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Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Wu Zhe »

It was late but one visit needed to be done before the end of the day. Wu Zhe, being the liaison between the Empire and the village, had to make contact as quickly as possible with the warrior women known as Aoyama.

We need to fight we the army we have, Mirumoto once said, not the one we wish we had. With Makime in charge of defense, lines will have to be drawn early for he suspected she will demand everything and more if not.

The festival needed to continue, it was vital.
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Tyrus »

He arrives at the home he was directed to, a modest affair nothing fancy or outstanding but it was warmly lit among the fog and the sound of a man's laughter could be heard from outside followed by a delighted giggling from what sounded like a small child.
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Wu Zhe »

The spearman took a deep breath and nocked on the door frame
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Aoyama »

The door opened and a very tall, broad shouldered woman stood looking down at him. Her eyes narrowed slightly but she then bowed "Wu-sama, Lady Chouri has spoken of you. Is there trouble?" The woman he could only assume was Aoyama asked with a somewhat guarded politeness. She wore simple clothing and her hair was worn long and loose.
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Wu Zhe »

''Aoyama-sama I presume?'' he gave a light bow ''There was trouble in the fields I am told...and it kicked up a sequence of events.''

The dragon looked pained

''I do not wish to bother you so late at night but I think it might be better if we talk as soon as possible.''
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Aoyama »

She nodded whether to confirm her identity or agree with his statement was not said but she did step aside "come in. I do not have much to offer but water, I could make tea but it seems late for it."
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Wu Zhe »

''Water will be more then fine, Aoyama-sama. I will not take more time then what is needed'' he replied before going inside
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Yamagato »

Her home was modest as the outside would suggest, it opened up to a family sitting room where a bearded man sat doing small tricks for a young girl.

The man looked up smiling wide "Ah a visitor! Welcome! I'm Yamagato and this here is Kimi." He motioned to the small girl who had suddenly become shy hiding partially behind her father "Come now Kimi say hello to our guest, I'm sure he doesn't bite."

The small girl looked around her father "Hello." She said with a small voice and gave a somewhat formal seated bow.
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Aoyama »

Aoyama walked up after closing the door "we can speak in here." she motioned to a door that led to a smaller room that seemed to have many paintings and an stand with a scroll on it that was in the middle of being worked on.

She turned to her family and gave a small smile "and I believe it is time for someone's bath."
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Wu Zhe »

''Greeting to both of you'' the dragon said with a light smile and a bow ''My apologies for disturbing you all so late but duty could not wait''
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Aoyama »

She went and retrieved water returning quickly and sitting at a small table in the painting room setting two cups on the table. She motioned for Zhe to join her.

"It is fine Wu-sama. What is it I can do for you?" She asked as her manner returned to cool formality.
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Wu Zhe »

He joined her at the table, wondering where to start

''There was an attack on the outskirts of town a few hours ago, I am sure you were made aware of it as lady Chouri is organizing relocation of the survivors as we speak. I am told the attack was perpetrated by nightmare twisted wolves and after they were dispatched the samurai have started organizing themselves for repeated assault and a siege.''

He took the cup of water

''I was told by Jiyo Sora that Makime, daimyo of the Lion, as been tasked with the defense of the camp but that might become the defense of the town as well. I was tasked to be a liaison between the town so that there might be cooperation between us.''
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Aoyama »

She nodded "I spoke with the samurai that fought these Wolves and spoke to the people they rescued. It is not the first creature we have seen that has been changed but it is certainly the most advanced."

She took a drink of water "Is there some request you have come to make or simply come to inform me?"
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Wu Zhe »

He sipped some water

''The camp is somewhat nervous: They broadly tasked me to train the people here to fight a possible army and defend against an onslaught. While it is expected that Yume-Jigoku presses against us I would rather ask what is the current state of things before the itchy generals start trying to draft everyone.''

''How many people here can fight? Any prior martial training? What are the village defenses? Do we have more of the fireworks and can we make more? Anything you can tell me would be greatly appreciated.''
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Aoyama »

She paused at that her mouth twisting for a moment in consideration her eyes narrowed in what could be thought before she took a drink.

"We have about fifteen members of the town guard plus myself all capable enough warriors to varying degrees. The town has watch towers and a rudimentary wall. It is meant to keep out bandits I do not know how it will handle an invasion host."
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Wu Zhe »

Zhe listened carefully and inclined his head respectfully

''I thank you for your confidence, Aoyama-sama. I understand that a dutiful defender such as yourself might be uncomfortable revealing such details to someone who is essentially a stranger.''

He sipped some water

''If you allow, I can ask for defensive specialists in the imperial camp to help reinforce the wall and watchtowers if needed.''

He pondered some thought

''I feel safe in assuming you have protocols in place in case of attack. Can you tell me about them?''
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Aoyama »

She sets her cup on the table and folds her hand in her lap "You are correct in you are asking for much trust. You ask our numbers and defenses now our tactics and procedures."

She gives him a hard eye "I hope you can respect my caution, we are not part of the Empire for a reason Wu-sama, we have no desire to be. What evidence do you have that an invasion is coming?"
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Wu Zhe »

''I understand. The situation is odd, to say the least: at the eve of a festival a load of armed and armored strangers come camp in the middle of a field and then fortify it. All the while most of these highest ranking people, some the children of gods, do not even try to introduce themselves or explain anything of their presence.''

He passed a hand in his hair, frustration visible in his face, before sighing

''Let me tell you the truth then, so you may judge our intent and see if our people can work together rather then eye each other from afar.''

He took a breath and told her the reason they were there, the nightmares, Lady Doji's protection, Shinsei's call and then the vision of nine thunders.
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Aoyama »

She listened with varying degrees of non reaction finally taking a sip of her water again.

"So in short your reasons for being here are visions and the word of a monk." She sipped again "you'll forgive me Wu-sama but I've never put much weight in either thing. Visions are fickle and monks...well they are one of the stranger things in this new world your gods have brought."

"We can be cooperative but understand my priorities are my people and my family. People will not be drafted but should any volunteer to help you that is their decision."

She also described their procedures for an attack and their tactics for defending the town.
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Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Post by Wu Zhe »

''The monk proved himself time and time again, I have no reason to doubt him. I understand your own, however, as it is natural and to question fantastic claims much like some of my fellow clan representatives doubt the way of this village.''

There was some relief in his mind

''I am glad our people can work together. I have been made somewhat of an official liaison between your community and mine so if you have any problem with us you can come to me and I will seek redress. The same is true if you need any support for the defense of the village.''

He thought for a second

''I think your presence in any further strategy meeting could be a boon for all involved. Do you wish me to advocate for this position for you ?''
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