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Wu Zhe
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Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2023 3:04 pm

The roots of wisdom

Post by Wu Zhe »

The roots of wisdom

The smell emanating from the forming paste was strong but not unpleasant. It was a fruit smell with undertones of spice, that was for certain, but he could not place it within his memories. A wandering merchant from the south perhaps?

At any rate he simply wanted the medicine to work and, knowing the wise woman of the village, it might just burn a bit.

Old Nuwu was a crooked old thing, bent over her work table like an ancient owl, her bone-thin fingers were well at work repeating gestures done so many times before she could do it in her sleep. Judging by her silence and closed eyes she might very well be.

The only sign of life in the house beside the visitor was the much younger Jhakri, a girl of about 16 and the wise woman's apprentice, who was observing the work with rapt attention.

''Jhakri'' the girl's name cut through the silence ''What...'' the old woman continued, teasing the question '' the proper use of this paste?''

The girl seemed ready for that question

''One must make a pellet the size of half a thumb with the base paste then mix it with clean water to make oitnment. A few drops, only as needed to spread evenly upon the skin to soothe muscle pain and stiffness.''

The old woman nodded before turning to the patient

''Understood? The root's extract is potent so you'll feel a light, cool, burn on the treated area. If it hurts you can rinse with water but you'll have no problem beyond discomfort.''

Anxious to get some relief, the visitor nodded in agreement before thanking them both profusely and leaving.

The old one sighed, observing the retreat

''You have a question of your own, child?''

The teen nodded eagerly then asked wide eyed

''I heard from a traveler coming from Great Falls that the black lotus flower is potent medicine, is it true? Will I learn of it?''

The reply came sharp and quick

''Never, child. You have been deceived like so many have been. The black lotus is not a tool of healing but of death.''

Sensing surprise from her pupil, Nuwu sighed once more and leaned heavily on her work place
''Listen here girl, we live in trying times and in times such as these people will begin to believe what they will over the truth for truth is hard and lies are easy. Easy to tell, easy to spread and easy to make coin with. I also heard these fabrications, insisting that the flower was used in old tribal rituals of the people of Wu but that is well conceived half-truth.''

She pondered on how to explain

''The flower is a powerful intoxicant and was used by some people for that very reason but never by us medicine people or shamans for we know its risks and have others ways to heal or communicate with spirits. Still, some seeking madness, death or simply blinded by dark apparitions would indeed make use of it either by consuming it or in taboo rituals...they always perished in gruesome ways.

She closed her eyes once more

''When we came here I thought it would be the last time I would hear of that cursed flower. It only grows in warm and humid areas, you see, and the mountains are unsuitable for its growth and far from the places that are. If they found their way here it is not because the old ways brought, greed is not a sin belonging only to the tribes.''

That surprised the younger girl


Nuwu nodded

''Yes, greed. The flower is rare to begin with and bringing it so far north would make it worth a small fortune for those able and willing to pay. Not much use for those around here, oddly enough. If you want my opinion girl, the flower mostly transit through the lands of the Wu but it's destination is Great Falls where it find its buyers among the artists of the Saru. Blaming us and our traditions for such smuggling is easier than seeing the bigger picture. The fanatics will relish any opportunity to make us forget our culture and that blame game will play right in their hands.''

There was a pause, she swallowed

''Too much is happening at the same time. The reappearance of the black lotus in a time of nightmares is a coincidence I am uncomfortable with.''

It was Jhakri's turn to grow worried

''You think someone is organising this?'' she asked and the wise one nodded in affirmation

''Evil is old, child, as old as the world itself. It might have a new mask but the malice remains the same. There are stories of it, whispered still by us old folks. I'll tell them to you in time. For now you must stay clear of any talk of the Black Lotus for we must assume that those who sell and buy it have become the puppets of the madness.''

Fear grew on Jhakri's face

''Can't we do anything?''

Nuwu took a breath

''The lotus's poison is powerful but if it is not ingested in too large a dose, adressed quickly, and if the Fortunes are kind, there is a special root infusion that can clear the flower from the blood. Listen well...''
Dragon Clan - Wu - Bushi -Tribal - Farmer - Dairy - Blessed by Ebisu - Great Destiny - Agricultural reformer - Thunder of Mercy
Honor: What is expected, renown 1, Status: 4, finger of jade

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