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Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 9:21 pm
by Ryoshun Huan
"Possibly, but I also don't know where that is and can't really get directions," Huan replies. "But I appreciate you being willing to let me know. Even if it's sometime later and I'm not around, you should be able to give a message to folks in the Bat or the Order of Heroes. Pretty much any of them will be able to get it to me eventually," he says. "I got teachers in both groups."

"Scorpion lands are in the south right? What do you think of the north?"

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2023 9:49 pm
by Haka Soju
"Yes. I have only been a Scorpion for a few years, though. My homeland is found in what is now the southern lands of the Kirin. This feels more like home than my current home." She rubs her arms. "Perhaps a bit more chilly, though that could be the fog, or your ghosts."

"What of yourself? Your Clan resides in the northern mountains, does it not?"

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 3:13 am
by Ryoshun Huan
"Yes, the Bat and my people already had a fair amount in common, both needing to be pretty hardy people in order to make lives for themselves in the mountains. Probably why we were on good terms so long before being taken into the clan. Not that there weren't big differences in ideas and opinions, but we ate a lot of the same food, built with many of the same materials, and had similar views on the natural world around us. Though the Hoang were much more focused on raising animals and farming. The Bat are primarily crafters instead. Either way, I got put into a role that didn't do either of our specialties."

He moves to his sack that he still has with him, sitting near a small monument. He pulls out a blanket and hands it to Soju.

"I'll get it back when we get back to the camp. I'm used to the temperatures up here and my robes are pretty warm."

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 3:34 am
by Haka Soju
Soju accepts the blanket with a smile and wraps it around her shoulders. "Thank you. You are very considerate for such a young man. Have you found yourself a wife yet?"

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 3:52 am
by Ryoshun Huan
"I haven't. I haven't had the time or opportunity. Outside of illness and injury, my senseis have had me in near constant training for the past decade. Usually at least 10 hours a day," he says as though that's normal. "Mind you, a great deal of that was theory, knowledge and mystical understanding, so it hasn't been all physical. But I do not get very much personal time. Maybe a few hours a week. I was not among the large group that traveled here together following Shinsei-sensei because they had me training up until the last possible minute and sent me on alone. And that time alone without having to worry about tasks given by my instructors was..."

He pauses, takes a deep breath like he was tasting fresh air for the first time, and exhales with a slight smile, "...glorious. Being a child was never an option for me once they learned what I was, even less so after they learned who I used to be. The time on the road alone was the first time since my eighth winter that I didn't have to obey someone else's commands every day."

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:09 am
by Haka Soju
Soju gives him a skeptical look. "I do not mean to interfere in your life, but you should find some time for yourself. Your trainers and masters are not you, but you are letting them run your life as if it was their own."

"By the time you get to be as old as I am, you start looking backwards at your life and realize how quickly it slips through your fingers."

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:26 am
by Ryoshun Huan
"I wish I could, but some of the stuff they have me learning doesn't really come naturally to me. It took me almost a year to learn how to walk on water. It was really hard to figure out," he says, shaking his head. "I'm not some sort of prodigy or genius like some of the children of the kami, I have to work a lot harder to keep up." The idea of not keeping up with them doesn't seem to register for him, like he's been convinced that he has to or simply refuses to accept that he isn't capable of doing the things that the godlike beings are capable of. Either way, it's clear that he's got a relatively unhealthy mindset about such things but views it as normal.

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 4:55 am
by Haka Soju
"You could pick a direction and wander off, never to see your people again." She gestures behind her. "You could find a tribal girl, set up a hut alongside a river, and live the rest of your life there. Or you could go the other way and become a bandit."

"Do not let others tell you what you should be doing. It will only lead to disappointment and sorrow."

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:07 am
by Ryoshun Huan
"I have my mother and sister that I need to return to as well, though," he says, shaking his head. "I love them both very much and wish to return to them. Abandoning my mission would just end up causing them problems and I wouldn't do that to them. My happiness and comfort can't come at the expense of the people I care for. So that's not an option for me."

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:47 am
by Haka Soju
"Your dedication is admirable," she says, hesitantly. "I think you may be missing my point somewhat, but that is the way of youth, I suppose."

"What is this mission you are on?"

