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Last Horizons (Otaku)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:07 am
by Otaku
I'm pretty beat (yay end of the semester and covid fatigue and...) but I guess I'm up for specific questions about the character. (Maybe not generic form questions, idk :? )

Please don't feel like you just have to make up questions just to be nice, I wasn't that active unfortunately so I won't be offended if there isn't much to ask about. :oops: But I did enjoy the character herself taking shape for me.

I'll share the sheet below, because why not. It's not particularly exotic!

Re: Last Horizons (Otaku)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:07 am
by Otaku
Character Sheet wrote: Name: Otaku
School/Rank: Otaku[Utaku] Battle Maiden 3
Insight: 180
XP: 165

Status: 7.0
Honor: 7.5
Glory: 6.5

Rings (160 insight/130 xp)

Earth 3
-Stamina 3 (Family)
-Willpower 3 (12xp)

Water 3
-Strength 3 (12xp)
-Perception 3 (12xp)

Fire 3
-Agility 4 (28xp)
-Intelligence 3 (12xp)

Air 3
-Reflexes 3 (School)
- Awareness 3 (12xp)

Void 4 (42xp)

Skills (* are school skills/emphasis) [29 xp/ 20 insight]

*Battle 1
*Defense 1
*Horsemanship 3 (3 xp)
*Kenjutsu 5 (Katana) (16 xp)
*Sincerity 1
*Meditation 1 [any one High or Bugei Skill]
Kyujutsu 2 (3 xp)
Athletics 1 (1 xp)
Lore: Shugenja/Spellcraft 1 (1 xp)
Perform: Song 1 (1 xp)
Animal Handling 2 (3 xp)
Investigation 1 (1 xp)

Advantages: [15 xp]

Great Destiny [Spiritual] (5 xp)
- Once per session, when you suffer Wounds that would kill you, you are reduced to a single Wound remaining instead.

Strength of the Earth [Physical] (2xp for bushi)
- The TN penalties you suffer from Wound Ranks are reduced by 3.

Virtuous [Mental] (3 xp)
- You possess one additional rank of Honor above your normal starting value (as determined by your School).

Voice [Physical] (3 Points)
- You gain a bonus of +1k1 on any Perform Skill Roll that utilizes your voice, such as Perform: Singing or Perform: Oratory.

Absolute Direction [Mental] (1 xp)
- You possess an almost supernatural sense of direction, and you always know what direction is north, no matter the circumstances. This ability does not function if you are more than one day's travel inside the Shadowlands.

Kharmic Tie: Shinjo [Spiritual] (1 xp, let’s not go crazy here)
- Your destiny is not yours alone, but is bonded to that of another in some fundamental way. You may have been close to this other person during a previous life, or perhaps your destiny in this life will yet be entwined in theirs in some essential manner. Select one person when purchasing this Advantage. For each point spent on this Advantage, once per session you gain a bonus of +1k1 to the total of all attack rolls made when fighting for or protecting the person to whom you are bonded.

Lucid Dreaming [Spiritual] (5 xp)
- Do the lucid dream thing.
Disadvantages: [+9 xp]

Canonically!Small [Physical] (3)
- Your Water Ring is considered one rank lower for determining the distance of your Move Actions, and you suffer a penalty of -1k0 on the Damage Rolls of all melee attacks.

Ascetic [Mental] (2)
- Your School Outfit includes only weapons, armor, clothing, necessary tools of the trade for your profession (such as scroll satchel for shugenja), and nothing else. Any time you would be awarded Glory as a result of your actions, you receive only half the normal amount.

Idealistic [Mental] (2)
- Whenever you lose Honor, the loss is increased by 1 point.

Antisocial [Mental] (2)
- 1k0 to all Social Skill Rolls due to shyness/reticence (Canon Otaku is reputed to have been a woman of so few words that she possibly never spoke all to anyone beyond Shinjo and her own daughter Shiko, but I’m choosing to treat that as an exaggeration in later legends, because in spite of it she clearly did talk to other people in canon).


School Techniques:

Rank 1: Riding in Harmony
The Utaku Battle Maidens value honor above all. You gain a bonus equal to your Honor Rank to one attack per Round. While mounted, you may instead choose to apply to bonus to one damage roll if you choose. You gain a bonus equal to your Honor Rank to the total of all Horsemanship rolls.

Rank 2: The Void of War
An Utaku can sacrifice defense for speed if the flow of the battle calls for it. During Stage 1 of any Combat Round, you may add 5 to either your Initiative Score or your Armor TN. This bonus lasts until you use this Technique again or the skirmish ends.

