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The Separation

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:03 pm
by Canary
2nd of the Month of the Hare, Year 31

"Ai!" Doji's voice echoed in the distant spaces where Yume-do was pure as she looked on, helpless to stop the vicious wounds that had killed her daughter. Tears welled up in her eyes and she straightened, looking out over the area where Jigoku had blasted this precious place; where people's dreams and hopes lived, where they had finally been able to reconcile.

She could feel it, the power that most of the village sent to support her, the people her precious family members had convinced to help. She could feel the monumental wills of the Transcendents that surrounded the corrupted tear. She wouldn't let everything they had done go to waste.

Then a roar bellowed from the area, seeming to come from everywhere within it. Every rock groaned, and the hot edges lit up bright white. The air burned with the heat of rage and an acrid stench of burning oil and sulfur. Some of the corrupted islands began to fall toward Rokugan.

They had done it.


Doji sent out an impulse among the linked group.

It's weak! We have to cut it off now!

She felt the response of the group, and all at once, with everyone's wills coming together as one, a sparkling substantiation began to form between and around them. It gathered until it was an illuminated fog, and then a bright light. All of the sudden, it snapped itself into a crystalline structure that began to rotate around the corrupted region. There was a final shout of rage that shook everything as it circled closer and closer in, the purity of Yume-do, filling the gap as it moved.

It went faster and faster, becoming smaller and smaller until finally, with a crack like a crystal glass shattering on a floor, it disappeared.

Spent, Doji fell to her knees with a final, relieved smile and disappeared from Yume-do.


In a hidden room, deep in Kyuden Doji, crystal blue eyes blinked slowly open for the first time in years.