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by Yoshitsune Ayako
Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:08 pm
Forum: The Bath House
Topic: To wash away the mud (D4, EE, open)
Replies: 14
Views: 347

Re: To wash away the mud (D4, EE, open)

"I'm called Yoshitsune Ayako," the woman replied, bowing her head to be as polite as possible while still soaking in the hot water. "Of the Crab Clan. I've heard of the Isawa, though you're the first one I've met; aren't you among the direct followers of the Emperor?"
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:04 pm
Forum: The Village Market
Topic: (D4, MA) Rest and Resupply (open)
Replies: 22
Views: 381

Re: (D4, MA) Rest and Resupply (open)

"I hope you both sleep well tonight." She wrapped a bandage around her cut. "I hope we all do." "I hope so, too," Ayako said. "With the monsters roaming around at night, I suppose there is plenty to worry about; but a warrior needs to be well-rested to be at their best. Your help with tending our w...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:14 pm
Forum: The Village Market
Topic: (D4, MA) Rest and Resupply (open)
Replies: 22
Views: 381

Re: (D4, MA) Rest and Resupply (open)

"I believe my cousin, Togashi Satsuki, requested that everyone try to make some." Nao explained as she healed the Crab again. "For Lady Doji, who has been fighting to hold back the enemy." "I haven't really made paper cranes before, but maybe I'll give it a try," she commented. After Nao worked fur...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:44 pm
Forum: The Village Market
Topic: (D4, MA) Rest and Resupply (open)
Replies: 22
Views: 381

Re: (D4, MA) Rest and Resupply (open)

With a weary smile, she glanced over at Ayako, processing her statements and situation. It seemed... very strange. "Have you not been able to hand off this duty to another, Ayako-san? I should imagine you need to rest - you appear the worse for wear, after your battle." "Umm, perhaps you're right,"...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:34 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: GM Questions
Replies: 506
Views: 10736

Re: GM Questions

Also on the Dream Event. Different folks with Friend of the Elements have or have not applied it to the first roll (which is a Willpower roll, and may use different skills). I feel it'd be fair for it to apply to all who have it, or to none. Can we get an official ruling on that one? Thanks! :) I d...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Tue Nov 07, 2023 9:12 pm
Forum: Day 4 Sleep Event: Lucid Dreaming
Topic: Ayako's dream (day 4 EN)
Replies: 0
Views: 69

Ayako's dream (day 4 EN)

Cowardly canary, the slip of paper read. Ayako had just drawn the part in the draw lot play , but she frowned. “No,” Ayako said aloud. “I already played this part, I don’t want to play it again. I fought off the corrupted Shinsei. I’m a hero now!” As if in obedience to her thoughts, the black ink c...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:28 pm
Forum: The Bath House
Topic: To wash away the mud (D4, EE, open)
Replies: 14
Views: 347

Re: To wash away the mud (D4, EE, open)

A short young woman with a tidy black ponytail cleansed herself in one of the side pools, before donning a plain blue robe and sitting down for a brief prayer to focus herself. Afterwards, she rose to her feet and approached the main bathing area. Offering a respectful bow to Kyosei, the woman said ...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Tue Nov 07, 2023 5:13 pm
Forum: The Village Market
Topic: (D4, MA) Rest and Resupply (open)
Replies: 22
Views: 381

Re: (D4, MA) Rest and Resupply (open)

She nodded to the Crab, but remained with Yukara for a moment. Her wound continued to bleed, as she allowed it to pool in her hand once more. As it turned clear, she touched Yukara and it flowed between them. Several of the other woman's wounds began to heal. Once finished, she approached Ayako and...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:39 pm
Forum: The Village Market
Topic: (D4, MA) Rest and Resupply (open)
Replies: 22
Views: 381

Re: (D4, MA) Rest and Resupply (open)

Ryoshun Nao wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:04 pm
"Do you need healing, Yoshitsune-san?" The Bat looked at the Crab with concern.
"Um..." The Crab looked to Yukara, to make sure the other samurai was being taken care of. "Yes, please," she admitted. "That is - if it would not be too much trouble."

