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by Anjing
Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:24 pm
Forum: The Sleeping Garden
Topic: Bench Warming Through The Apocalypse [Day 1, LA, Expecting]
Replies: 8
Views: 142

Bench Warming Through The Apocalypse [Day 1, LA, Expecting]

A garden...for sleeping. Anjing steps forward and nudges one of the sleepers on a bench who grunts and rolls over. Yes, definitely just sleeping. It was peaceful, she'd give the designers that. The sort of careful construction she'd expect out of the Crane lands. Perhaps some in the village had no h...
by Anjing
Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:19 pm
Forum: The Village Market
Topic: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]
Replies: 40
Views: 384

The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Anjing watches the apparently very happier villagers very happily prepare for the festival. It wasn't quite what she had been expecting. But then again, she didn't know what exactly she had been expecting. There were children smiling while spiced meat cooked. Lots of smiles really. It all seemed rat...
by Anjing
Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:09 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]
Replies: 43
Views: 337

Re: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Satsuki had seen Anjing and the other Crab go off away from the Crab after the meeting, and after a quick stop by her own tent, she had followed suit... which took some effort since the fog in the farmlands wasn't easy to move around in sometimes! Blasted mist! It's unnatural! As she finally saw th...
by Anjing
Mon Oct 23, 2023 9:38 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]
Replies: 43
Views: 337

It's not just nice, it's niece [Day 1 LM, Expecting]

Anjing had made her way back from Shinsei's address with a few new thoughts rattling around in her head, she needed time to think, needed some time away. With a grunt she kneels down to start building the fire back up, letting the routine nature of the task distract her mind for a moment. The whole ...
by Anjing
Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:41 am
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]
Replies: 339
Views: 4438

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Snip "Hmmmph, that certainly does sound like monks." Shinsei is shot a disapproving look. "Heavy burdens for both your parents then. It seems as the years pass our burdens never grow lighter." Anjing clicks her tongue. "But I am sure your sister has taken to leading, Dojihime was always the type fo...
by Anjing
Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:53 am
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]
Replies: 339
Views: 4438

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

She took a place near to Anjing, she was family, among other things, it was better than standing aloof like a lone wolf. She gave clear greetings as she took her place among the growing throng of onlookers, “Pleasant morning, Anjing-obasan, it’s wonderful to see you again. I pray daily that my cous...
by Anjing
Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:57 am
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]
Replies: 339
Views: 4438

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

There he was, the jerk. Sora ambled over in his third-worst kimono and, without word or preamble, simply squatted back on his haunches to await whatever the hell it was they were lined up for. There he was, the jerk . And also Shinsei. From across the way Anjing gives first Sora and then Shinsei a ...
by Anjing
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:03 am
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]
Replies: 30
Views: 428

Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

"Tsssk. We shall see. But I suppose most of them seem to be good at something." She takes the bowl with a nod. "You included Hikaru. Hopefully in the days ahead we can add your name to those legends, that will make it easier to remember at any rate." She stands and starts carefully dousing the small...
by Anjing
Mon Oct 23, 2023 1:36 am
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: Standing On The Outside Looking In [D0 Early Evening - Expecting)
Replies: 78
Views: 1346

Re: Standing On The Outside Looking In [D0 Early Evening - Expecting)

Tai always saw the way of things. "If there is a way to heal the sickness then we will find it. If there is not, it is our duty to bring their suffering to an end in a way which honours the people they were before." Looking sympathetically at Ayako. "We won't abandon any of our kin. They are our res...
by Anjing
Mon Oct 23, 2023 1:26 am
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]
Replies: 30
Views: 428

Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

"Then I pray Makime's ideas and the legends will be enough." Anjing frowns. "Satsuki is a good girl, there is much of her father and her mother in her. But unless much has changed since my last visit she did not take up the way of the warrior. I hope you will see to her safety as much as your own. I...
by Anjing
Sun Oct 22, 2023 9:54 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: Standing On The Outside Looking In [D0 Early Evening - Expecting)
Replies: 78
Views: 1346

Re: Standing On The Outside Looking In [D0 Early Evening - Expecting)

