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Day 7

Post by Canary »

The quiet hours of the early morning passed quietly, the pressure of the air lending an eerie stillness to the atmosphere. No birds sing, no animals rustle in the brush. The world holds its breath until, just as the fog begins to lighten with the first rays of dawn, a flash peeled across the sky, followed by the twin roars of thunder and the start of a downpour. The combined roar itself seemed to speak.

“The time has come.”

There was a poignant pause that lingered in the thunder’s reverberations of the air. Slowly the mist around the shrine began to contort and change form.

“I welcome you all to the greatest day anyone could dream of.”

Human-like forms began to take shape within the writhing mists.

“Over is the suffering imposed upon you all… The servitude to blind, unfeeling, and garish light.”

The personages took on horrific form. Form some already knew. Failure… Fear… Anger… Distrust… Time… Loss… Regret… Meaningless Death… Nightmares… Shame… Madness… Ignorance.

“I invite you to a better world. An ideal world… Do not mourn for the old and broken world. It has served its purpose. Come and join me for the Dawn of a new and infinitely better world that we shall create together!”

As the voice finishes speaking, the landscape begins to warp. The hill the shrine sits on seems to grow, the staircase to it becoming winding and treacherous in the thunderstorm. The trees becoming larger, twisted and ominous as they seem to bend threateningly over the tents of the Imperial camp. Each villager’s home becomes a manifestation of the nightmares of its inhabitants. Yoshie and Daisuke’s home becomes a series of winding, empty corridors with the distant echoes of the voices of family now absent. Shizuku’s home is festooned with severed heads, with a pair of shovels crossed in front of the door as a sort of barricade. The headwoman’s home becomes a mortuary filled with the illusionary corpses of the village residents. Trees grow up around Enrou’s home, and it becomes a cottage in this miniature woods big enough for just three people. The interior has blood all over the walls.

The hundreds of creatures that formed from the mist all snap their heads up in unison and look out to the village. As they do, a crack in the earth forms, green flame and lightning welling out of it to form a woman of stony skin and flaming lava-like hair, her green eyes glowing bright with glee. Her voice is the last of the voices to sound across the village and its surroundings.

“Come… See the Dawn!”
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Day 7

Post by Canary »

GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."
