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by Otaku Xiaochen
Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:37 am
Forum: The Headwoman's House
Topic: [D0, MM] Out of the West (cont.)
Replies: 46
Views: 599

Re: [D0, MM] Out of the West (cont.)

Xiaochen nodded eagerly. "Of course, Chouri-san! I come from the west, beyond the mountains for many days, where the forests end and grass stretches from horizon to horizon. We herd, mostly, and gather in what growing things we find, and live the lives of horses as well as samurai. All of this close...
by Otaku Xiaochen
Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:28 pm
Forum: The Headwoman's House
Topic: [D0, MM] Out of the West (cont.)
Replies: 46
Views: 599

Re: [D0, MM] Out of the West (cont.)

Xiaochen beamed as she stooped to remove her boots. "How kind, Chouri-san. I expect that the stones get quite warm, indeed." Resting her feet near the fire had long been one of life's chief pleasures on the wind-swept fields that defined her life, and she was looking forward to seeing if these perma...
by Otaku Xiaochen
Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:09 pm
Forum: The Headwoman's House
Topic: [D0, MM] Out of the West (cont.)
Replies: 46
Views: 599

Re: [D0, MM] Out of the West (cont.)

"Yes, I imagine we must have done. Zhanshi has a warrior's heart to match any in my clan." Xiaochen grinned, then noticed Ohta's hand. She required no further prompting. She stepped into the headwoman's house with grace.
by Otaku Xiaochen
Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:25 pm
Forum: The Headwoman's House
Topic: [D0, MM] Out of the West (cont.)
Replies: 46
Views: 599

Re: [D0, MM] Out of the West (cont.)

Ohta figured Chouri couldn't be any younger than herself... or maybe much younger than the monk himself, really. She briefly wondered to herself if Kinboshi here wasn't the oldest amongst the group of them; Her Ki-Rin mother had used the old horse when Riding to the tournament, after she was born. ...
by Otaku Xiaochen
Mon Oct 16, 2023 10:48 pm
Forum: The Headwoman's House
Topic: [D0, MM] Out of the West (cont.)
Replies: 46
Views: 599

Re: [D0, MM] Out of the West (cont.)

"Thank you, Chouri-san!" Xiaochen gives Zhanshi a pat and takes him into the stable--a task requiring some serious maneuvering for a horse that large and unused to enclosed spaces. She flashed an apologetic smile at Ohta. "I'm sorry, I ought to have let you in first. Won't be a moment." She gave the...
by Otaku Xiaochen
Mon Oct 16, 2023 8:57 pm
Forum: The Streets
Topic: [D0, MM] Out of the West
Replies: 20
Views: 329

Re: [D0, MM] Out of the West

Xiaochen followed suit in extending a greeting to the monk and acquiescing to what seemed to be substandard tea. Not that she had had much in the way of the real stuff. Barley tea had to beat boiled mare's milk, at least. Probably.
by Otaku Xiaochen
Mon Oct 16, 2023 7:00 pm
Forum: The Streets
Topic: [D0, MM] Out of the West
Replies: 20
Views: 329

Re: [D0, MM] Out of the West

Xiaochen's ears pricked up a bit at 'oralu-sama,' but she let it sail on by. After all, no use souring what might be a profitable relationship over a mispronunciation. "Thank you for your hospitality, Chouri-san," she said as she turned to follow along. "I am sure Zhanshi will appreciate being out o...
by Otaku Xiaochen
Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:56 pm
Forum: The Streets
Topic: [D0, MM] Out of the West
Replies: 20
Views: 329

Re: [D0, MM] Out of the West

"Otaku Xiaochen, and this is Chouri, she's the headwoman of the village. It is nice to make your acquaintance." She paused to allow Chouri to decide whether to offer Ohta to come along, because it seemed inordinately rude just to pre-empt an invitation.
by Otaku Xiaochen
Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:25 pm
Forum: The Streets
Topic: [D0, MM] Out of the West
Replies: 20
Views: 329

Re: [D0, MM] Out of the West

"A little while... We rebuilt on the site of one of the villages that went to join the Kami," she explained as they walked. "Originally it was just me, but... I think people looking for relief from the nightmares were drawn here." She shifted the weight of the basket on her shoulders and smiled as ...
by Otaku Xiaochen
Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:50 am
Forum: The Streets
Topic: [D0, MM] Out of the West
Replies: 20
Views: 329

Re: [D0, MM] Out of the West

Xiaochen smiled in relief. "Thank you, Chouri-san, that would be nice." She swung down easily from the saddle and placed her hand of-so-gently on Zhanshi's wither to guide him where Chouri might lead. "You have had the village in this place for a while, then?"
by Otaku Xiaochen
Mon Oct 16, 2023 5:37 am
Forum: The Streets
Topic: [D0, MM] Out of the West
Replies: 20
Views: 329

Re: [D0, MM] Out of the West

Xiaochen hesitates as her mind rifles through the well-thumbed pages of Lady Doji's Precepts of Etiquette. She settles on a quarter turn in the saddle to address herself to the headwoman and a bow from the shoulders to indicate respect and, perhaps, openness to camaraderie. "Thank you for your greet...
by Otaku Xiaochen
Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:17 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: Day 0 Threads
Replies: 18
Views: 507

Re: Day 0 Threads

by Otaku Xiaochen
Mon Oct 16, 2023 3:17 am
Forum: The Streets
Topic: [D0, MM] Out of the West
Replies: 20
Views: 329

[D0, MM] Out of the West

*squelch* *squelch* Far from the low rumble of hooves on the steppe, the sucking mud of the last few miles of road had put Otaku Xiaochen in rather a dour frame of mind. As the fog of the village wound its shroud around her and Zhanshi, she could not help the development of a frown. Her first foray ...
by Otaku Xiaochen
Sun Oct 15, 2023 10:17 pm
Forum: Almanac
Topic: Character Descriptions
Replies: 39
Views: 2424

Re: Character Descriptions

Name: Otaku Xiaochen Clan: Ki-rin Age: 27 Occupation: Warrior and Huntsperson Marital Status: Married with 2 children Gender: Female Height: 5'7 Build: Wiry Hair: Dark Brown Eyes: Brown Otaku Xiaochen was born on the day of the Heavenly Tournament to a hunting and gathering tribe whose territory str...
by Otaku Xiaochen
Wed Oct 11, 2023 4:04 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOC Chat 2: Traitors
Replies: 621
Views: 5121

Re: OOC Chat 2: Traitors

*Can't lie* *Must be a bad parent*