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Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Canary »

When you arrive at the center of the village, it has been set up with numerous wooden effigies. They’re simple things, built of sticks, straw, and anything else handy that couldn’t otherwise be used. They were dressed in whatever clothes or items that look like them people could find, forming them into crude but life-size imitations of people.

The headwoman is in the center of them, helping set the last few up. When you arrived, she smiles. “Oh, welcome! I’m so glad you decided to join us. This is part of the purification part of the festival. We’re making effigies and naming them after our greatest fears, to give them a form we can defeat. You can think of it as a sort of emotional exorcism.”

She sighs. “If we still have our fears clouding our minds during the final part of the festival, they could warp our prayers on the final day of the festival.”

The headwoman gestures to the nearby effigies. “Please, pick a dummy and we can get started.”

Rules: This is a noncombat thread. Magic is allowed.

Know Thyself: One can only name one’s fear if one knows it, and that takes self-reflection. Who do they care the most about, that they might be afraid to lose or fail? What eventuality looms large in their imagination, that preventing spurs them on? PCs may make a TN 10 Awareness roll to look into their own thoughts and behavior and put a name to what truly scares them. Success gains 1 Effigy Points, +1 per Raise of any type.

Name The Enemy: To manifest one’s fears, one must put a name on them. PCs may make a TN 15 Intelligence/Calligraphy roll to write down the name of their fear and then place it inside the head of the effigy. Success gains 1 Effigy Points, +1 per Raise of any type.

Defeat The Enemy: Finally, once the effigy of one’s fears is complete, the character must defeat it. PCs may make a TN 15 Attack roll against the effigy. Success gains 1 Effigy Points, +1 per Raise of any type.

1st Place: A Dreamstone (1 Free Raise to cast spells; +1k1 to Divination rolls; a normal person sleeping with it under their pillow may have prophetic dreams. Rolls using it must make note that they are using it.)

2nd Place: A draught that increases energy and vitality (+1k0 to Earth rolls for the next 4 hours after taking.)

3rd Place: A draught to help with sleep (Guarantees a deep and restful sleep, even for those with Cursed by the Realm: Yume-do.)

Warning: Prizes may have side effects.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Jiyo Sora
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Jiyo Sora »

Sora was tired. So very tired. And so very, very pissed off.

But he didn't find it hard to articulate his fears- part of the core of his being was not bullshitting himself, after all. He had plenty of fears, because he was now a man with much to lose. His beloved wife, his five children, his wider family among the Imperials, and his close friends among the Clans.

Sora was a man who took a lot of responsibility onto himself, but most of all, he took responsibility for what he did, and he most feared bringing harm to his family, either through careless action or thoughtless inaction.

So he went looking for an effigy that most reminded him of himself, even picking up a pebble to give it a different-colored eye- but mirroring his own.

Its left stonily gazed into his oracular right.

But naming it? That was... tricky. He couldn't simply invert the character for his own name the way he'd inverted the placement of the eye, and ultimately, he didn't really bother.

Cutting it down with a single brutal stroke of his katana? Now that he was in the perfect frame of mind for, and despite his lack of sleep, he demonstrated a certain lethal capability.

[PCs may make a TN 10 Awareness roll to look into their own thoughts and behavior and put a name to what truly scares them. Success gains 1 Effigy Points, +1 per Raise of any type.

+5 TN for Fatigue | 2k2 ⇒ 21 (TN: 15)
. I effigy point

Name The Enemy: To manifest one’s fears, one must put a name on them. PCs may make a TN 15 Intelligence/Calligraphy roll to write down the name of their fear and then place it inside the head of the effigy. Success gains 1 Effigy Points, +1 per Raise of any type.

Unskilled, +5 TN for fatigue, very nearly mathematically impossible. | 2k2 ⇒ 8 (TN: 20)
. 0 Effigy points.

Defeat The Enemy: Finally, once the effigy of one’s fears is complete, the character must defeat it. PCs may make a TN 15 Attack roll against the effigy. Success gains 1 Effigy Points, +1 per Raise of any type. Sora uses his Kenjutsu skill.