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:10 am
by Ryoshun Huan
"I was told to come here by Shinsei-sensei. I was not given any real details. I imagine that there is some sort of threat in the area that he expects he'll need help dealing with. I still don't know what all it's going to entail but I was told by my instructors to come here as requested. It's frustrating that I don't have those details but I figure they'll become clearer in time. I'm hardly the only one that doesn't know the specifics for why I am in this village. Are you here for the festival?" he asks, curious if she is unaware of the gathering that has been organized.

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:52 am
by Haka Soju
"Yes, I am a performer for the festival." Her brow furrows. "You are the second person to say they arrived in this village without knowing why they are here."

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:58 am
by Ryoshun Huan
"There are quite a few of us I imagine. Not that I traveled with them, but my understanding was that I was far from the only one that Shinsei-sensei asked to visit here at this time. I'm glad to know that not everyone is here looking for trouble, and I hope that there isn't actually any trouble. It would be nice if the festival simply happened without any trouble. And I will look forward to your performance as well. You do have a beautiful voice," he replies, seemingly brightened by the hope that the festival will just be the festival.

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:13 am
by Haka Soju
"Thank you. I hope that you will have a chance to attend a proper performance."

She motions toward the village with a blanketed arm. "If there are groups of young people with swords descending upon the village with a vague sense of adventure, I think they will find a problem one way or another."

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:59 am
by Ryoshun Huan
"I don't think they're all going to be young, but I also don't know for sure. The rumors I heard were just of capable people in general. And if someone like Shinsei-sensei is going to be here I wouldn't be surprised if some important people that are curious what he's up to sent some people of their own... possibly even decided to come themselves. Could end up that I'm completely out of my depth with a bunch of fancy people here," he replies with a shrug, not really knowing who would show up.

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 1:57 pm
by Haka Soju
"There's a sensei showing up? Shouldn't everyone have already been taught all they need to know by the time they rush off into the mountains for some unknown, vague purpose?" She shakes her head. "You would think that having a bunch of gods unite the tribes into a single empire would make things more organized, but perhaps my expectations were too high."

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:34 pm
by Ryoshun Huan
"I call him Shinsei-sensei, but he's not a formal teacher or anything like that. Lots of people just respect him as someone that has a lot of wisdom and understanding of the world. So I call him sensei, as do some others, because they recognize he's got a lot to teach. It's not quite the same as my magic or sword lessons though. Though, yeah, it's definitely not ideal that we don't know everything that's going on, but I also don't think he knows exactly what's going on either. More like, he knows something's happening and he needs help, but we all kind of have to figure it out together?" Huan says, not really sure if that encompasses the reality fully.

"My understanding is that Hantei's drive is what led to the mission to rescue Hisomu, but it was Shinsei's understanding of how to fight the threats and evil they faced that made the mission successful. He's not the one that's going to accomplish what he gathered people for, but he's going to be the one that understands best how to deal with the threats we face? At least that's how I think this mission's going to work. I could be completely wrong, and it's possible that everyone that came here is facing their own doom. Or we might enjoy the festival, nothing bad will happen, you'll sing for us and we'll have a great time. I kind of hope it's the second, but Shinsei-sensei isn't known for being wrong about the presence of dangerous stuff."

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:53 pm
by Haka Soju
"He seems like the sort of person who should be chased out of one's village with a broom." She smiles at the thought. "I share your hopes. Maybe the threat will be small, like a rabid fox, and easily dealt with, and then this Shinsei can go home and leave everyone to their festival."

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:19 pm
by Ryoshun Huan
"I think there are many that would like to do so, chase him off to never be seen again. He is associated with bad news and unpleasant events," Huan replies with a nod, and a slight smirk. But the smirk fades as he continues, "But just because you don't want to hear something, doesn't mean it's not true. And he's been right about these kinds of things too often to ignore. Even if people disagree with him, it can't be denied that he has been present at most major events that have shaped the world in majorly profound ways. Being where he is... I think it gives the opportunity to shape the future. And I want to use that opportunity to help my family, my people, and those that need it most."

"Even if you're not here for the same reasons, you are here. From what I've gathered so far, I think it will be a boon for us to have someone like you, with a level head and practical wisdom to help us through difficulties. And it will certainly be good to have your song to help keep danger at bay if it rears it's head."

Re: Where They Wander [D0, LE]

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:27 pm
by Haka Soju
"I do not think I will be of much help when people draw swords and start waving them around, but I will do what I can to be useful." She smiles at him. "Are you a swordsman? I do not know much of the Bat, save that you live in the north, carry warm blankets, and consort with ghosts."