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War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:40 pm
by Makime
Not sure if there is all that much to ask about but fire away.

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:46 pm
by Otomo Akutou
Anything you wish you'd done with the character that you weren't able to get to?

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:10 pm
by Doji Hikaru
What is the future Makime sees/hopes for?

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:29 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Did Makime accomplish all you wanted her to do?

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:15 am
by Jiyo Sora

1. Biggest curveball Makime threw you?
2. Biggest curveball the game threw you?
3. Favorite moment?
4. Biggest missed opportunity?
5. Any secrets Makime has that never came up?

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:57 am
by Makime
Otomo Akutou wrote:
Mon Nov 20, 2023 10:46 pm
Anything you wish you'd done with the character that you weren't able to get to?
Not really, the investigation into the village came to a head quicker then I anticipated and unexpectedly.
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:10 pm
What is the future Makime sees/hopes for?
She wants to see her family grow in power and prominence, but she knows her own imagination is limited in what can be. That's why she is just trying to make sure there is a sturdy foundation for those who come after her to build on.
Nanzi Ai wrote:
Mon Nov 20, 2023 11:29 pm
Did Makime accomplish all you wanted her to do?
As a person of limited OOC power trying to pretend like they had a lot of IC power and no shot at being a Thunder, yeah I think she did fine.
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:15 am

1. Biggest curveball Makime threw you?
2. Biggest curveball the game threw you?
3. Favorite moment?
4. Biggest missed opportunity?
5. Any secrets Makime has that never came up?
1) I was kind of shocked at how direct and easy it was for me to play her. I think she ended up with more of a dry sense of humor then I initially expected.

2) The Chouri reveal. It completely derailed my interrogations/investigations

3) Mechanically it's always nice to play a high Battle character a roll it. Fluff wise, I think the first conversation with the daimyo. It was fun to see all four of them interacting. One accord between four very different people

4) Not pressing Chouri or Enrou harder. Beyond the last conversation, Makime was basically just prying for information. She never really wiped out the claws.

5) I think she's a pretty open character. Most of her secrets are pretty mundane.

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 12:59 am
by Akodo Kenji
Not really here to ask questions. Just to say it was fun times to play Makime's aide

As well as potential muscle. :lol:

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:01 am
by Togashi Satsuki
Thanks for being auntie Makime. I enjoyed reading her scenes a lot, especially since hers and Saruko's paths didn't cross much in Dawn 1. :)

Has spending time with Satsuki helped changed Makime's mind on her daughter-in-law, or the Dragon? :D

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:07 am
by Makime
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:01 am
Thanks for being auntie Makime. I enjoyed reading her scenes a lot, especially since hers and Saruko's paths didn't cross much in Dawn 1. :)

Has spending time with Satsuki helped changed Makime's mind on her daughter-in-law, or the Dragon? :D
"They're weird, but alright."

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:14 am
by Hiruma Naraku
I think our only interactions were my reports to Makime. I really wonder how Makime and Naraku would have gotten along.

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:21 am
by Makime
Hiruma Naraku wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 1:14 am
I think our only interactions were my reports to Makime. I really wonder how Makime and Naraku would have gotten along.
Makime is generally demanding and stern, she respects competence and is irritated by incompetence. Her biggest issue is she tends to feel the weight of command and responsibility on her shoulders at all times and doesn't often 'switch off'. So probably the way she interacts with most people who haven't angered her: gruff, straight to the point responses with the occasional 'here is a chance to learn' thrown in.

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:17 am
by Anjing
Makime! With her you could feel the lion. I really enjoyed her scenes and her approach. It made for a really strong contrast with many of the other characters.

If she’d had an army that village would have been on lock within the day.

Do you think the events in the village which change her approach to strategy and military matters? Will it change how the Lion approve matters like the taint?

And will she ever take a day off? Can her kids force her to?

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:27 am
by Makime
Anjing wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:17 am
Makime! With her you could feel the lion. I really enjoyed her scenes and her approach. It made for a really strong contrast with many of the other characters.

If she’d had an army that village would have been on lock within the day.

Do you think the events in the village which change her approach to strategy and military matters? Will it change how the Lion approve matters like the taint?

And will she ever take a day off? Can her kids force her to?
Thanks I try my best to do Lion characters and feel I am at least decent at it!

Don't sell everyone short! They were kind of an army. Just not a big one.

Makime felt vindicated in her tactics and strategies against mortals, but will probably lean more on spiritual advisors going forward when dealing with weird spirit stuff.

As for a day off. I like to think she has 10 or so more years before she hands the reigns off to Ayano and retires to a life of meddling with her kids. And weaving, I kind of feel like at the end Makime just wants to set the burden she has felt since assuming leadership and let others carry the Makime family into the future. Then she can go to back to a quiet life she only really has begun to appreciate again. Maybe adopt a new name temporarily and travel in one of the Makime merchant caravans.

And meddling with her kids and grandkids. I mentioned that right?