+5 TN for Fatigue, one called Raise | 9k4 ⇒ 25 (TN: 25)
. 2 effigy points, 3 effigy points total]
ImperialAssassin and former BabysitterLibrarian • Experienced 3 • Bushi • Evil Eye • Tough as Old Leather • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru Veteran • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin • Lucid Dreamer • Probably Older Than You • Literally Went to Hell One Time • Has Five Kids and Babysat Shiba II and all of her sisters, Don't Test Him

Day to Day- A daisho, at least one scroll, a Nezumi Memory Stick, five fingers of jade and some dried flower petals.
Danger Imminent- Add light armor, a naginata, a yumi, and arrows.

Status: 4.0 Glory: 4.8 Honor: 2.8

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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

This symbolic fight, to train for real fight. Symbols everything here. Need to take it as seriously as the real deal, for the real deal won't falter against a half-donkey effort.

“Who Am I?” is the ultimate question. The great mystery that once solved unlocks the potential for anything. Simple answers can be said. Tiger. A human. Kai. A guardian. A seeker.

None is good. There are spots of paint in a greater painting. On their own, they are pretty at best. But only by looking at the full picture can you understand its meaning.

The enemy the I must defeat is likewise clouded. Enemies there are multiple. Even a great evil that requires great concern. But the one that this mysterious I must defeat first or be forever impeded by it, who are they?

And at the end, violence. This one... This one not that deep. Yes, her claws were but a shadow of her former self. But like, not-just-Tiger-anymore already knew that. As long as she was many and not one, she would strike clumsily instead of with the pure intent that no carapace could protect from.



D2EA | Purification of the Mind | Know Thyself
Identity crisis: Tiger? Human? Spider? Else?
TN 10 Awareness | 3 Raises (TN25)
No fatigue penalty as this is a _Mental_ Trait roll | 3k3 ⇒ 16 (TN: 25)

D2EA | Purification of the Mind | Name The Enemy
Who's the biggest challenge: The darkness? The Monkey? Pride? Else?
TN 15 Intelligence/Calligraphy | Unskilled | Fatigued (TN20) | 3k3 ⇒ 19 (TN: 20)

D2EA | Purification of the Mind | Defeat The Enemy
Does the Tiger still have claws?
TN 15 Attack Roll | Kenjutsu/Agility | Fatigued (TN 20) | 3 Raises (TN 35)
No Full Attack possible (Fatigued) | 6k3 ⇒ 29 (TN: 35)

Zero Effigy Point
Bushi • CavalryDestinedDuelist • Hero • Ronin
Battle: Melee 5 Attack against a Follower or a Personality with lower Personal Honor than The White Tiger.
Unaligned :tiger: Description

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Otomo Akutou
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Otomo Akutou »

"Thank you, ma'am," Akutou says to the headwoman, tipping the brim of his hat to her and proceeding in to find others searching through the effigies. One soon enough attracts his attention, as it has a hat, and some of its straw stuffing has started poking out the back, suggesting some kind of cloak. That it's skinny, too, doesn't hurt, and Akutou smiles tightly as he takes it up.

Thinking on the effigy, on his fears, there is one overriding answer, of course, but all he needs to do to address that much is to stay inland. A quieter thing--heh--is losing the regard of the O-Iemoto; no, Waka-sensei Youko is the clear favorite, and she should be, she's earned it, but it was still him who got sent to this place...maybe because he's expendable? Is that it? Is that really all he is: grist for the mill of war?

The thought shocks him, but it seems a true fear, and it is with an awkward and unpracticed hand that he brushes that phrase, "grist for the mill of war only" onto the chest of the effigy.

Akutou drags it out to some distance and props it up, fairly impaling it on a fencepost. It's a slow walk back, and then a sudden rush as he strings his bow, draws and nocks an arrow, and releases, the shaft spearing through the effigy's throat, its fletching quivering in the wind.

A deep breath taken, held, released slowly.

"That do feel a bit better."

