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Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 4:24 am
by Anjing
"Pretty badly, claws to the cut, had his soul drained."
Anjing gestures at the injuries both physical and spiritual.

"He's in a bad way."
Relaxing slightly when she spots Tai.

"This is Genji of the Hantei, he's a good man, but he's been better."

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 4:26 am
by Jiyo Sora
Sora worked his jaw around.

"Got seven dead bodies that had to be persuaded they were really dead, and one poor sad bastard who made 'em dance to his tune. Probably best if we get them burned."

His own injuries would be evident, but apart from a slight tension in his shoulders, he didn't appear to be too upset about them.

"Genji got it the worst. Brave kid."

He glanced at Ai.

"Lot of that going around, of course."

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 4:36 am
by Kaiu Tai
Anjing wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 4:24 am
"Pretty badly, claws to the cut, had his soul drained."
Anjing gestures at the injuries both physical and spiritual.

"He's in a bad way."
Relaxing slightly when she spots Tai.

"This is Genji of the Hantei, he's a good man, but he's been better."
Peering at Anjing in the fog-filtered moon, Tai frowns. "Don't look so hot yourself, lady. But you're still standin' so..." She takes Genji's wrist a moment, eyes widening in alarm as she drops it and reaches for her knife. Nao gets an extremely distracted nod in greeting. "Barely there. Two healers aren't even a bit too much here." The spear drops without ceremony as she slashes quickly across her palm and reaches up to rest it across Genji's back.

The water spirits coalesce through the fog and seem to seep through every cut and gash. Anjing's burden is suddenly a lot less of a dead weight, and dripping water instead of blood.

Only afterward does she offer nods and appraising looks to the other pair.

D5:LE PtiP Let's add void, he looks pretty bad +2k2 | 7k5 ⇒ 42 (TN: 10)

32 wounds

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 4:49 am
by Ryoshun Nao

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:13 am
by Kaiu Tai
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 4:26 am
Sora worked his jaw around.

"Got seven dead bodies that had to be persuaded they were really dead, and one poor sad bastard who made 'em dance to his tune. Probably best if we get them burned."
Dark on dark eyes reflect little of the moon as she turns to look Sora over. "Burned would be best, yeah." She pauses a moment, then just opts for bluntness here. "I know Anjing's got jade, did everyone else have some? Whole place is cursed, but dead gettin' up and fightin' has to be even more corrupted here."

"Hmm..." She slices another line across her palm with a quiet and sibilant chant before reaching for his shoulder. "If you don't mind?...though the water spirits are very active today, so might wait a moment if there's anythin' you don't want gettin' wet." The dripping Genji is likely warning enough of that.

D5:LE PtiP One for Sora with void as well | 7k5 ⇒ 45 (TN: 10)
35 healed

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:23 am
by Jiyo Sora
Kaiu Tai wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:13 am
Dark on dark eyes reflect little of the moon as she turns to look Sora over. "Burned would be best, yeah." She pauses a moment, then just opts for bluntness here. "I know Anjing's got jade, did everyone else have some? Whole place is cursed, but dead gettin' up and fightin' has to be even more corrupted here."

"Hmm..." She slices another line across her palm with a quiet and sibilant chant before reaching for his shoulder. "If you don't mind?...though the water spirits are very active today, so might wait a moment if there's anythin' you don't want gettin' wet." The dripping Genji is likely warning enough of that.
"I have five fingers of jade on me, pretty sure everybody else had at least one. And a little water ain't gonna bother me, I've already bled on all this stuff anyway..."

He wish he didn't have quite so much experience with the sensation of magical healing, but his twenties had been a rough period.

[Back down to Nicked he goes!]

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:36 am
by Ryoshun Nao
Nao turned her attention to the bodies. She drew blood with her knife once more and watched it bubble and boil. She t ook a deep breath as she stepped towards the zombie remains. When she exhaled a gout of flame ignited the first body.

She moved from body to body, thoroughly incinerating each.

- - -
Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE, Breath of the Fire Dragon, Fire ML 3, Affinity 3 wounds | 7k3 ⇒ 43 (TN: 20)

Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE, Breath of the Fire Dragon, Damage | 3k3 ⇒ 31

Duration 4 rounds

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:41 am
by Anjing
Anjing nods as she stares into the fires. It had to be done, frankly, more of the village should be on fire.

It was a cheerful thought, she smiled.

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 5:49 am
by Kaiu Tai
Tai pauses to admire Nao's craft. She'd have to remember that one. Never asked the fire kami to actually let her breathe fire before. It looked like it could be fun...when you weren't using it to incinerate stinking undead.

She interrupts Anjing's reverie with a bloody hand on the arm not holding the rousing Hantei on her shoulder. "That's damned efficient," she says as the kami surge a bit less if sensing that they're less needed here.

D5:LE PtiP And now Anjing void | 7k5 ⇒ 33 (TN: 10)
23 wounds

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 8:21 am
by Hantei Genji
Genji groaned up as health seemed to get back to him, his glow returning. "Well..that didn't go as I planned." He flashed a tired smile, but he was still there. Looking down at his hands...huh, wrinkles?

"Anyone have ideas what happened here exactly?"