Anjing looks between the two with a stony expression. "No-one's devotion to the Clan is in doubt. At least as long as they do not continue to annoy me. Naraku, I won't speak of what your father might or might not want, although he and I have known eachother for a long time." She gives him a long loo...
by Anjing
Sun Oct 22, 2023 9:38 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]
Replies: 30
Views: 428

Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Snip "It depends wholly on how she told it I think. But it was a long time ago now, it's a miracle any of us survived from that time. I should make a point to see her, she always had strange ideas about how things could be better organised. Might need that now." She would just have to look for the ...
by Anjing
Sun Oct 22, 2023 1:42 am
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]
Replies: 30
Views: 428

Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Snip "Makime is still around? How was she doing?" Peering at Hikaru, dropping her voice. "Did she tell the wall story? She always tells the wall story." And really, that was all Sora's fault! "I'm no legend, just an old woman with too much still to do. A legend would have figured it out already and...
by Anjing
Sat Oct 21, 2023 8:22 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]
Replies: 30
Views: 428

Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Hikaru nodded. "I carry them everywhere." His chin tilted up. "I am aware that this may seem strange to other Clans. But as a servant of Lady Doji, it is one of my duties. I was trained by one of her students, and have even shared with her some of my works." The fog almost seemed to settle in deepe...
by Anjing
Sat Oct 21, 2023 8:16 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: Standing On The Outside Looking In [D0 Early Evening - Expecting)
Replies: 78
Views: 1346

Re: Standing On The Outside Looking In [D0 Early Evening - Expecting)

"And we didn't expect you, son of Hiruma." Anjing pauses for a moment before relaxing slightly, it seemed to be him and no illusion. Or if it was it had captured the dour Hiruma's mannerisms perfectly. "There was a call to come to Blue Lotus Village to see what can be done about the madness and corr...
by Anjing
Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:15 am
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: Standing On The Outside Looking In [D0 Early Evening - Expecting)
Replies: 78
Views: 1346

Re: Standing On The Outside Looking In [D0 Early Evening - Expecting)

Snip Anjing blinks as the approaching shadow resolves into another Crab of Hiruma's children she thought, if she recognised the face correctly. A strange vision, or the actual man himself? "Greetings." She nods, on guard. "You're a long way from home, cousin." She looks to the rest o...
by Anjing
Fri Oct 20, 2023 8:43 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]
Replies: 30
Views: 428

Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

Snip "You carried your painting supplies here?" Anjing looks at him like the Crane had decided to bring a collection of particularly pointy shoes into the wilderness. "Well, I suppose if they are already with you. I shall see if there is time, but your offer is interesting, I accept." She smiled sl...
by Anjing
Fri Oct 20, 2023 3:00 am
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: Standing On The Outside Looking In [D0 Early Evening - Expecting)
Replies: 78
Views: 1346

Re: Standing On The Outside Looking In [D0 Early Evening - Expecting)

snip "But if a Lady " Anjing looks at Tai with a quarter grin. "Does it, then how can it not be ladylike? And how would you know anyway, do you define being a man as knowing a lot about women? Because if you do I may have bad news." At least all this grumbling about strange dragons and fog was warm...
by Anjing
Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:45 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: Standing On The Outside Looking In [D0 Early Evening - Expecting)
Replies: 78
Views: 1346

Re: Standing On The Outside Looking In [D0 Early Evening - Expecting)

"Well, may need to pull a jade stub or two off my tetsubo to keep on my person." Takuma looked at his tetuso for a minute. "I'm thinking there will be times where having such a weapon would be looked down on." "Better to have a jade studded club and not need it, then need a jade studded club and no...
by Anjing
Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:44 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]
Replies: 30
Views: 428

Re: The First Last Supper [D0 - Camp outside the village, evening, expecting]

"A good woman. And she made sure you knew how to dress yourself, that seems rarer these days than it was." And Hikaru hadn't even started flexing to himself. "Painting? That...must be nice. A different way of telling a story at any rate. Perhaps I will send for some, we could use a few decorations. ...