Know Thyself, Awareness TN 10 Raised once to TN 15, success at 30:; +2 Effigy
Name the Enemy, Intelligence/Calligraphy TN 15, success at 17:; +1 Effigy
Defeat the Enemy, Attack TN 15 Raised twice to TN 25, success at 31: +3 Effigy

Total 6 Effigy (corrected pre-coffee math error)
-1 Ya
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
Status 1.0, Glory 4.0, Honor as Expected
Crafty * Destined * Heroic * Silent * Wary * Cursed * Disdained * Driven * Phobic
Commonly with jade finger, daisho, standard clothes, pack; hat and cloak as weather appropriate
In peril, jade finger, daisho, yumi, quiver, arrows, ashigaru armor, rations, cash (the pack will wait)
When traveling, all of it

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Otaku Xiaochen
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Otaku Xiaochen »

Otaku Xiaochen had been looking forward to participating in the village's weird little cult festival. After all, shooting one's anxieties sort of played to her strengths. She considered getting Zhanshi out here to give her anxieties a good trample after she put them down with her iron rain, but she figured it wouldn't do to seem to be grandstanding when all she wanted to do was make sure those anxieties were good and dead.

Alright, now, what am I afraid of? She cast her mind's eye over herself. Well, I was afraid that these highborn Empire ladies were going to put their noses up at me, but now it's sort of looking like I can put my nose up at them. That sucks less than I thought it would. Maybe the Doji Princess or Lady Makime could be a problem, but not a huge, world-ending deal. Fortunately, there are other concerns for Xiaochen. Between Yuxuan riding back at the head of an army of Moto or some other tribe out of the furthest west, or not being able to wake her little boy up from a nightmare...

She shivered. Yeah, it's that last one, no question about it.

Unfortunately, Xiaochen could not write well nor pretty, so the calligraphy thing was a bit of a bust. She wrote "losing my son" in big, blocky strokes, then frowned. Well, at least the spirits would get the message, even if it weren't much to look at. She crammed it in the dummy, then strode into the middle distance, strung her bow, and put her flesh-cutting arrow right through the dummy's eye.

Resisting the urge to spit on the ground in triumph, she stalked back to the dummy, ripped the arrow out, making sure to inflict maximal damage, turned, and bowed to the rest of the festival goers before stalking off to see to Zhanshi.

D2, Event 1, Roll 1: Awareness (1 raise called) | 3k3 ⇒ 25 (TN: 15) 2 Effigy Points
D2, Event 1, Roll 2: Calligraphy/Intelligence, Void for skill. | 3k2 ⇒ 10 (TN: 15) Unsuccessful!!
D2, Event 1, Roll 3: Kyujutsu/Reflexes (3 raises called, reflected in TN), yumi emphasis+7 Battle Maiden Honor Strike! | 9k4+7 ⇒ 62 (TN: 30) 4 Effigy Points (assuming you can roll after blowing roll 2)

6 total Effigy points.
Ki-rin Clan * Bushi * The Lady of the Steppe * Way of Horse and Bow *

Honor: Exceptional, Glory: 3.0, Status: 1
Equipment: Light Armor, Yumi, Jade, Daisho, Violence, Poise

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Ryoshun Yukara
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara thought this little ritual was a little childish, the idea that you could simply pull out and cut away your fear was too simple.

Still it seemed fun. Her process was not as easy as she had first expected, however, as when she began to write down the name, she found herself changing her mind, again and again, wiping away her writing till her hand was smudged with ink and her expression was beginning to look troubled. Wolf... no... beast... no madness...

The brush tried, and tried, and none of them looked right, and she began to be frustrated. In frustration, she made to push the entire thing away, give up on this easy, childish pursuit. Ouch! Sucking her finger, she glared at the thin cut from the parchment edge, wondering how she'd managed that. Frustrated at her own carelessness.


As if having an epiphany, she took her stained, messy parchment, and using the blood from her finger quickly daubed a single word down.


Pinning it to the straw dummy, she stepped back, taking it in, and then, in a sudden and violent motion, bisected the dummy with her bisento in a two handed strike that carved the flimsy thing from top to bottom.

As the two wooden halves fell, she turned and strode away, feeling oddly invigorated. Today, at least, she felt ready for whatever was coming.


