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Togashi Satsuki
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Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2023 2:23 am

Mother of Dragons

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Great Falls City. End of winter, Year 30.

The Lady of the Dragon passed through the night-covered streets of the city, allowing her fragile hands to grace against the still winter-clad railings of the bridges crossing over the many artificial rivers that weaved through the city in a beautiful arrangement. The city's beauty was still noticeable, even in the eerie night. The toll of a temple-bell awarded some reprieve against the nightly terrors that had become a staple these days. And Saruko knew that tonight would be another restless night for her, as she could not in good conscience stop herself from helping as many as she could against the twisted dreams that haunted their minds.
For as long as she could remember, the Dreamlands had been a place she knew well as a spiritwalker, but never had she seen it like this. And using every bit of the trickery in her spirit from the mystical saru, she now was able to move around unnoticed by the evil there and find those who seemed to suffer the most in their dreams. With her touch, her voice, and presence, they found peaceful rest... at least for one night. And then the next night it would all start again. She knew she could not do this forever - at some point, the nightmares would find her, or she would simply be overwhelmed and worn out from this continued activity.
So many had come from the villages and small settlements nearby, some even from outside the Dragon, to seek refuge in Great Falls City. The Saru and their Lady were doing all they could to help them, from rationing food out for everyone, as well as providing spiritual comfort with their artistry and holy places. For the Lady herself, she found most of her daily hours busy with everything that needed to be done for the Clan, receiving emissaries from the other Clans, and maintaining a strong image for the Dragon to look to while their Kami was preoccupied. How thankful she was for Mirumoto's aid, for she could not have done it all alone... not to mention all the support from her two sons who were not afraid to step up to take responsibility, or help however they could.
When the night would come, Saruko sacrificed her own sleep to travel through her small hideaways in the Dreamlands.

As she stepped up to the plaza before the largest temple, a familiar figure she hadn't seen in a while greeted her. The tall form of her dear husband was unmistakable, as was the heavenly aura around him and glow in his eyes. Saruko felt her heart flutter in relief to see him.
"Beloved," she almost whispered as the two closed the distance and embraced. Feeling the comfort and safety in his arms rejuvenated her spirit in a way she had sorely needed the past year. "Are you back again now, or just a brief visit?"
"I cannot stay too long," his own voice was quiet, and even if someone had stood near them, only they would have heard the words.
Saruko understood. There seemed to be a heaviness in the world, as if everything was holding its breath in anticipation of something great happening soon. "... Where is our little moon?" she asked, realizing now that Satsuki was not here with him.
Togashi didn't meet her gaze at first, but looked straight at her when he spoke. As always, his voice was calm and reassuring. "She has set off in pursuit of destiny. Not even I can foresee with certainty what it will be, but know that she is not alone."
A conflict of feelings swirled within her; it was difficult to ignore a mother's concern for her children. Her hold on Togashi tensed as she closed her eyes, and sought the inner calm she needed to not want to drop everything to go find her child.
The woman once known as Shirayuki of the Ayakashi had come a long way, and learned that destiny could not be denied. Destiny had brought the Kami to the realm of humanity, where they could start new lives with a higher purpose, and that destiny continued to course through to their children. "Then we must do what we can so she can face her destiny without worry."
The pure sound of the temple-bell rang out again, marking the passing of an hour. And the city was quiet so no soul could disturb the Dragon and his wife as they held one another in the night - just two parents holding onto each other and sharing their worry for their children.
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 4.0 (possibly Togashi's Heir) 🐉 Glory: 3.0
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Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver, scrolls in a satchel, jade bracelet and a jade-conch, Guqin (on occassion), wide-brimmed hat with veil, travel cloak with fur.

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