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by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:01 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: GM Request Thread
Replies: 54
Views: 1260

GM Request Thread

I am hoping that this is less cluttered than filling the GM Questions with requests for threads ... f=17&t=309
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:51 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]
Replies: 339
Views: 4530

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

"I... like to think he still is, in his way, and where he is." Admittedly... where he was now, it wasn't somewhere she could touch, now was it? She did seem a little sad. The mountain of a man was someone she missed. "Here's to becoming relics where the grandkids can get the telling of our stories ...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:40 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: I require your assistance [Day 1, EM, Open]
Replies: 73
Views: 832

Re: I require your assistance [Day 1, EM, Open]

"Hisomu is not joining us. At least, he had made no plans to when our convoy set out. However, Reiko-sama is with us."

Reo begins to plod up to the house to scratch on the door. Enrou would at least find it interesting.
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:28 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: Open thread clearing house
Replies: 141
Views: 3285

Re: Open thread clearing house

by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:28 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Let's Make Something of the Place [D1 LM] (open)
Replies: 1
Views: 54

Let's Make Something of the Place [D1 LM] (open)

It seemed that they were going to be here for a little while. The camp was enough for quick stop overs especially with a town to get water and supplies. But thirty odd people, living in relative close proximity? In tents? That could get nasty fast. There was a lot to do, but reinforcing the tents wo...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:10 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: I require your assistance [Day 1, EM, Open]
Replies: 73
Views: 832

Re: I require your assistance [Day 1, EM, Open]

"And to continue to beat the metaphor to death, part of my sundry duties is to try to treat the wound before it is a problem. To also figure out why some wound heal clean and others turn foul...and why others sprout extra eyes or tentacles. And then dissect the tentacles. You would be amazed at some...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:00 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: GM Questions
Replies: 506
Views: 11269

Re: GM Questions

Just to be sure as I couldn't find confirmation or specific rules on this. The description of the Imperial camp says it's 'home, at least for now'. Does that mean that's where all PCs are supposed to be staying? Can we stay somewhere else if it'd be more fitting for the character? (I'm thinking by ...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 4:56 pm
Forum: OOC Chat
Topic: Sakkaku's future
Replies: 30
Views: 782

Re: Sakkaku's future

I think it's important to note that Fallenash has a Patreon, which I have no problem increasing my donation of.

I get enough enjoyment out of it that throwing a few extra dollars is worth it.
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 4:02 pm
Forum: The Village Market
Topic: The Festival Begins! [Event, D1 ME]
Replies: 296
Views: 4667

Re: The Festival Begins! [Event, D1 ME]

Reo is looking through the stalls. There are many things that could be of interest: herbs and concoctions he doesn't know about. Local crafts. Scrolls on local lore. He's seen plenty of markets like this in his life, the challenge of finding something new always a beckoning option.
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:46 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: I require your assistance [Day 1, EM, Open]
Replies: 73
Views: 832

Re: I require your assistance [Day 1, EM, Open]

"I call myself a medicine man. No fancy spirit powers, just good old herbs and emergency care. Why do you ask?" Reo looks over to Enrou's house. "Apart from the obvious? Everything I know about the man who lives says that he's quite talented so I imagine that between us we can help with whatever ail...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:24 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]
Replies: 339
Views: 4530

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

"He has a way of seeing things you didn't know where there, or things you wouldn't admit to yourself." That got a bit of a wry twist that didn't match her earlier statement. "Like you said. He saw something in Yama and some old man I could mention, along with a certain Nezumi and Seppun. Something ...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:22 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: I require your assistance [Day 1, EM, Open]
Replies: 73
Views: 832

Re: I require your assistance [Day 1, EM, Open]

"He will likely offer it freely, though I intend to offer repayment in kind for that help." Something in Reo's eyes shifts, as if remembering something. "Naraku of the Hiruma. That's an interesting way to phrase it. I suppose it shouldn't be a surprise that the two of us are the first to find the he...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 1:56 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]
Replies: 339
Views: 4530

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

-snip- Snip "It's good to see that some things don't change." Reo leans back on his stick, rocking slightly to keep the blood flowing. "I never completely understood Shinsei's choices on people, but they always seemed to work out." He pauses for a moment. "He was right about Old Man Yama. And Matsu...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 1:33 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: I require your assistance [Day 1, EM, Open]
Replies: 73
Views: 832

Re: I require your assistance [Day 1, EM, Open]

"That's correct." Reo nods. "Though the man has earned my respect. And he might just be offering something that will add ten years of development to my horticultural projects, even if I can't poach him." Reo leans on his staff. "Maybe I can convince him to take students on rotation..." This musing s...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 1:29 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]
Replies: 339
Views: 4530

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

She gave him a knowing grin and winked at both he and Reo. "I'll have you know my joints aren't creaking or popping quite yet." There might have been the slightest of fibs in that statement. "But I think everyone here's bound to have a few dangerous hobbies. We don't end up waiting on a man who sit...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 1:10 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]
Replies: 339
Views: 4530

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

"Good bunch all around, though, eh?" Sora grinned. "If the Hisomu learned one thing, it's that if you offer the broken, the forgotten and the strange a home, so long as you say "fuck Jigoku" you get a lot of Jigoku fuckers." Reo pauses. "That came out wrong. It sounds like something Matsu would say...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:36 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]
Replies: 339
Views: 4530

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

"Of course you count, you went South with us, after all! Far as becoming obsolete goes, I doubt that any of your students would agree with you on that. Everything they know is built on what you taught 'em." Reo looks pleased to be included, and fails to hide it. "You're right, I doubt they would. I...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:09 pm
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]
Replies: 339
Views: 4530

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

"Phi and Shirayuki are 17. These days, everyone looks young to me except my fellow relics..." "Do I count? I'd be honored if I do." Reo leans back on his walking stick, resting his chin on the tip. "I know that I wasn't there at the very beginning but..." He looks around the room. "Within a generat...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:04 pm
Forum: The Healer's House
Topic: I require your assistance [Day 1, EM, Open]
Replies: 73
Views: 832

Re: I require your assistance [Day 1, EM, Open]

It's early still, but leg cramps wait on no man. Reo plods back to the healer's house that he had visited earlier, taking the time to let his mind catch up and shake off the bleariness of sleep. There would be a meeting soon, and a head start would be essential to ensure that he wouldn't be lagging ...
by Hisomu Reo
Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:59 am
Forum: The Imperial Camp
Topic: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]
Replies: 339
Views: 4530

Re: Shinsei's Briefing [Event, D1 MM]

Reo waves a hand dismissively. "Of course, I am more than happy to make sure that the next generation learns what we can offer. Hisomu isn't going to complain that we have one more person with eyes out for something hinky. Alls I'll ask is that you remember that the next time one of mine is found in...