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by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:50 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)
Replies: 50
Views: 887

Re: So, what's with all the crazy? (Day 4 Early Afternoon)

"Mmmm." He nodded to himself for a few moments. "Still its good to know it may be related to Yume-jigoku. So I'll have to try and take precautions."

"Are there any you could suggest?"
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 7:59 pm
Forum: The Headwoman's House
Topic: Purification of the Form [D5, EE, Event]
Replies: 140
Views: 2830

Re: Purification of the Form [D5, EE, Event]

Kenji was there, but much like the many others was not participating. The events happening seemed unnatural at best and unholy at worst after all

No he was here to keep an eye on Lady Makime, not that he thought any harm would come to her. But still best to be prepared.
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:44 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16102

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

Nanzi Ai wrote:
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:39 pm
My only weakness is Bone-itis.

Oh god not the dreaded bone-itis.
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 4:26 pm
Forum: The Sleeping Garden
Topic: D4MA Return to peace (Open)
Replies: 33
Views: 927

Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

"I'm not particularly looking for a scent." He replied after a moment, glancing in the direction of the speaker. He recognized her but it had been a few days since he had seen the strange woman. "Just sometimes the best way to start is retracing your steps and seeing if there is another answer you c...
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:37 pm
Forum: The Sleeping Garden
Topic: D5 - EA - Childrens' Games and Self-Reflection (Wide-Open)
Replies: 48
Views: 992

Re: D5 - EA - Childrens' Games and Self-Reflection (Wide-Open)

Kenji was present, but not for whatever was going on here. As he stood armed and armored off to the side. Shinsei had apparently not shown himself yet, but that did not mean the Lion was going to let where he fled go unwatched.
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 8:18 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16102

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

Kenji is as well, but I've got exhaustion and no void so not looking to jump in. Just gotta find a friendly neighborhood priest with rejuvenating vapors and a nice tea ceremony! They are all very much asleep. I'm sure someone is going to bring the "half-rotten onion" theory ("if an onion is half ro...
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 7:51 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16102

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

"I... I'm not sure," she admitted. "Normally, I would accept arrest. But the Harbinger... she... well, she wanted a cult. So... even with your current caution, you may be underestimating how badly that would go." I mean she seems to be saying here that even if we just try to arrest her the cult wil...
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 7:42 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16102

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

OOC: I'm just saying if they are tainted we really can't just leave them be. That's a threat to the Empire. Also saying that I trust Chouri even less after betraying the harbinger for the sake of her people. Then promptly using those people as leverage to save her life. It's kind of flip floppy in m...
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 7:34 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16102

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

And that's the ONLY army we'll have here. Right now even the Imps only have some kind of jurisdiction in the eyes of the villagers because Chouri says they do. But letting Shiba (if he lives) sort it out is EXACTLY the kind of buck-passing we thrive on in these here parts :P I mean you are under th...
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 6:57 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16102

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

Everyone needs one tainted/evil anti-hero helping them kill a champion of Jigoku. “Fight like Tadaka.” I mean.... Not really. Plenty of times that these sort of things never happened. As for the village. "These guys are basically a cult." Is all Kenji needs to know. Chouri needs to tell them what s...
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:32 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16102

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

I mean if you want to feed the villagers their own tainted limbs...

I'll watch.
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:29 am
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: [D5MM] Gentle Touch of the Dreaming (healing + Name thread)
Replies: 14
Views: 365

Re: [D5MM] Gentle Touch of the Dreaming (healing + Name thread)

"I'm not quite sure what healing a name is, but if you think I need it I suppose it couldn't hurt." Kenji offered with a shrug, could be it might help him feel a bit better at the least. He would of course need to try and find Lady Anjing later for tea, but that would have to wait. "If you don't min...
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:17 am
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: [D5MM] Gentle Touch of the Dreaming (healing + Name thread)
Replies: 14
Views: 365

Re: [D5MM] Gentle Touch of the Dreaming (healing + Name thread)

Kenji had slept late, but then fitful dreams had plagued his sleeping kept rest far away. He wasn't exactly sure what he had expected to find at this hour, but a tiny rat child yelling about healing wasn't exactly it. "I don't know abotu healing." He grumbled in response as he stretched to try and g...
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 5:08 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16102

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

removing fatigue will be good. and void point replenishment.

Don't really care about the curse nonsense, i'm done saving void for sleep events I won't likely pass even with it.
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:43 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: Poll for Next Game
Replies: 44
Views: 1142

Re: Poll for Next Game

Might just be 45 or so?

But that would likely determine my stance on things. 1/2 gods may be long lived and still look young but that age difference is kinda awkward.
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:40 am
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: [D4 LA] Aunties, Assemble
Replies: 44
Views: 856

Re: [D4 LA] Aunties, Assemble

"Should I be mended, I would be willing to join you, Lady Anjing." She stood a bit straighter, though the healing throughout the day has had a restorative effect, she was still quite sore. "I would be glad of the company should your health be restored. You have as much cause as any of us to want hi...
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:21 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: Poll for Next Game
Replies: 44
Views: 1142

Re: Poll for Next Game

time skips are grand!

I am wondering if this is the current crown princess, or if a new one pops up sometime.
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 1:42 am
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins
Replies: 1100
Views: 16102

Re: OOc Chat 4: The Game Begins

I think I have a club around here somewhere.
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 1:40 am
Forum: The Approach and Gate
Topic: The Prey Prays (D4, LM)
Replies: 29
Views: 454

Re: The Prey Prays (D4, LM)

It had taken Kenji some time to arrive here, but arrive he did his eyes scanning the ground in front of him for further clues. Unfortunately, such things were likely far beyond him, given the poor weather of the day. Still, he looked; one never knew what they could find if they took the time. Huntin...
by Akodo Kenji
Wed Nov 08, 2023 1:01 am
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: [D4 LA] Aunties, Assemble
Replies: 44
Views: 856

Re: [D4 LA] Aunties, Assemble

"I don't mind keeping an eye on thing in case the... Monk decides to slink out." Kenji offered, deciding at the last minute to not call him the Donkey, even though he now understood why so many seemed to name him so. "I don't plan on attending any further gatherings these villagers hold, and other t...