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 5:12 pm
by Saru Shang
Makime feels like something I would say when going to a Sushi restaurant. Maki-me, aha, get it?

More seriously, I believe Makime was one of the characters from Dawn 1. When it comes to reprising a character that you played previously but there being a sizeable time jump with a break from the character in between, did you experience any challenges when picking up the character once more? Were there questions you asked yourself? What things did you consider when it came to changes and growth? Were there aspects of Makime that were fully discarded from this? Habits and sentiments that she doesn't have any more in this time jump?

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:35 pm
by Makime
A lot of Makime's personality starts with Ayano. She was a bit more lax in Dawn 1. Going back I checked her age and wondered what would happen if a 19-20 year old was suddenly put in charge of a bunch of people who were her elders. Her only real qualifications being she had a sort of natural talent for conflict and organization. So I landed on the woman who had lost a lot of her humor and more whimsical aspects, trading them for a very a colder demeanor. Essentially she found herself at the top and the weight of that responsibility shaped her into someone who is hard on herself and partly to others. But there was a human underneath there, buried behind the Ironclad facade Makime keeps between herself and others.

I think she also ended up justifying herself a lot with a drive to see the future of her family and those she feels responsible made manifest.

Re: War Stories with Lady Makime

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:44 am
by Makime
Makime wrote: Makime
School/Rank: Tawagoto's Army 1/Makime Tactician School 2
Insight: 175
XP: 1

Status: 7.0 (Makime Daimyo)
Honor: 4.5
Glory: 6.0 (Makime Daimyo)

Earth 3
-Stamina 3 (12 XP)
-Willpower 3 (Tribe)

Water 3
-Strength 3 (12 XP)
-Perception 4 (School + 16 XP)

Fire 3
-Agility 3 (12 XP)
-Intelligence 3 (12 XP)

Air 2
-Reflexes 2
- Awareness 2

Void 3 (18 XP)

Skills (* are school skills/emphasis)
*Battle (Mass Combat) 8 (37 XP)
*Defense 1
*Etiquette 3 (5 XP)
*Investigation 3 (5 XP)
*Kenjutsu 4 (9 XP)
*Spears 1
*Artisan [Fabric Dying] 2
Kyujutsu 1 (1 XP)
Craft (Weaving) 1 (1 XP)
Commerce 1 (1 XP)
Lore: History 1 (1 XP)
Sincerity 2 (3 XP)
Engineering 1 (1 XP)
Courtier 3 (6 XP)
Meditation 1 (1 XP)

Tactician [Mental] (4 XP)
-When making a roll on the Mass Battle Table, you may increase or decrease your result by 5.

Leadership [Mental] (6 XP)
-Once per Round during the Reactions stage, you may add your School Rank plus 1k1 to the Initiative Score of one ally in a skirmish. This bonus lasts until the Reactions stage of the following round.

Overconfident [Mental] (3 XP)
-When outnumbered or facing a clearly superior enemy (whether in court or in battle), you must succeed at a Perception Trait Roll (TN 20) in order to recognize the situation for what it is and leave instead of engaging.

Fascination (Patterns) [Mental] (1 XP) - BOUGHT OFF FOR 2 XP

Rank 1: The People’s Will – When you spend a Void Point to add a bonus of +1k1 to any Skill or Trait Roll, you may also add your Honor Rank to the total of that roll.

Rank 1: The Flow of Conflict - When rolling Initiative at the start of a skirmish, you may roll Battle/Perception instead of Insight Rank/Reflexes, and once per round during the Reactions stage you may add your ranks in Battle to the Initiative Score of an ally with a lower Initiative Score. This bonus lasts until the end of the skirmish. Additionally, while fighting alongside allies, you gain a bonus of +1k0 to your attack rolls.

Rank 2: Together in Victory - Once per round as a Simple Action, you may give an ally within 30' a bonus to either attack or damage rolls equal to your Perception. This effect lasts until the end of the round.

Light Armour
Sturdy Clothing
Han-kyu (20 willow leaf arrows)
Traveling pack
- Blanket
- Walking Stick
- Shovel
- Straw Cloak
- Week's Rations (1)
- Wide-brimmed Straw Hat
- Whetstone
- Bottle of water
- Rope
Personal Seal (Bought 4 Bu)
Writing Box (Bought 1 Bu)
2 koku worth of jade fingers


koku - 3 (1 Koku left from last game +5 Koku from Makime stipend)


Initiative roll: 6k2 (Normal) / 10k4 (Makime Tech)

Primary Weapon: Katana
Roll to attack: 7k3 (+1k0 if fighting alongside someone friendly)
Damage: 6k2

Armor: Light
TN bonus: +5
Reduction: 3
TN to be hit: 20 --> 15 (Ref) + 5 (Armour)
Throwing out my character sheet. Makime's time is done and I think mine is as well. I'll leave whatever foundation there exists for the Makime family and let those who are interested in them carry the family forward.