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 8:28 am
by Jiyo Sora
Hantei Genji wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 8:21 am
"Anyone have ideas what happened here exactly?"
"Nanzi-san appears to have some familiarity with poor dead Kujo. I expect she knows as much of the story as anyone. But he's dead now, and none of the things he conjured up managed to get past us."

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 2:46 pm
by Nanzi Ai
“Hai, I spoke to him just yesterday evening… he seemed troubled by the thought of death and what comes next and it shook him. I tried to explain that life is a cycle and he felt some measure of peace… or so I thought. It was during my patrol but I thought nothing of it to report when bad thoughts are so rampant and errant. One moment of weakness begets another,” she said firmly.

“Thankfully Jiyo-sama and Anjing-dono were here alongside Genji-kun, he bravely charged in without regard, like a true hero. Thanks to these heroes my own injuries were slight.”

OOC: At 6 wounds taken, I can take some healing. I think tai may have rolled 12 for me in the planning thread. I also have a Tea Ceremony to do at the end of the thread for Kujo-san but can get one other person for a Void boost. Tea with the Dead, Tea Ceremony | 4k3 ⇒ 17 (TN: 15)

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:02 pm
by Jiyo Sora
"Luckily, the line of Hantei is durable stock, hm?"

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:46 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:02 pm
"Luckily, the line of Hantei is durable stock, hm?"
"Quite so," she said proudly.

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 3:56 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
Nao had finally finished. She pulled out a small bottle and drank deeply. She savored the water for a moment before returning to the others.

"I am pleased to see that everyone is recovering."

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 7:25 pm
by Kaiu Tai
Nanzi Ai wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 2:46 pm
“Hai, I spoke to him just yesterday evening… he seemed troubled by the thought of death and what comes next and it shook him. I tried to explain that life is a cycle and he felt some measure of peace… or so I thought. It was during my patrol but I thought nothing of it to report when bad thoughts are so rampant and errant. One moment of weakness begets another,” she said firmly.

“Thankfully Jiyo-sama and Anjing-dono were here alongside Genji-kun, he bravely charged in without regard, like a true hero. Thanks to these heroes my own injuries were slight.”
"Spoke to him yesterday? So that was one of the villagers?" Tai's voice takes on an incredulous and concerned tone. "And he did all this? And, she looks at Anjing, "carved years into your face?" She shakes her head. "That's worrisome. How many other villagers are likely to do somethin' like this as we get closer to this battle Shinsei...who's now possessed or somethin'... spoke of?" A bunch of villagers throwing around dark magic would seriously complicate the ritual they'd spent the day working on.

"Slight, ain't none." She breathes in and encourages the kami to mend a bit more with a squeeze to Sora's shoulder before offering a bloodied hand to Ai.

There was indeed some healing for Ai: D5:LE PtiP Ai moving into void spell slots | 5k3 ⇒ 22 (TN: 10)

And for SoraD5 LE: PTiP One more for Sora | 5k3 ⇒ 22 (TN: 10)

very consistent kami offer 12 wounds each.

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:48 pm
by Jiyo Sora
"I'd say it's a sign that our enemy is getting worried. The original plan was for the villagers to be sacrificed in the rituals... so now that that's off the table, it's probably going to try to get us to kill as many of them as it can, and failing that, go after them itself. The walking dead were trying to get past us, until the village. We weren't the primary targets."

[Sora is back up to Healthy. Not fully healed, but he's feeling good enough that he'd likely regard further healing as a waste of resources]

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:55 pm
by Nanzi Ai
“Yes and they were faster than any I had encountered before… which was thankfully not so many but they had a hunger to spread destruction. There are probably any number of villagers who are on the edge of succumbing to Yume-Jigoku, and as Jiyo-sama said; this will probably get worse before it gets better.”

She was thankful for the aid and said, “Thank you Kaiu-obasan, I am most well now and quite thankful to you and the spirits at your command.”

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 11:01 pm
by Anjing
Kaiu Tai wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 7:25 pm
"And he did all this? And, she looks at Anjing, "carved years into your face?" She shakes her head. "That's worrisome. How many other villagers are likely to do somethin' like this as we get closer to this battle Shinsei...who's now possessed or somethin'... spoke of?" A bunch of villagers throwing around dark magic would seriously complicate the ritual they'd spent the day working on.
"That bad?" Anjing sighs. "And before I was just joking about wrinkles. My weapon is still light in my hand, there are a few years left in me yet. Enough to make sure nobody goes disturbing what has to be done."

Re: Event: The Lost Dreams of the Dead, D5, LE

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 11:34 pm
by Kaiu Tai
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Fri Nov 10, 2023 10:48 pm
"I'd say it's a sign that our enemy is getting worried. The original plan was for the villagers to be sacrificed in the rituals... so now that that's off the table, it's probably going to try to get us to kill as many of them as it can, and failing that, go after them itself. The walking dead were trying to get past us, until the village. We weren't the primary targets."
"When folks wanted to move the villagers to safety and Shinsei said they needed to be here to play their own part, that is not what I'd expected. Their part appears to be..." She frowns. "unhelpful is an understatement." She looks around the graveyard. "Do we need to set sentries here, in case someone else wants to come repeat this nonsense?"

(ooc, good because there's not much left in that well)