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by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:26 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: Got a note. (D4, LE)
Replies: 6
Views: 223

Re: Got a note. (D4, LE)

The door opened quietly, and Enrou peered out from inside, looking the newcomer up and down with a pointed stare. "Well, I haven't heard any parts of the village exploding, so that's something. I do have to ask, however, if you're going to be occupying another one of my sick beds. That space is star...
by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:24 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: Delivery For You [D4, MM]
Replies: 20
Views: 293

Re: Delivery For You [D4, MM]

"Oh I can all but guarantee that he'll live. Might be a few complications if he's unlucky, but otherwise he should be able to survive. Lucky for him he's young, so if there are unforeseen complications, it's not likely to ruin his life."
by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:22 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: D3MA: What's All This Then?
Replies: 14
Views: 272

Re: D3MA: What's All This Then?

"More like I've never needed to use the rite myself, so I'm not directly aware of any of the more unpleasant side effects." Enrou shrugged a bit, but seemed happy enough to change focus onto the plants. "You find yourself in the position of knocking people senseless all that often? I've got quite a ...
by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:14 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: D4 EA A Mother's Worry
Replies: 48
Views: 796

Re: D4 EA A Mother's Worry

Enrou took a long draw on his pipe, mulling that over. "So, if you were a betting man..."
by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:20 am
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: D4 EA A Mother's Worry
Replies: 48
Views: 796

Re: D4 EA A Mother's Worry

"Yeah, given what he went through alive is a pretty optimistic description of his health." Enrou shook his head. "So you have some kind of idea what did this to him then?"
by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:16 am
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: Delivery For You [D4, MM]
Replies: 20
Views: 293

Re: Delivery For You [D4, MM]

"Oh, wonderful, punctured lung. Well, that makes this next part easy." Enrou popped open a jar of something....unlikely to be approved of by any kami, based on the smell alone, and mixed some of it into the cup he brought towards the fallen guard. "Small mercy he won't be awake for this part, make s...
by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:51 am
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: D4 EA A Mother's Worry
Replies: 48
Views: 796

Re: D4 EA A Mother's Worry

"Hmm." Enrou pursed his lips and gave a short nod of surprise. "Well, that's rather courteous of the demon, isn't it? I'm sorry Isamu wasn't of more help, but I can't say I'm surprised he didn't see much."
by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:47 am
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: Delivery For You [D4, MM]
Replies: 20
Views: 293

Re: Delivery For You [D4, MM]

"I haven't found myself able to focus much outside my little patch of tengoku over here lately, I'm just repeating what I've heard so far." Enrou glanced over at Satsuki momentarily. "Hearing anything unusual?"
by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:43 am
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: D4 EA A Mother's Worry
Replies: 48
Views: 796

Re: D4 EA A Mother's Worry

"Mmm, all right then? I'll relay the message, though I don't know exactly what he'd considered adequate compensation. Either way, you can ask him when he's recovered." Enrou made sure to adjust Isamu's bedding a little, so that the man wasn't lying too long in an uncomfortable position, then started...
by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:30 am
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: D4 EA A Mother's Worry
Replies: 48
Views: 796

Re: D4 EA A Mother's Worry

"And unfortunately what he can do is going to taste like last year's rice harvest after calling Inari a layabout twat." Enrou brought a cup over to Isamu and held it to his lips. "Try not to leave any in the cup, you need as much as you can tolerate."
by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:16 am
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: Delivery For You [D4, MM]
Replies: 20
Views: 293

Re: Delivery For You [D4, MM]

"Well, the wolves were responsible for a bit of it, there was a horse, apparently, and now..." Enrou shook his head. "Some crazed old man who can apparently throw a person halfway through a building as an afterthought."
by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:12 am
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: D4 EA A Mother's Worry
Replies: 48
Views: 796

Re: D4 EA A Mother's Worry

"Isamu. And I've learned some similar things in my life of preventing death. Enough, in this case, to know that the man's youth is about the only thing that kept him from an early grave today." Enrou stopped as he reached the bedside, then turned to start preparing the next draught for the guard. "Y...
by Enrou
Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:05 am
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: Delivery For You [D4, MM]
Replies: 20
Views: 293

Re: Delivery For You [D4, MM]

"Oh, no, this is far from normal. I'd say it's only been about..." Enrou paused, pointedly. "Four days. That's about how long this increased workload has been going. So far." Despite the detached tone of voice, the healer did seem to be moving rather quickly and efficiently in concocting the necessa...
by Enrou
Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:45 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: Delivery For You [D4, MM]
Replies: 20
Views: 293

Re: Delivery For You [D4, MM]

"Would you rather the man who's going to be," Enrou glanced at the guard, "resetting that shoulder, dressing those wounds, and applying a judicious amount of anesthetics be a gibbering pile of chaotic energy?" Fortunately there was an open bed for the man to laid down upon, but it was clear that the...
by Enrou
Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:40 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: Delivery For You [D4, MM]
Replies: 20
Views: 293

Re: Delivery For You [D4, MM]

Enrou, who was at this point still considering himself to be quite busy, trundled his way out of his house in response to the loud summons. He took one look at the guard, sighed, rolled his eyes a little, then moved to help Satsuki carry the man inside. "For fuck's sake...come on then, let's toss hi...
by Enrou
Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:37 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: D4 EA A Mother's Worry
Replies: 48
Views: 796

Re: D4 EA A Mother's Worry

"Was sedated would be the more adequate term. I was about to administer some more, but there's a chance he might be lucid before his next dosing. Uncanny timing you've got there." Enrou jerked his head towards the side rooms as he made for the doorway. "Hell of a series of injuries that guy ended up...
by Enrou
Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:11 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: D4 EA A Mother's Worry
Replies: 48
Views: 796

Re: D4 EA A Mother's Worry

Enrou squinted a bit, glancing between one of Sora's eyes and the other before suppressing a shudder. "If you'll excuse the outburst, I am a man of medicine, so you can probably guess at some of the things I see on a day to day basis." He glanced over his shoulder, towards where the sick beds were l...
by Enrou
Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:07 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: D3MA: What's All This Then?
Replies: 14
Views: 272

Re: D3MA: What's All This Then?

"I know the injuries well enough, but as for the healing ritual, I just make a concoction so people needing major changes don't go mad from the pain. Far as I'm aware the process can be quite unpleasant, but it's Chouri that performs the actual rite."
by Enrou
Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:01 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: D4 EA A Mother's Worry
Replies: 48
Views: 796

Re: D4 EA A Mother's Worry

Enrou watched Aoyama leave intently, idly puffing out a few wisps of smoke as he watched her go, his attention gradually shifting towards Sora. "Your assumption is correct, I am Enrou, and-BISHAMON'S TITS, what is wrong with your eye?"
by Enrou
Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:45 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: D4 EA A Mother's Worry
Replies: 48
Views: 796

Re: D4 EA A Mother's Worry

Enrou puffed a bit on his pipe, fixing Aoyama with an even stare. He had no doubt she'd follow through on any threat she issued, so it wouldn't do to upset her. But caving entirely grated against him as well. "Several broken ribs, yes. Fortunately nothing was punctured, internally, so we aren't look...