Know thineself with 1 raise: Passed
Write that down now with 1 raise: Passed
Strike the Head with 3 raises: Passed

Total 8 pts.
Last edited by Ryoshun Yukara on Fri Oct 27, 2023 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.5 Honor: Honorless Stray
Carries: Bisento, muted clothes, travelling cloak and hat, prayer beads, knife, sake

Description :: Theme

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Nanzi Ai
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Nanzi Ai »

Ai would cleanse herself of her foibles… her faults. She was the daughter of Lord Nanzi, Lady Doji; she was a Yumenosenshi and she was a child of the Heavens. She was dedicated to the defense of the realm.

She knew herself.

She prepared the note to name her greatest fear, Failure. Failure to defend her allies, failure to purify her Clan, and a Failure as an honored daughter remembering the last time she spoke to her Honored Mother. Words were exchanged, heated words.

She named that Fear.

She stood before her Fear and struck with a singular strike, and neatly cut her Fear into two.

She defeated her Fear.

If only it would be that simple.

OOC: Know thyself Awareness + Void 1 CR | 4k4 ⇒ 23 (TN: 15), Name the Enemy Intelligence + Calligraphy | 3k3 ⇒ 16 (TN: 15), Defeat the Enemy Kenjutsu + Agility +3 CR + Void | 10k4 ⇒ 32 (TN: 30) for a total of 7 points for the event. 2 for step 1, 1 for step 2, and 4 for step 3.
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
Status: 4.5 | Glory: 3.5 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Exceptional | Description | Themes
Possessions: Sturdy Clothing, Fashionable Things, Daisho, Yumi, Light Armor, Yumenosenshi Jade Mask, Lady Doji's Earrings

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Reiko Ohta
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Reiko Ohta »

Sleepy, sleepy... at least it wasn't the morning anymore. That had been the worst. But this, this she was looking forward to. Getting the chance to purify her mind? Well, she knew enough to know these things could be effective.

She had no trouble thinking of something she was afraid of, especially at this point. So she put it on a piece of paper, albeit in not the best handwriting.


There, no one would mistake HER devotion to dying for a cause.

Then she shot the dummy, straight in it's big stupid head.
-------------------------------- - tn15, 29 rolled, +1 pt - tn20, 13 rolled - tn35, 65 rolled +4 pts

5 effigy points
Spider ๑ Bushi ๑ Scout ๑ Scholar ๑ Doctor ๑ Short ๑ Wiry ๑ Curious ๑ Archer
Honor - Untrustworthy | Status - 1.0 | Glory - 3.0 (Character Profile)
Has: daisho, daikyu and quiver, shoulder bag with testing items in it, occasionally accompanied by a pony named Kinboshi

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Shiba Kumori
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Shiba Kumori »

Han-Hei arrived at the festivities as they got underway. She took a moment to reflect after the explanation of the ritual…

She was never the best orator… the type to bend others to her will by the soft caressing words carried to the ears by the air… But she knew herself.

Her fears were what they often had been all her life. Confinement… control… dismissal…

She thought hard on what word could encapsulate the trepidation within her heart.

She tried to write a single character… ‘Cage’…

But she was never gifted in writing… Osakabe had always done the paperwork… Shikibu always perfected her art strokes… Perhaps she should have written Tae more letters over the years. Said things to people she should have said. Been less reckless…

None of that mattered in this instant though. What mattered was shattering these feelings of fear and worry. The cage was closing in on them in the village… and she would need to cut through it.

Her fingers wrapped tightly, one by one, onto the hilt at her side… and with one great stroke, the effigy was demolished from head to foot.


