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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Anjing »

Otaku wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:41 am
Otaku nods, then... sighs. "If only we could guard dreams as easily as bodies. I think they are worse than usual here. Too many tired faces around the camp of a morning."

She purses her lips. "Anjing-san, your clanswoman Tai seems a very capable shugenja. Togashi Satsuki is here as well, and Ryoshun's daughter Nao. Are there others? No one has found a way to protect dreams yet, or we would not be here, but perhaps we can at least ward each other so that if any of us are poisoned and turn..." She opens one hand palm-up, then closes it into a fist as if gently crushing some unfortunate bug.
"There is a Haka boy, quiet and very polite, Tae-soo, he serves the Scorpion. I can't speak to his skill but we cannot afford to be choosy."

Speaking with a hint of pride. "Tai is very wise and Satsuki my niece, both of them I would trust with wards. Nao I have not met, but she is a child who I gather has managed to survive thus far unscathed, perhaps her power is great indeed?"
Nodding slightly.
"Your idea is a good one, we have already seen the enemy prefers to strike at our unconscious minds instead of daring a direct fight."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Matsu »

"My diplomacy tends to be quite smile while demonstrating what would happen if someone didn't see it my way. You'd be surprised at how effective it is to put a fist through a wooden door, for emphasis." There was a hint of a giggle there, trying to add some levity to the seriousness of the matter at hand.

"Of course, Lady Makime. Discretion will be the standard operating procedure. Perhaps they will earn our trust, but right now, I'll keep things politely distant until advised by this council to do otherwise."

Looking to Otaku again, she held a tight line with her lips. Unfortunately, outside of Satsuki, Matsu wouldn't think she was close to any other shugenja. Back home, yes, but here no.
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Makime »

"Well then I shall approach the head woman again tomorrow, and let her know her home is about to be turned into a fort." Makime nodded, "If any of you wish to join me."

"The wards are very good idea, we will see about getting started on that tomorrow." A small smile briefly appeared on her lips at Matsu's mention of diplomacy. "Hopefully it won't come to that...reputation alone should hopefully suffice. That said, I have Kenji over there if a threats need to be made with teeth. Or if any traitor that lurks in the village wants to try their luck against me."
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Anjing »

"Excellent, the path forward is clear, though it is beset by danger on all sides."
Inclining her head gravely. "This was productive, more decisions in the empire should be made this way. I may consider joining you Makime, depending on what the day brings. Although you might possess more patience for such things than I."
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: Council of War (Day 3 EM CLOSED)

Post by Makime »

"My experience is when a greater threat and a lesser are presented, most will defer to the lesser in hopes of protection from the greater." Makime looked to Anjing, with a straight face she adds, "Just remember people can die from fright, or so I am told."
Lion Clan • Bushi • Makime Daimyo • Tactician • Commander • Experienced • Once of the Kuwagaya • Overconfident
Status: 7.0 • Honor: "What is Expected" • Glory: 6.0

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