her chronic asthma and weak constitution would probably still be like 'umm I pass, thanks' The "Thanks." part is important here. Even when dealing with Jigoku, you should always be polite. Courtesy and all. Ayano has much higher AWA then momma. Probably would up it to 4 ...
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:30 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16312

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

Errrr, do we know, IC or OOC, if this healing ritual that's going on is safe? Non-corrupty? If I show up it would be to observe. But really I would rather send a shuggie to watch it and report back on if it's bad or not. Makime doesn't have any physical disads anyway only Overconfident. Ayano, afte...
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:17 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16312

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

And if you go chasing cultists
And you know you're going to fall
Tell 'em a pipe smoking herbalist
has given you the call
Go ask Nao
When she was just small
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:09 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16312

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

I'd be more worried about the dreamstone mine. Does dreamstone reach criticality? Can it set off a dream 'splosion? So we detonate the poison bombs in patchouli central, right next to the river of shroom-juice over the cavern of crystallized LSD... Alice and Wonderland ain't shit. One stone makes y...
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:06 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16312

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

I'd be more worried about the dreamstone mine. Does dreamstone reach criticality? Can it set off a dream 'splosion?
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:02 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)
Replies: 48
Views: 724

Re: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)

"I am not thrilled with any of this, but when can the process begin?" Makime clasped her hands behind her back, "I have an unsettling feeling that everything is coming to a head very soon. And we are stumbling to even be halfway prepared."
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:46 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)
Replies: 48
Views: 724

Re: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)

"Nozomi is his disciple? And the other fellow he nearly killed." Makime stood there eyes on the fire, "Do either of them know whatever vital information I am sure Shinsei has kept back? About the Thunders? That remains the biggest missing piece in all this."
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:32 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)
Replies: 48
Views: 724

Re: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)

"Then we proceed with whatever may come." Makime turned back to the fire and tossed another piece in. "We tracked Shinsei to the shrine. I have it under watch and Anjing is going to try and bring the fool out. I have no love for Shinsei but he isn't a fool or a willing traitor. Still...I told Anjing...
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:19 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)
Replies: 48
Views: 724

Re: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)

"And Chouri will suffer the consequences of betrayal." Makime added, turning around to look at the two, her stony expression wasn't particularly pleasant. "As will any others who sided with the forces of Jigoku against the realm of mortals. If Imperial justice brings collective punishment on the Cra...
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:58 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)
Replies: 48
Views: 724

Re: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)

Makime remained with her back to them, "My fealty is to Lord Akodo and through him the Emperor. I do not owe any to the Imperial Babysitter and his ward, daughter of the Emperor or not. My authority here is from consensus of my fellow daimyo. As for the information. I was in the process of compiling...
by Makime
Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:59 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)
Replies: 48
Views: 724

Re: Unpleasant Truths (D5 EM Open)

"I would tell you the information we gathered, but I suspect you know part of it given what Ryoshun Nao told me yesterday." Makime didn't turn around, her eyes on the fire. "The traitor's life is now forfeit. It lasts until her usefulness is at an end. I will see justice done, My Lord's way of Honor...