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Re: Hi my is name Kenji I'm dead.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:42 am
by Nozomi
I'm always a little sad when I say goodbye to good Lions. I play such dastardly souls that they rarely spend time with the honorable ones. But I will say that it was nice to see Kenji develop in the short time we had them.

What do you hope to leave behind as his legacy, as one of those who gave their lives on that day?

Re: Hi my is name Kenji I'm dead.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:52 am
by Akodo Kenji
Nozomi wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:42 am
I'm always a little sad when I say goodbye to good Lions. I play such dastardly souls that they rarely spend time with the honorable ones. But I will say that it was nice to see Kenji develop in the short time we had them.

What do you hope to leave behind as his legacy, as one of those who gave their lives on that day?
Nice to see that people thought I played a decent lion.

As to the question. Nothing. This is my last appearance in a Dawn game, I'm not writing goals, I'm not planning any sort of legacy for Kenji, and that won't change. If people want to do something with it, they can feel free, but I have no intention to do such. It's a setting I have no intention to return too, and I don't think it's fair for me to influence it.

Re: Hi my is name Kenji I'm dead.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:59 am
by Bayushi Norikage
So now that you've died valiantly as a hero of the Empire, who will be playing Kenji in the stage adaptation of his life?

But seriously, did he have any regrets or unfinished business?

Re: Hi my is name Kenji I'm dead.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:18 am
by Akodo Kenji
Bayushi Norikage wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:59 am
So now that you've died valiantly as a hero of the Empire, who will be playing Kenji in the stage adaptation of his life?

But seriously, did he have any regrets or unfinished business?

One of Lady Makime's descendants?

As to the other.

"Regret is a sin Bayushi-san. I knew the risks when I accepted the position of a thunder. I went willingly and I have no thoughts of the could have or might have been." In other words, Kenji would have liked to have been able to confirm that Lady Makime made it out of this cesspit successfully, but in the end, he was here to serve. There wasn't really any unfinished business he had; he achieved his goal. His parents have a couple other children to carry on their line, he had no wife or lover. He's fairly content in death knowing that the others succeeded after he fell.

He would like to see Enrou brought to justice. But he trusts Makime and the heavens to take care of that.

Re: Hi my is name Kenji I'm dead.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:41 am
by Hantei Genji
Kenji was great!

And we would've died in Thunder Combat without him probably!

At least we had Genji who was KenjiAtHome.

Re: Hi my is name Kenji I'm dead.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:25 am
by Akodo Kenji
Hantei Genji wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:41 am
Kenji was great!

And we would've died in Thunder Combat without him probably!

At least we had Genji who was KenjiAtHome.
Indeed! You held the line after I died!

Now go get that taint cured, because you need more dad energy!

Re: Hi my is name Kenji I'm dead.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:07 pm
by Akodo Kenji
Final note before I stop checking this board.

I do have a very slow discord here.
If anyone wants to contact me.

Also Posting Kenji's sheet below.

Re: Hi my is name Kenji I'm dead.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:08 pm
by Akodo Kenji
Akodo Kenji
Clan: Lion
Family: Akodo
School: Akodo Bushi
Insight: 178
XP: 0

Status: 1.0
Honor: 6.5
Glory: 3.0

Rings 106

Earth: 3
Stamina: 3 (12)
Willpower: 3 (12)

Water: 3
Strength: 3 (12)
*Perception: 3

Fire: 3
*Agility: 4 (16)
Intelligence: 3 (12)

Air: 3
Reflexes: 3 (12)
Awareness: 3 (12)

Void: 3 (18)

Skills: 38
* Battle (Mass Combat): 1
* Defense: 2 (2)
* Kenjutsu(Katana): 6 (22)
* Kyujutsu: 3 (5)
* Lore: History: 1
* Sincerity: 1
* Hunting: 2 (2)
Etiquette: 1 (1)
Investigation: 2 (3)
Medicine:1 (1)
Meditation: 1 (1)
Athletics: 3 (6)
Horsemanship: 1 (1)
Jiujitsu: 2 (3)
Craft: Fletcher: 2 (3)
Stealth: 1 (1)

Advantages 14
Absolute Direction: 1
Crab hands: 2
Friends of the Element's Earth: 4
Great Destiny: 5
Strength of Earth: 2

Disadvantages: 8
Tribal Ways: 3
Can't Lie: 2
Haunted: 3


Rank 1: The Way of the Lion
Bushi of the Akodo School hone their fury until it is as precise as a blade. You may either ignore the portion of an opponent's Armor TN derived from Armor, or gain a Free Raise when attacking. (You do not ignore Reduction from the Armor when choosing the first option.) Also, you gain a bonus of +1k0 to the total of all attack rolls on your first melee attack against an opponent in a skirmish, or against any opponent who has declared a Raise on an attack against you since your last turn. You add only a total of 1k0 for an enemy who Raises against you, no matter how many times they actually Raised.

Rank 2::Strength of Purity
Akodo-trained warriors are known for their dedication to bushido, and take a fierce satisfaction in defeating dishonorable foes. During a skirmish you may add your Honor Rank to the total of any single roll during your Turn. You may not increase damage rolls in this fashion, nor can you do this while assuming the Center Stance.

Rank 3: Strength of My Ancestors
The Akodo bushi attacks twice, once for himself and once for his ancestor. You may make attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action while using weapons with the Samurai keyword.