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The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:22 am
by Nozomi
So, thankfully I was able to be here despite some health difficulties and the additional requirements of real life. Nozomi's been a blast to play for three games. One of my longest term characters in these play by post games.

Feel free to shoot any questions you might have.

Re: The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:23 am
by Jiyo Sora
Hikaru Tribe Fist-Bump


1. Biggest curveball Nozomi threw you?
2. Biggest curveball the game threw you?
3. Favorite moment?
4. Biggest missed opportunity?
5. Any secrets Nozomi has that never came up?

Had life been more accommodating, I would have loved more of them rehashing old times, but at the same time... I feel like we kinda hit their vibe enough this game.

Re: The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:37 am
by Nozomi
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:23 am
Hikaru Tribe Fist-Bump


1. Biggest curveball Nozomi threw you?
2. Biggest curveball the game threw you?
3. Favorite moment?
4. Biggest missed opportunity?
5. Any secrets Nozomi has that never came up?

Had life been more accommodating, I would have loved more of them rehashing old times, but at the same time... I feel like we kinda hit their vibe enough this game.
Fist-bump. The players got serious bit of mileage out of the old tribes. I was glad to see how much people would play to those old stories. Hikaru forever!

1. Oh, that one's easy: Attaching herself to a monastic fate. Love? Love wasn't out of the realm of possibility, but the monastic way was something she embraced so whole-heartedly (even if she's not great at it) that it took me by surprise. It very much suits the setting.
2. To be brutally honest? I did not expect her to survive Kyuuen. Her stats are intentionally brutally average. 3s in key traits are always dangerous in IR 3 encounters, so... having a chance to continue for three full games was a nice curveball.

There was also Shinsei as the Champion, but that curveball wasn't something I guessed (though I did once crack to the GMs that I thought it would be a brutal option.). In hindsight, it was a beautiful choice of the champion of Jigoku.
3. I would still say to this day "Riding the back of a goddess to rescue a monk from himself" probably qualifies as the most Phi moment she ever had. It was such a mythic scene.
4. More storytime with Shosuro in Game 3, though we got just enough that it was very endearing.
5. A couple:

A) Nozomi is Cursed by Yomi. Being an adopted transplant from the shell of a villge that had belonged to a tribe that didn't make it (and which was implied to be killed by the agents of the Lying Darkness), none of her ancestors wait in Yomi for her. She was the one who survived. She wasn't meant to survive. Nozomi has struggled with survivor's guilt almost all of her life, and generally has subsumed it into doing her job very well.

Shinsei may be the only soul in yomi who watches over her.

B) Part of why Nozomi never got along with the concept of Honor of the Nanzi family is that she actually has a Failure of Bushido: Honesty. She's a big part of why "Embellishment" is permitted in the stories of the Order of Heroes. Her relationship with the truth is sketchy, but she lies like a fish swims. She just doesn't know how to be sincerely honest without sounding fake.

I think there were other secrets, but her connection to the Lying Darkness and later to Shosuro were ultimately played out in the public eye, so folks have gotten to see those, and the fact that the Heir of Shinsei, Mayumi, was her daughter. I did have fun playing the tag-along in Game 3.

Re: The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:28 am
by Hiruma Naraku
Given the Thunder selection post I am really sad Nozomi and Naraku did not interact more.

I absolutely adored reading your posts.

Re: The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:36 am
by Sugri
I was honored to be the one to get to torpedo your world (well, inform you of said torpedo).

Also the Thunder choosing scene was the only thing to make me regret not being eligible.

Re: The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 2:54 pm
by Nozomi
Hiruma Naraku wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:28 am
Given the Thunder selection post I am really sad Nozomi and Naraku did not interact more.

I absolutely adored reading your posts.
I do regret that a little bit. The two had just enough of a similarity in their pasts, however distant she was to that past anymore, that I think there could have been some interesting commiseration. Naraku was an interesting character as he played out and you got to have some really neat notes to his time in the game.
Sugri wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 10:36 am
I was honored to be the one to get to torpedo your world (well, inform you of said torpedo).

Also the Thunder choosing scene was the only thing to make me regret not being eligible.
Hah, yeah, that freak out session was something else. She had to find out sooner, rather than later.

The Thunder Selection was a privilege. I didn't get to pick them, but I got to figure out ways that she would describe why they were the ones selected. And finding fun, interesting ways to speak to a character's story and past is always a little bit of a treat for me.

Re: The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:41 pm
by Nanzi Ai
I want Nozomi to be the Little Teacher, that's all I want.

No more living in the shadows for you. But seriously, I am glad to see her play a pivotal role and as always a great time to have her here.

Re: The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:21 pm
by Nozomi
Nanzi Ai wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 3:41 pm
I want Nozomi to be the Little Teacher, that's all I want.

No more living in the shadows for you. But seriously, I am glad to see her play a pivotal role and as always a great time to have her here.
Given that her Major Goal is to Preserve the Tao's place in Rokugan in light of Shinsei's fall, she will likely come to be known as the Little Teacher, and he the Teacher. Or something very much like that.

Likewise. It was very fun.

Re: The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:48 pm
by Shiba Kumori
Yeah, I was super happy when Nozomi got to step in as the new Shinsei as it were.

It felt very Dawn-verse... inclusive and lovely and great.

Kumori was pushing Nozomi towards it IC a day or two before it happened, and I the player was super excited when it was revealed that was what was going to happen.

So Nozomi the Little Teacher has my support!

Re: The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2023 8:46 pm
by Nozomi
Shiba Kumori wrote:
Tue Nov 21, 2023 4:48 pm
Yeah, I was super happy when Nozomi got to step in as the new Shinsei as it were.

It felt very Dawn-verse... inclusive and lovely and great.

Kumori was pushing Nozomi towards it IC a day or two before it happened, and I the player was super excited when it was revealed that was what was going to happen.

So Nozomi the Little Teacher has my support!
It was honestly a privilege. I never thought I'd have a chance like that when things started out years ago, and I loved it. It was unique.

Hehe. Yeah, I think with her making her life's goal the promotion of the Tao, she may end up being remembered as the Little Teacher, to the great Teacher that she followed. She'd privately hate it a little because of her self-esteem issues, but I love the ending.

Re: The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:07 am
by Isawa Kyosei
Heh. Will Shinsei's crow start following her around now? Or one of her children?

Re: The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:45 am
by Nozomi
Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:07 am
Heh. Will Shinsei's crow start following her around now? Or one of her children?
So, that is a Baku question... but tehre were implications in one of her conversations with the old crow that hinted he might be checking up on Mayumi from time to time. Which, given the Hooded Ronin? Sort of makes sense that they would keep tabs on the line.

Re: The Little Student - Nozomi Q&A

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2023 7:43 pm
by Canary
Nozomi wrote:
Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:45 am
Isawa Kyosei wrote:
Wed Nov 22, 2023 9:07 am
Heh. Will Shinsei's crow start following her around now? Or one of her children?
So, that is a Baku question... but tehre were implications in one of her conversations with the old crow that hinted he might be checking up on Mayumi from time to time. Which, given the Hooded Ronin? Sort of makes sense that they would keep tabs on the line.
He'll be accompanying Mayumi into the Burning Sands.