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by Bayushi Norikage
Wed Oct 18, 2023 3:42 am
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

"If I can sleep through hers, I can sleep though his." he was dead serious.
by Bayushi Norikage
Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:26 am
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

"I give her enough trouble without that all being involved", Norikage said with a chuckle, going full charming man mode.
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:31 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

We caught the same fish, I see...

Norikage bowed slightly to the woman after he had followed the old man in.

"I'm called Bayushi Norikage, pleasure to meet you, ma'am", he said to Yoshie. He looked at Han-Hei. "Indeed, fancy meeting you here."
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:16 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

Canary wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:59 pm
"Well, if you want to warm up, you're welcome to come in. Sounds like Yoshie has another guest in there anyway."
"How about I take you up on that tonight?" he said. "I can go lend a hand still during the day, and I might go talk to your Chouri-san."
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:43 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

Canary wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:29 pm
"No inn, I'm afraid. We're not exactly used to guests."
"Well, in the mean time until I figure out what I'll do, maybe I'll help set up with the festival a little more. Keeps the bones warm."
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:24 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

"I've only been here for four years, kiddo," he said. "My wife and I came here after she started having nightmares. Went away right quick after." He nods. "Chouri-san would probably know, yeah. She used to be some kind of monk or ascetic, or something. Philosopher type." Oh, so someone I might want...
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:03 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

"You know, I wouldn't be surprised. That would explain why people with issues get drawn here," he mused. "You wouldn't be surprised? C'mon, you lived your whole life here and if you haven't heard of it by now...tsk. Even where I'm from there's people who say tigers protect them from bandits, or a f...
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:56 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

"Sure thing, kiddo," he hands over his flint and steel. "I think it might be protective, too. Not too many nightmares around here, despite the outside." He puffed smoke. "Oh?" There were a lot of places that weren't as bad as others, and the old man said there weren't too many, not that they had st...
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:43 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

Canary wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 3:45 pm
"End of winter, sort of a purification thing as we get ready for the next year," he said. "Starting off on a new foot, you know?"
He shrugged and took his own pipe out. "Good enough reasons as any. Can I use your light, ojisan?"
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:42 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

"Pah! Well, thirty years is a good bit. People forget how a lean season would certainly mean a few tribe members died every year. A bad winter or a disease could take out a whole tribe. An earthquake, or a tsunami over on the coast? Multiple," he grumped as he took out a pipe from his sleeve and st...
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:00 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

"I was told life is very different now", Norikage said. "That before a man could live in the mountains and do whatever he liked, could live peacefully or wildly, hunt game...or hunt riches from others." He smirked. "Now those types serve a master, it's better for the world around us, but I've heard ...
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:13 am
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

"Pretty common here, I'm afraid, young man. You get used to it, though. A cheery hearth helps." He said with a smile. "Oh yeah. The festival is going to be quite a thing. Chouri-sama - the village headwoman - said it might be the grandest one we've had. She an Enrou-san have apparently set up some ...
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:50 am
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

"You've got my thanks, young man... Just over here by these other boxes. A wagon'll be by to pick them up soon." He sits down on the front deck of the house, taking a clearly needed breather. "You're a real lifesaver. My sight isn't so good anymore, but I don't recognize your voice. You new around ...
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:00 am
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

"No worries, grandad, you take it easy and show me where you want it all", he said and took the dishes.
by Bayushi Norikage
Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:48 am
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)
Replies: 88
Views: 956

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM, cont.)

"Someone carrying too much on their own", he advised. Looking around, he found one such. Though he wished it was a woman, aside his companion, girls tend to observe owing someone rather acutely. He walked toward the villager who seemed to be struggling with their load. He made certain to keep the st...
by Bayushi Norikage
Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:22 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM)
Replies: 41
Views: 457

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM)

He thought for a very long time, desperately resisting the urge to shit all over her question with snark. Desperately. "I could say the hand I've been dealt was bad, but I'm a samurai", he said. "That's just whining, and the worst kind." He folded his arms and breathed out a puff of hot air, then pu...
by Bayushi Norikage
Mon Oct 16, 2023 9:46 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM)
Replies: 41
Views: 457

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM)

"Oh, you get not everyone has the same chances?" he smirked and stretched a little, popping his neck once. "It's easy to have compassion for those who are less fortunate, especially when you're at the top. Even I can feel some pity for people who've been dealt a shit hand, I was raised as a samurai ...
by Bayushi Norikage
Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:13 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM)
Replies: 41
Views: 457

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM)

He blew the last puff of smoke into the foggy morning, then tapped the pipe out on the rock he sat on. "Sure, do what you this what you were made for though?" he asked and stood up, placing the pipe back into his sleeve. "Some of us are idiots who had swordplay beaten into our bones, I woul...
by Bayushi Norikage
Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:02 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM)
Replies: 41
Views: 457

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM)

"Oh, you had it right the first time. I was born this way. My mom used to tell me all the time that I was a crotchety old man in a kid's body." He offered nothing further than yet another careless shrug. "Though, not everyone has training, or carries a sword", he countered her earlier comments. "If ...
by Bayushi Norikage
Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:26 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM)
Replies: 41
Views: 457

Re: We’re there… Here. (D0, MM)

"Hard for me to agree." It was always shit and I never knew my mother. "So what went wrong for you that you put on a mask and go dashing about the countryside helping the needy?" That something fucked has to happen to push someone into it is probably the biggest crime. Norikage smoked his pipe.