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by Aoyama
Wed Nov 01, 2023 5:20 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: Day 2 LE: The state of things
Replies: 28
Views: 427

Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

She listened with varying degrees of non reaction finally taking a sip of her water again. "So in short your reasons for being here are visions and the word of a monk." She sipped again "you'll forgive me Wu-sama but I've never put much weight in either thing. Visions are fickle and monks...well the...
by Aoyama
Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:16 am
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: Day 2 LE: The state of things
Replies: 28
Views: 427

Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

She sets her cup on the table and folds her hand in her lap "You are correct in you are asking for much trust. You ask our numbers and defenses now our tactics and procedures." She gives him a hard eye "I hope you can respect my caution, we are not part of the Empire for a reason Wu-sama, we have no...
by Aoyama
Tue Oct 31, 2023 11:11 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: Day 2 LE: The state of things
Replies: 28
Views: 427

Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

She paused at that her mouth twisting for a moment in consideration her eyes narrowed in what could be thought before she took a drink. "We have about fifteen members of the town guard plus myself all capable enough warriors to varying degrees. The town has watch towers and a rudimentary wall. It is...
by Aoyama
Tue Oct 31, 2023 9:09 am
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: Day 2 LE: The state of things
Replies: 28
Views: 427

Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

She nodded "I spoke with the samurai that fought these Wolves and spoke to the people they rescued. It is not the first creature we have seen that has been changed but it is certainly the most advanced." She took a drink of water "Is there some request you have come to make or simply come to inform ...
by Aoyama
Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:34 am
Forum: The Streets
Topic: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)
Replies: 62
Views: 832

Re: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)

Aoyama nodded back the samurai "Enjoy your evening."
by Aoyama
Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:32 am
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: Day 2 LE: The state of things
Replies: 28
Views: 427

Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

She went and retrieved water returning quickly and sitting at a small table in the painting room setting two cups on the table. She motioned for Zhe to join her.

"It is fine Wu-sama. What is it I can do for you?" She asked as her manner returned to cool formality.
by Aoyama
Mon Oct 30, 2023 11:59 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: Day 2 LE: The state of things
Replies: 28
Views: 427

Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

Aoyama walked up after closing the door "we can speak in here." she motioned to a door that led to a smaller room that seemed to have many paintings and an stand with a scroll on it that was in the middle of being worked on. She turned to her family and gave a small smile "and I believe it is time f...
by Aoyama
Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:00 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: Day 2 LE: The state of things
Replies: 28
Views: 427

Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

She nodded whether to confirm her identity or agree with his statement was not said but she did step aside "come in. I do not have much to offer but water, I could make tea but it seems late for it."
by Aoyama
Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:52 pm
Forum: The Streets
Topic: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)
Replies: 62
Views: 832

Re: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)

"Indeed there are some that find themselves more suited to night and it is a special occasion but little children still need their rest."
If she was offended by Shang Aoyama was a master of hidden emotions.

She looked to her husband "and what of Shoji?"
by Aoyama
Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:39 pm
Forum: Villager Homes
Topic: Day 2 LE: The state of things
Replies: 28
Views: 427

Re: Day 2 LE: The state of things

The door opened and a very tall, broad shouldered woman stood looking down at him. Her eyes narrowed slightly but she then bowed "Wu-sama, Lady Chouri has spoken of you. Is there trouble?" The woman he could only assume was Aoyama asked with a somewhat guarded politeness. She wore simple clothing an...
by Aoyama
Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:52 pm
Forum: The Streets
Topic: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)
Replies: 62
Views: 832

Re: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)

Akutou notices the expression. "Somethin' th' matter, Miss Aoyama?" She attempted to keep her expression neutral but perhaps a touch of color had appeared on her cheeks as she shrugged out of the hug. She took a breath "No Akuto-sama. It is only that it is rather late and Kimi should already be in ...
by Aoyama
Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:45 pm
Forum: The Streets
Topic: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)
Replies: 62
Views: 832

Re: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)

"The village healer cultivates most of it. He could likely be bothered to part with some." The arrived at a stall with an older gentleman running the stall. Another man stood there chatting happily with the cook and a small girl in a surprisingly formal kimono stood there as well. At the sight Aoyam...
by Aoyama
Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:38 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: D2 Event: Escape! Early Evening
Replies: 44
Views: 950

Re: D2 Event: Escape! Early Evening

The woman nodded to Akuto and motioned for a guard to assist and guide them.

She regarded Otaku "I have heard of this water mad sickness, we do not see it often. For it to affect a whole pack seems...unlikely. given the reported monster I think it's safe to say something unnatural is at work here."
by Aoyama
Sun Oct 29, 2023 5:42 pm
Forum: The Farmland
Topic: D2 Event: Escape! Early Evening
Replies: 44
Views: 950

Re: D2 Event: Escape! Early Evening

Naraku was taken aback by the words of the woman. He was unsure on how to proceed; this was the first time he had ever received praise for anything he had done and, as such, he was unprepared for how to handle being on the receiving end of praise. "We did what anyone would have done," he mumbled, h...
by Aoyama
Sat Oct 28, 2023 11:33 pm
Forum: The Streets
Topic: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)
Replies: 62
Views: 832

Re: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)

"Kava." She said simply at first. It was unclear if she intended to expand on that information for a bit "a plant that can be smoked or brewed into a tea. Gives energy. The local healer grows it."
by Aoyama
Fri Oct 27, 2023 8:36 am
Forum: The Streets
Topic: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)
Replies: 62
Views: 832

Re: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)

She strode with a purposeful gait but ensured her pace was not so fast to cause her current charges to scramble and keep up "I spend most nights corralling drunks and lechs. Not many, but enough that I don't foresee any of you being a hassle." "Tenma has a variety, depends on the day sometimes bread...
by Aoyama
Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:09 am
Forum: The Streets
Topic: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)
Replies: 62
Views: 832

Re: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)

Another bow, precise as the first "It is my...honor to assist samurai of the Empire and guests in our village." She pauses around the word as if it took a second to come to her mind.
by Aoyama
Thu Oct 26, 2023 9:39 pm
Forum: The Streets
Topic: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)
Replies: 62
Views: 832

Re: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)

Aoyama noted the change in Demeanor "No need to get all proper for me Saru-sama, I'm merely the protector of a small out of the way village. I'm sure you Kami followers deal with far more important people than me." She seemed like a no bullshit kind of person. "and something like that sounds like Te...
by Aoyama
Thu Oct 26, 2023 6:52 pm
Forum: The Streets
Topic: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)
Replies: 62
Views: 832

Re: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)

"Aoyama." The woman replied simply "Protector of the village, head of the guard." She bowed precisely as low as was respectful "The village is often covered in fog for most of the year. You get used to it." She shifted her gaze to the man "We are a small and relatively young village as things go. Th...
by Aoyama
Thu Oct 26, 2023 4:20 pm
Forum: The Streets
Topic: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)
Replies: 62
Views: 832

Re: D1LE, Afterparty (Open)

Snip Snip this new arrival was subject to the same scan Akutou had been though it was even more brief. "The fog can be disorienting for those unaccustomed to it." She paused as if weighing something in her mind there was a small almost imperceptible sigh "Would you both like an escort back to the e...