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by Sugri
Sat Nov 04, 2023 11:19 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)
Replies: 30
Views: 462

Re: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)

Oh it would definitely end badly for Sugri as an individual. Just considering tactically for the group.
by Sugri
Sat Nov 04, 2023 11:10 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)
Replies: 30
Views: 462

Re: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)

I forgot that the contested part of the Grapple roll isn't until the start of a participants turn. I'm sure he'd be able to shake me off easily but if I land one then it would at least eat one of his simple actions. Of course landing it in the first place is still an issue. I'd have better odds with...
by Sugri
Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:49 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)
Replies: 30
Views: 462

Re: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)

At least Ukyo hasn't interacted with, and somehow managed to piss off, Sugri prior to this. So no Willpower rolls needed (yet).
by Sugri
Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:47 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)
Replies: 30
Views: 462

Re: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)

Birb did say that Ukyo was still alive (for now) on the Discord. So it's at least not a wasted action to try.
by Sugri
Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:43 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)
Replies: 30
Views: 462

Re: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)

Yeah I left myself in Attack just in case things get to the 'have to hit now' point but my aim is to use a simple for my tech (get +Xk0 based on Shinsei's lowest trait) and either string my bow or guard someone.
by Sugri
Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:41 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)
Replies: 30
Views: 462

Re: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)

I'm last in initiative; I'm currently planning to guard someone who needs it - either Matsu if she's locked in melee, or Satsuki if the bad monk decides to go after her. Open to other ideas though! Yeah it depends what Shinsei does and where he falls in the combat order. Buffing either of those two...
by Sugri
Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:33 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)
Replies: 30
Views: 462

If you meet Shinsei on the road, kill him (D4 Combat Coordination)

Sugri will try to serve as a distraction since he's hardest to hit.

Pretty sure Shinsei can beat me in a grapple so a tackle likely isn't going to work. So it's either string the bow and try to fill him with arrows until he slows down or punch up but the latter isn't going to be great DPS.
by Sugri
Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:01 pm
Forum: The Sleeping Garden
Topic: Dawn Awakening [D3-D4, LN-EM, Event]
Replies: 73
Views: 1954

Re: Dawn Awakening [D3-D4, LN-EM, Event]

The sudden shift and attack startled the guru, possibly slowing his reaction, though he quickly moved to interpose himself between the monk and Satsuki. He was unsure if priestesses in these lands were combatants or not and trusted in the two obvious warriors to defend themselves. "His mind does not...
by Sugri
Sat Nov 04, 2023 7:42 pm
Forum: The Sleeping Garden
Topic: Dawn Awakening [D3-D4, LN-EM, Event]
Replies: 73
Views: 1954

Re: Dawn Awakening [D3-D4, LN-EM, Event]

Ayako nodded to Matsu and Sugri as she recognized them. "Something's wrong with Shinsei," she told them, sounding concerned. "Ukyou is trying to wake him up." Sugri moves to inspect the fallen prophet looking for any, assuredly absent, medical reason for his continued slumber. "A figure, twisted by...
by Sugri
Sat Nov 04, 2023 7:21 pm
Forum: The Sleeping Garden
Topic: Dawn Awakening [D3-D4, LN-EM, Event]
Replies: 73
Views: 1954

Re: Dawn Awakening [D3-D4, LN-EM, Event]

Sugri had been centering himself following the strange events of the previous night when he heard the alarmed speech. "Good morning?" (Sugri is doing his normal morning meditation to activate Soul of the Four Winds as per all previous days. D4, EM: Meditation/Void to activate Soul of the Four Winds ...
by Sugri
Sat Nov 04, 2023 2:27 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16121

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

Jiyo Sora wrote:
Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:58 am
Sora has gotten an oracular hint of sorts about certain courses of action, but he won't know them until the dawn of Day 4, and therefore sharing them might be premature.
It's ok Sora I hear premature oraculation can impact many men as they age.
by Sugri
Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:24 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16121