D2 Event Awareness Roll, No Raises, TN 10 | 3k3 ⇒ 23 (TN: 10)

1 Point from Stage 1.

D2 Event Calligraphy Roll, No Raises TN 15 | 3k2 ⇒ 13 (TN: 15)

0 Points from Stage 2.

D2 Event Attack Kenjutsu (Katana) Roll, 4 Raises, TN 35 VP | 10k5 ⇒ 40 (TN: 35)

5 Points from Stage 3.

6 total Effigy Points.
Imperial | Emperor Shiba II | Confident | Human | Shining | Fire Averse | Great Destiny

Status: 10.0 • Glory: 10.0 • Honor: Strength of A Thousand Ancestors

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Saru Shang
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Saru Shang »

Shang wandered into the gathering without the faintest clue of what was going on at first. However, her interest lit right up when it seemed like they were building effigies. Effigies have always been a curious tribal practice and something she had heard about from her elders when they wandered the land or resided in their humble communes. It seemed like a practice that was already considered a dying art, she supposed, especially given the prevalence of education and the standardization to worship to the Fortunes. However, it was still very much artistic and spiritual in nature that she dove right into the craft with aplomb!

At first, she found herself a bit stumped when she was told to look at herself when it came to fears. On the surface level, she had no such thing and nothing could ever trouble her! It took her a while to find that particular hole. Now holes, were scary things that made her skin crawl. No, not just holes but the pitch darkness that was the lack of creativity. A void of personality and bland uniformity. The concept didn't seem exactly rational to any particular past event. Maybe more of an ancestral enemy that is innate in her blood? She wasn't sure! How does one create something that does not create?

For this exercise, she found herself stripping all branches and bark from the wood, sanding down parts so that there could be some uniformity achieved. There were many scrapped pieces in the process, as they had far too much personality even in their imperfections! Ultimately, her offering would come in the form of a bundled bale of sticks. The most perfect bale of sticks that could not be mistaken for something worth telling. This would be her enemy!

When it came to a name, she found herself wiping the sweat from her forehead after all the work and drawing a complete blank with wide eyes. Maybe she was bewildered that she would be asked to name the things or she found herself at a complete loss. It would be considered the latter by the villagers, unfortunately.

Now came the time to defeat the enemy. She supposed she couldn't leave something so perfect and untouched (albeit created by her own hands). By doing this, she shall give it definition! She dipped an arrow in black ink and drew it back with her family's ancestral bow before letting it loose to meet the nameless thing. The arrow met the bale with a resounding crack, causing a mess of black ink and splintered wood. It was perhaps a bit bemusing to understand but Shang was rather pleased with her handiwork.

Day 2, Early Afternoon, Know Thyself with Awareness: +1k1 from Void, 3 raises called for TN25 | 5k5 ⇒ 30 (TN: 25) 4 Effigy Points

Day 2, Early Afternoon, Name The Enemy with Calligraphy/Intelligence: Unskilled! | 3k3 ⇒ 14 (TN: 15) 0 Effigy Points

Day 2, Early Afternoon, Defeat The Enemy with Kyujutsu/Reflex: +1k1 Void with Ancestral Bow, 4 raises called | 8k6 ⇒ 57 (TN: 35) 5 Effigy Points

Final Total: 9 Effigy Points
Dragon Clan • Courtier (Probably) • Artisan (Maybe) • A Bit Scattered • Needs Inspiration
Honour: What is Expected • Status: 2 • Glory: 3
Carries: Parchment, Charcoal, Wakizashi, Yumi & Quiver, Fan, Straw Hat, Cup, Jade, Dreamstone


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Bayushi Norikage
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

Norikage was tired, and hated this, but did it anyway.

That was his life. Doing what he hates because he's supposed to. One day, he'll come across something he wants to do, and then he will see if he has ever taken anything seriously.

That said, he was too tired to deal with this crap. (Step 1 Fail)

He wrote down a word or two. He'd seen other people have a go at this, so clearly he was supposed to write down what he was afraid of. Something like Not Sleeping Tonight As Well. (Step 2 Passed)

And then, his sword didn't cut through his fears. Maybe he hadn't taken it seriously. (failure!)

"Fitting", he yawned, put his sword away and left.

1 Effigy Point
30 fatigue points
Scorpion Clan • Bushi • Scout • Not Sorry • Great Things Happen
Honor: Let's just not. Status: 1 Glory 3.5
Carries: Swords, fan, mask, pipe, jade. Sometimes: armor, bow, hat, cloak.

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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Canary »

Meanwhile, Chouri and Enrou can be seen amongst the crowd.