Ayako has 33 Wounds (Grazed)
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Tue Nov 07, 2023 2:30 pm
Forum: The Village Market
Topic: (D4, MA) Rest and Resupply (open)
Replies: 22
Views: 381

Re: (D4, MA) Rest and Resupply (open)

A young Crab bushi approached the group, looking determined. "Please excuse me for interrupting, minna-san ... Yukara-san," she said. "I'm Yoshitsune Ayako, and I'm trying to warn as many people as possible." "Something that looks like Shinsei is going around attacking people. Please be on your guar...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Tue Nov 07, 2023 6:26 am
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: (D4 MM) What a week it's been
Replies: 40
Views: 487

Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

As Anjing takes the jade away, Tai pokes at a bruise, shaking her head. She slices another thin line along her palm to encourage the water kami to just a bit more work. "Hmm...any way to track down Ukyou? Does seem he'd have something to say, and also likely needs a bit of patching up, from what yo...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Tue Nov 07, 2023 2:04 am
Forum: The Sleeping Garden
Topic: Dawn Awakening [D3-D4, LN-EM, Event]
Replies: 73
Views: 1950

Re: Dawn Awakening [D3-D4, LN-EM, Event]

"You all ate the villagers' food right?" "Yes." She spat on the ground. Sneering as she looked around, "Some hospitality. Eat their food and a shadow thing strikes. Plus what happened the other day..." "I ate with them, too," Ayako said. "The flavors were a little strange, but I thought it was pret...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:13 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: (D4 MM) What a week it's been
Replies: 40
Views: 487

Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

"The monk Ukyou seemed to know something was wrong with Shinsei," Ayako volunteered. "Maybe he would be able to tell us something more about what happened."
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Mon Nov 06, 2023 7:39 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Beware of Monk (day 4 LM, open)
Replies: 0
Views: 46

Beware of Monk (day 4 LM, open)

Later that morning, a battered young Crab bushi arrived from the Crab camp to warn the other samurai of the attack from not-Shinsei, and the fact that the mad monk was still on the loose. The young woman was in full armor, and the worst of her injuries had been healed, but she had clearly been in a ...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:37 pm
Forum: The Sleeping Garden
Topic: Thinking (3 MM, open)
Replies: 39
Views: 354

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

"Y-yes," Ayako said, looking down awkwardly. "I'm really glad they're here. To be honest, I would be lost without them. It's hard to imagine crossing the whole breadth of the Empire all alone, like you did. Was it hard?"
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:25 pm
Forum: The Sleeping Garden
Topic: Thinking (3 MM, open)
Replies: 39
Views: 354

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

"Oh, it's nothing," Ayako said. "Are you the only Stag here, then? I've been lucky to have a lot of clan folk here. I guess it's a long journey from ... uh ... where your clan is living now."
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:16 pm
Forum: The Sleeping Garden
Topic: Thinking (3 MM, open)
Replies: 39
Views: 354

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

"Don't worry if it doesn't come right away. It takes some practice," Ayako said encouragingly. "Meditation is one of those things that gets harder if you try to force it, so just accept that the conditions aren't right, and we can try again later, or somewhere else." "For a hunter like you, maybe a ...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:10 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: (D4 MM) What a week it's been
Replies: 40
Views: 487

Re: (D4 MM) What a week it's been

"Any way we can check which was which? Shinsei sounded pretty monstrous but...more rational than most monsters? Hmmm?" Anjing thinks for a few moments before applying the entirely practical solution of taking out a finger of jade and poking it into Ayako. "If he was corrupted, some of it would have...
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:13 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOC Jade coordination
Replies: 27
Views: 548

Re: OOC Jade coordination

Otaku wrote:
Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:07 am
Are there any player characters who do not have at least one intact finger of jade to their names?
Ayako does not have jade. (Probably would've been smarter to bring some, now that you mention it.)
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:28 am
Forum: The Sleeping Garden
Topic: Dawn Awakening [D3-D4, LN-EM, Event]
Replies: 73
Views: 1950

Re: Dawn Awakening [D3-D4, LN-EM, Event]

He nods and smiles, "You have been through a lot. The truth is enough to sound foolish in this moment but it is what it is." "To be honest, I think my dreams made more sense than what's happened this morning," Ayako said ruefully. Matsu slowly climbed to her feet. Satsuki had taken care of the wors...