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

Clearly this is all a dream taking place within a snowglobe that has been isekaied into a metafictional reality being told by a marionette show taking place in the stomach of the shark being jumped over by the self-insert author.
by Sugri
Fri Nov 03, 2023 9:37 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: Practice (D1 EM, open)
Replies: 57
Views: 516

Re: Practice (D1 EM, open)

"A strange traveler from a distant land is certainly a catalyst for such things in legends and tales. So perhaps it will be the case. Though I suspect your destiny would await whether I had come or not."
by Sugri
Fri Nov 03, 2023 2:05 am
Forum: The Forest
Topic: You Know What They Say, Trees Talk [Day 2 LA, Expecting]
Replies: 92
Views: 818

Re: You Know What They Say, Trees Talk [Day 2 LA, Expecting]

"Training will do that. It shouldn't be about inflicting pain. But if you mess up like or not you'll end up getting hit. Better to be with a stick and someone you trust than in a skirmish with a spear sticking out of you. It's a good incentive to not get hit again." Although from the look of her ar...
by Sugri
Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:43 am
Forum: The Forest
Topic: You Know What They Say, Trees Talk [Day 2 LA, Expecting]
Replies: 92
Views: 818

Re: You Know What They Say, Trees Talk [Day 2 LA, Expecting]

Anjing shrugs. "Probably not, but you aren't going to hunt a rabbit with a tetsubo unless you're making a point or completing a dare For a lot of things a good arrow in the right place makes all the difference." She frowns for a moment, remembering the mad shaper. "Good weapons if you can aim them....
by Sugri
Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:40 am
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: Practice (D1 EM, open)
Replies: 57
Views: 516

Re: Practice (D1 EM, open)

"Closer to an infant. The tradition is normally held as soon as a child can walk, however unsteadily, on their own. If anything I think I remember more of those past lives than I do of that day." "If the astrologer does tell that to everyone that does not mean that he is wrong about you . A false pr...
by Sugri
Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:36 am
Forum: Day 3 Sleep Events: Sleep Paralysis/An Unexpected Visitor
Topic: D3, EN: An Unexpected Visitor - Sugri
Replies: 3
Views: 94

Re: D3, EN: An Unexpected Visitor - Sugri

Sugri does a quick investigation of the space around him but, judging from other posts, his player assumes nothing is found. "Well, it seems they finally noticed me. I'll admit I was getting a little insulted." Once he is certain the being is truly gone and not just invisible he ponders if he has he...
by Sugri
Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:14 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: Practice (D1 EM, open)
Replies: 57
Views: 516

Re: Practice (D1 EM, open)

He nods, "Right. Sometimes a soul can recognize things from their past lives and sometimes things can even be intertwined. If a child is born under an auspicious sign it is a common ritual to lay out various relics and items from the caste they have been born into - as well as some other, random, it...
by Sugri
Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:55 pm
Forum: Day 3 Sleep Events: Sleep Paralysis/An Unexpected Visitor
Topic: D3, EN: An Unexpected Visitor - Sugri
Replies: 3
Views: 94

D3, EN: An Unexpected Visitor - Sugri

(A little late for the party so I'll assume Sugri missed it and is taking the social penalty - so Unexpected Visitor it is) As usual his sleep came easy despite all he had heard about what was happening in such regards. ( D3, EN: Unexpected Visitor - Investigation/Perception, +4k0 Sainika 3, VP for ...
by Sugri
Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:45 pm
Forum: The Forest
Topic: You Know What They Say, Trees Talk [Day 2 LA, Expecting]
Replies: 92
Views: 818

Re: You Know What They Say, Trees Talk [Day 2 LA, Expecting]

"You were a teacher yourself?" A nod. "That makes sense to me, you have the patient demeanour of one." Once Sugri has had the chance to drink she'll take the skin back and store it carefully. "I ended up learning by doing, which means more mistakes along the way, many more. But I guess I survived a...