Chouri names hers Death.

Enrou names his Failure.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Togashi Satsuki
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Satsuki considered it would be rude to not participate in the village's traditions, but she kept a wariness to her. The effigy was made with simplicity and no fanfare.

For her fear, she wrote in simple kanji Loss, even if she felt there was so much more to that word she couldn't convey. Loss of loved ones, loss of control, loss of autonomy... it would have to do.

As the effigy was completed, she drew her wakizashi and with a simple strike that showed the efficiency of Mirumoto's training, the doll was defeated.


D2 EVENT EA: Purification of the Mind. Know Thy Self. Awareness roll | 3k3 ⇒ 17 (TN: 10)
D2 EVENT EA: Purification of the Mind. Name the Enemy. Calligraphy/Intelligence | 5k4 ⇒ 22 (TN: 15)
D2 EVENT EA: Purification of the Mind. Defeat the Enemy. Kenjutsu/Agility | 5k4 ⇒ 35 (TN: 15)

3 Effigy points.
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 4.0 (possibly Togashi's Heir) 🐉 Glory: 3.0
Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver, scrolls in a satchel, jade bracelet and a jade-conch, Guqin (on occassion), wide-brimmed hat with veil, travel cloak with fur.

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Hantei Genji
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Hantei Genji »


Genji joined the ritual with the others. He thought as he sat down....and this was easy. Losing his family. Nothing else mattered. He scrawled it onto the effigy in efficient but inelegant manner. And then...he suddenly drew his sword and bisected in one piece.

D2 Event, Awareness, 3 CR, tn25 | 3k3 ⇒ 55 (TN: 25) 4 Effigy points

D2 Event, Int/Calligraphy, tn 15 | 3k3 ⇒ 15 (TN: 15) 1 Effigy point

D2 Event, Attacc roll, Prodigy, Way of the Favoured Star, VP for +1k1, 3 CR, tn 30 | 9k4 ⇒ 31 (TN: 30) 4 Effigy points

Total: 9 Effigy points
Stag Prodigy * Potential Thunderstag * Golden Boy * Happily married
Honor: Honorable * Status: 4.0 * Glory: 2.0

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Yoshitsune Ayako
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

As the villager handed her a piece of paper and an ink brush to write her fears on, Ayako thought about what she should write. There were a lot of problems to choose from; it was hard to decide on just one.

Well, it was time to be decisive! Dipping the ink brush into the ink, Ayako scrawled Shame on her piece of paper. Yes, that was definitely what she feared most!

But then she saw Ai and Enrou both write Failure on their papers. Crap, why didn't she think of that? She would need spiritual help against that, too! Dipping her brush once more, Ayako scrawled the character for Failure next to her first attempt. There! Now she would be protected against both!

Then, after some more thought, Ayako added the character Dishonor below the other two characters; only she was running out of space, so she had to draw the new character a little smaller and somewhat squashed in order to fit.

After another moment, she scribbled Madness along the right margin. How could she have forgotten? That was the whole thing they had come here to fight, after all! The ink smeared a little, but it was still legible. Mostly.

Scribbles 2.png
Scribbles 2.png (101.83 KiB) Viewed 443 times

The villagers were too polite to say anything as they took the communal writing kit back, but they did give Ayako some odd looks as she crumpled up the ink-stained sheet of paper and jammed it into the head of a straw effigy. Lifting her axe, the Crab chopped through the wooden “neck” of the effigy with a single blow, causing its “head” to go rolling away.

“You know, I think I do feel a bit better after all that,” Ayako remarked cheerfully. “Let me do another one!”

For the sake of the village’s ink supply, the villagers politely declined.