Rank 3: Sensing the Breeze
The natural feel of the saddle lends an Utaku unnatural freedom of movement. While mounted, you may make attacks as a Simple Action instead of a Complex Action.
The Real Main Character Sheet wrote: REVISED DAWN-ERA KI-RIN HORSEY (changes from the vanilla Unicorn Riding Horse are bolded)

[Early Otaku steeds] will fight willingly and intelligently along with their riders, without any need for a skill roll. They will remain at their rider's side even if she is dead.

Air 2

Earth 3
Stamina 4

Fire 1
Agility 3

Water 2
Strength 5

Initiative: 4k2

Attack: Kick 4k3 (Simple) or Trample 6k4 (Complex)
Damage: Kick 6k2, Trample 6k4

Armor TN: 15
Reduction: 3

Wounds: 12: +5; 24: +10; 36: +15: 48: Dead

Skills: Hunting (Tracking) 4. Intimidation 2

Special Abilities:
*Swift 3 (moves as if Water 6)
*Huge (cannot be Grappled or targeted with the Knockdown maneuver)

Implicit/fluff traits: Benten's Blessing, Dangerous Beauty, Overconfident, Vanity

Re: Last Horizons (Otaku)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:07 am
by Doji Hikaru
Who's Otaku, and where is Tsubame's Q&A?

Re: Last Horizons (Otaku)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:09 am
by Jiyo Sora
That's what form questions are for!


1. Biggest curveball Otaku threw you?
2. Biggest curveball the game threw you?
3. Favorite moment?
4. Biggest missed opportunity?- Apart from Covid kicking your ass :(
5. Any secrets Otaku has that never came up?

I seriously regret Sora and Jin's adopted daughter never getting to have a chat...

Re: Last Horizons (Otaku)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:11 am
by Otaku
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:07 am
Who's Otaku, and where is Tsubame's Q&A?
Questions for Tsubame will be handled by his personal assistant, as he finds typing burdensome.

Re: Last Horizons (Otaku)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:12 am
by Togashi Satsuki
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:07 am
Who's Otaku, and where is Tsubame's Q&A?

Also, how much of did you get to live your "young horse-girl fantasy" when playing Otaku? xD

Re: Last Horizons (Otaku)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:12 am
by Makime
The fourth member of out Triumvirate! Or something.

The other 'cold' daimyo, curious what Otaku though of being pulled into an impromptu war council

Re: Last Horizons (Otaku)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:20 am
by Sugri
Your step-father is very glad you lived up to your Destiny and did not die in the process.

Re: Last Horizons (Otaku)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:44 am
by Otaku
Sugri wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:20 am
Your step-father is very glad you lived up to your Destiny and did not die in the process.
Aww, thank you!

I really appreciated talking with you about Jin and Otaku! It helped me get my bearings with a couple of things. In some ways it was weird/interesting to be playing a version of Otaku who became "the" Otaku not as an adult tribal leader but as a teen raised in the Ki-rin, while still wanting to play her fairly straight as an idealist with most of the traits attributed to her in original canon; I think the Jin angle helped me thread that needle a bit.
Makime wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:12 am
The fourth member of out Triumvirate! Or something.

The other 'cold' daimyo, curious what Otaku though of being pulled into an impromptu war council
I was going to say I was confused about "cold" here, but I guess compared to Matsu and Anjing... :lol:

I figured this wasn't too out of norm for this early period of Rokugani history when leadership structures are pretty fluid and personal all around, so Otaku didn't find it strange (certainly not compared to the overall circumstances, which were very strange by anyone's standards). It was interesting to play her off against the strong personalities of the other three daimyo when I had saddled her with a packet of dis/advantages that said she was decisive, held strong and passionate opinions... but was also quiet and socially retiring. It was a genuine challenge, and I ended trying to rein in my natural inclination to verbosity a lot. I definitely enjoyed those scenes for the roleplay in spite of the fact that we didn't end up having much ability to actually engage with the plot through them.
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:12 am
Also, how much of did you get to live your "young horse-girl fantasy" when playing Otaku? xD
I absolutely dug deep into my teen girl knowledge bank. It's been an awfully long time since I seriously interacted with a real horse (and even longer than that since I cleared the library shelves of horse books :lol: ) but memory is vivid.

I felt a little sheepish about making Tsubame in some ways a bigger (or at least memeier) character than Otaku, but it's the Otaku/Utaku trope so I quickly made peace with it. Besides, it's handy to have an outgoing pet/mount when you're roleplaying an introverted character.

Re: Last Horizons (Otaku)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 6:20 am
by Akodo Kenji
I really didn't get to know Auntie Otaku well.

But it was nice to get to fight alongside her!

Re: Last Horizons (Otaku)

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:58 am
by Hiruma Naraku
Loved my battle sister! *salute*

I just feel sad we didn't interact more times after our scene