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Day 3

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:32 am
by Canary
26th of the Month of the Tiger, Year 30

Where yesterday was oddly warm, today is oddly cold, like a resurgence of winter. Your breath mists in the air when you breathe out, and the fog seems even denser today than it has been before. In the morning, the air doesn't seem quite sure if it wants to make a frost, but it does warm up a little bit as the day ears on.

The moon is waxing gibbous.

Today's element is air.

Our Daily Bread - EE, Headwoman's House

Sleep Event #3

Re: Day 3

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:49 am
by Canary

Our Heroes!

Farmer 1: I saw smoke over at your farm! Are you and your family okay?!
Farmer 2: Thankfully. There were fires, and these wolves and... Well, it was a lot. Fortunately, some of the newcomers where there to help. There was a scruffy-lookin' guy, a tough-lookin' lady with an axe, and another girl where we were. The girls even saved Shizuku from her house and defended me and the wife and kids!
Farmer 1: Wow... I guess these newcomers really aren't so bad.

Tall Tales

Girl: Did you SEE the wolf those newcomers fought?! It was 12 feet tall, and had two... no, three skulls heads! And it BREATHED FIRE! That monk girl lost her arm fighting it! And the woman on the horse... They're so cool! I want to be just like them someday.
Woman: All right, Suzu, time to get in bed.
Girl: But Mooooom! She really did lose her arm!
Woman: I did see some people rushing an injured person over to Enrou's... Hmm. Speaking of which, I need to go pick up your medicine tomorrow.
Girl: Do we have to? It's gross.

The Best Defense is a Good Pair of Running Shoes

Woman 1: Did you hear about the wolves and the fires?
Woman 2: We were there. Those samurai got there so fast that the guard ended mostly getting people out of buildings, evacuated, and organizing the bucket brigade to put the fires out.
Woman 1: How is your house?
Woman 2: *sighs* The whole side is collapsed. A beam fell, I guess. Shizuku almost didn't get out. I'm so relieved.

Re: Day 3

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 2:53 am
by Canary
On the message pole, there are three notes as of EM D3:
Doji Hikaru has been chosen and given three quests to complete, to show his spirit, heart, and soul, to be worthy for marriage. He must show his completion of these tasks within four days.

First, he must hold the stars in the palm of his hand.
Second, he must show the strength of fire.
Third and lastly, he must create the most sublime sound.

In light of what transpired yesterday, I am setting to head into the surrounding forest for a scouting mission. I am looking for at least three willing people to accompany me to see if we might search and better prepare in the case of future attacks.

Hiruma Naraku
In light of recent events, coordination of defense efforts is key.

To that end, Jiyo Sora requests a meeting with the ranking member of each of the Clans present, as well as of the Brotherhood of Shinsei, or their duly designated representatives at their earliest convenience. Samurai without a Clan allegiance are welcome to present their input to the Imperial families at the time they see fit.

Before any such meeting, it should be noted that the Imperial Families propose that Lady Makime be placed in charge of all defensive efforts at the command level, and that Wu Zhe be designated as liaison to the village.

In an ungainly scrawl at the bottom-

You don't all have to show up at once if your schedules do not coincide.

Re: Day 3

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2023 5:45 pm
by Bakuriel

Re: Day 3

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:52 pm
by Canary
Added to the message pole EA:
At this very moment, Lady Doji fights against the corruption in the realm of dreams. Her strength keeps the Empire safe.

As you lay down to sleep, please, think of her, and say a prayer for her safety.