D2 EA Know Thyself, raw Awareness + Void point, 3 called raises | 4k4 ⇒ 16 (TN: 25) failed
D2 EA Name The Enemy, Intelligence/Calligraphy unskilled | 2k2 ⇒ 11 (TN: 15) failed
D2 EA Defeat The Enemy, Agility/Heavy Weapons +R1Tech | 7k3 ⇒ 39! (TN: 15) succeeds

Total: 1 Effigy Point
Crab Clan • Samurai • Great Destiny • Directionally Challenged • Dreaming?
Status 1.0 • Glory: 3.5 • Exceptional Honor
carries: heavy armor, masakari, daisho, biwa

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Hisomu Reo
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Hisomu Reo »

Reo has never been the most introspective at the best of times, never mind when he has gone a sleepless night. He writes "Not Knowing" on the stupid thing. Why be fancy when he writes it out.

Throwing the thing aside and realizing that he has left his bow a good distance away he marches back. He's done with this stupid thing and decides to fire the arrow from that distance. It goes askew, showing exactly how tired he is.

"Screw it" He mutters, marching off.

Purification of the Mind-Name Thy Enemy | 5k5 ⇒ 26 (TN: 20) 1 effigy point
Purification of the Mind-Know Thyself-Awareness | 2k2 ⇒ 6 (TN: 15) 0 effigy points
Purification of the Mind-Defeat Thy Enemy-Kyujutsu/Reflexes-5 raises | 9k4+5 ⇒ 34 (TN: 45)

1 effigy point
Archer | Kakita Tribe | Spider Clan| Bad Limp | Not a People Person | Healer | Experienced 1
Status: 1.0 | Honor: 4.5 | Glory: 1.0
Yumi with lots of arrows, Light Armor, Medicine Kit, Mortar and Pestle, finger of Jade

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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Otaku »

Some of the rituals of the Ayakashi splinter tribe with whom Otaku was born and spent her childhood were at least as elaborate as this one, but--she reflects as she considers the misshapen blob of weeds and kindling with a straw hat perched crookedly on its 'head,' waiting to be maimed--none of them were violent in quite this way. As for Shinjo's household, the rituals of the Kami were many but also generally less, uh, literal.

Still, the peoples of the Ki-rin Clan are as yet a pretty diverse lot, and Otaku has learned to go along to get along, provided nobody asks her to do anything that touches her own honor. So she takes her place in the ritual with sober politeness.

What does she fear? Courage requires that she know the answer to that question, and she does know it well and of old. Failing her. Failing them. On the scrap of paper, she slashes 'defeat' in two bold characters, not lingering over the composition, then dispatches the poor effigy even more efficiently (and with greater elegance).

She spares the hat. It's a perfectly fine hat; maybe somebody can still use it when this is done with.


D2 EA Event--Know thyself, raw Awa, base TN 10. 1 Raise | 3k3 ⇒ 20
Pass, +2 points

D2 EA Event--Name the enemy, Calligraphy/Int unskilled, base TN 15. | 3k3 ⇒ 20 (TN: 15)
Pass, +1 point

D2 EA Event--Defeat the enemy, Kenjutsu/Agi attack, base TN 15. Utaku R1 adds Honor to roll total. 4 Raises. | 7k4+7 ⇒ 37 (TN: 35)
Pass, +5 points

Total: 8 points
Ki-Rin ▪ Daimyo ▪ Warrior ▪ Shinjo's Votary ▪ Short ▪ Quiet ▪ Ascetic ▪ Voice ▪ Hero of the People (Blue Lotus Village)
Glory: 6.5 ▪ Status: 7 ▪ Honor: Exceptional ▪ Description
Steed: Tsubame (pale dapple gray with dark points)
Gear: Daisho, saddlebags, sometimes riding armor and yumi.

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Wu Zhe
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Wu Zhe »

Well now...this was somewhat of a pickle. He could write a lot of things on that was filled with dangers for himself, his familly...lady Chouri....but something seemed off. He cared for Chouri and he doubted he would stop thus why he was concerned for her safety in such times. IF he wrote The death of Chouri, would that really change or improve anything? Concern seemed normal, natural, in it's place.

In the back of his mind there was a nagging sensation, something he should remember.

Then it hit him: Shinsei's unfortunate lesson. This seemed fairly familiar to what had happened to him...externalizing his fears and such. The records of Wu also mentioned the consequences of that.

So he could not simply name a fear, a fear he could unleash if he failed. No...he had to name something he would have to defeat first. Most of his fears where part of him, part of who he was and cutting them out would only diminish him as a whole. He would need to face his fears, make peace with them so that they no longer held sway over him.

He had to name something other.

Thus he knew what to write but not how

If he wrote Fear itself, would the encompass what he wanted? He sought to vanquish the fear of being afraid the fuck do you convey that on a slip of paper without writing a whole philosophical text?

Well he tried anyway, writing small, on both sides

Then came the striking moment.

The name had been elusive so he had to compensate with the deftness of the strike. He took his spear, the weapon of his people to defend the people, and gave all of his certainty into one shattering strike

Know Thyself, awareness, Void for +1k1, FR from Wu 1, two called raises, luck re-roll | 4k4 ⇒ 40 (TN: 20) 4 points
Name The Enemy: intelligence/calligraphy, void for +1k1, unskilled | 4k4 ⇒ 10 (TN: 15) 0 points
Defeat The Enemy, void for 1k1, FR from Wu 1, 2 CR, Emphasis Ryuyari | 7k4 ⇒ 37 (TN: 25) 4 points

Total: 8 points
Dragon Clan - Wu - Bushi -Tribal - Farmer - Dairy - Blessed by Ebisu - Great Destiny - Agricultural reformer - Thunder of Mercy
Honor: What is expected, renown 1, Status: 4, finger of jade

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Hisomu Tadaka
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Hisomu Tadaka »

Goju decided to partake in this. Of course, when you have your identity ripped from reality makes it hard to know yourself. Eventually, unable to decide which is his great fear, he puts a non-committal, you know who.

But writes very nicely.

Not feeling that people were impressed by his choice, Goju decides to a stylish sword strike his uncle once showed him. Well, he was pretty sure the ground was really hurt the way he came crashing down on it. He gets up. Sees his enemy in front of him and bows acknowledging his defeat once again.

Know Thy Self/ 2 Raises | 3k3 ⇒ 15 (TN: 20)
Name the Enemy/ 1 Raises | 3k2 ⇒ 20 (TN: 20)
Attack the Strawman/3 Raises | 7k4 ⇒ 25 (TN: 30)
Spider Clan Bushi * Ninja * Seeker of the Sea * Naval * Destined for Greatness * Captain of The Jolly Jellyfish * Formerly Hisomu Goju * Name Restored
Honor: Untrustworthy/Status: 3.0/Glory: 3.0
Items: Bronze Sword, Jade, Light Armor

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Ryoshun Nao
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Re: Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event]

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

Nao knew what her true fear was, but she refused to acknowledge it. If she were honest with herself, she would admit that it was part of why she had come here. Instead, she what she wrote down was only a part of the truth. The calligraphy was well done, regardless and her effigy was soon ready.

She was not carrying her spear. She did not draw her wakizashi. Instead, she held a small knife in her left hand and used it to pierce her right palm. The blood produced erupted into flame and began to grow. Soon, she held a full size katana of fire in her hands. She sliced the effigy in half and incinerated it's pieces.

Another, cut from the knife, pulled the flames back and snuffed it out. Once certain there were no more embers, she walked away.

- - -
Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event], Know Thyself, Awareness, 1 CR | 3k3 ⇒ 11 (TN: 15)

Purification of the Mind [D2, Name The Enemy, Calligraphy/Intelligence, 2 CR, 1 VP for +1k1 | 6k4 ⇒ 26 (TN: 20) Actual TN fir Called Raises is 25, still passed.

Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event], Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event], Casting Katana of Fire, ML 1, Affinity, Technique FR for Damage | 7k4 ⇒ 26 (TN: 10) 1 wound

Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event], Defeat The Enemy, Katana of Fire, Schhol Rank/Agility, 2 CR, VP for +1k1 | 7k4 ⇒ 32 (TN: 25)

Purification of the Mind [D2, EA; Event], Casting Extinguish, Fire ML 1, Affinity | 7k3 ⇒ 20 (TN: 10) 1 wound

6 points
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
Honor 4.5 | Status 4 | Glory 3

Carries: Wakizashi, Yari, Knife, Lantern
Accompanied By| San
