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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Sukuna wrote:
Thu Oct 26, 2023 6:52 pm
At least the Crab seemed to value all their family. That’s a point in favor of them to Sukuna, as she can’t help but warmly smile at Anjing’s concern. “I have come to terms with it, yes. It may be dark, but if I were still with them I wouldn’t be helping people. I would have been some farmer’s wife.”
"There's nothing wrong with farming, someone has to put food on the table. But if it's not your calling, it's not your calling."
Anjing eyes the various farmers and their preparing for the celebrations around them.

"I know Shinsei's followers don't give up most of the uh...wait, how old are you?"
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Sukuna »

“Ah, no disrespect to farmers. I just don’t like the idea of being forever known as someone’s wife and not an individual of note.”

At the question of her age, Sukuna had to think about it. “Ah, about 25 winters?”
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Sukuna wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:52 am
“Ah, no disrespect to farmers. I just don’t like the idea of being forever known as someone’s wife and not an individual of note.”
Anjing grins and claps Sukuna forcefully on the shoulder. "A monk after my own heart, I can't believe it. It's even worse when they're the size of a house, people literally don't even see you at first."
Sukuna wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 1:52 am

At the question of her age, Sukuna had to think about it. “Ah, about 25 winters?”
"Oh good. Right. So you were okay with giving up earthly pleasures and that sort of thing for Shinsei?"
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Sukuna »

“Well, it’s easier to want not when you have nothing. I am content with my situation now.” The younger woman can’t help but curiously look Anjing over. “Though, it’s hard to deny an offer of sake. I guess a bit of a weakness of mine?”
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Sukuna wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 2:05 am
“Well, it’s easier to want not when you have nothing. I am content with my situation now.” The younger woman can’t help but curiously look Anjing over. “Though, it’s hard to deny an offer of sake. I guess a bit of a weakness of mine?”
"If I go and buy some for us, you won't lecture me on the importance of moderation and seeking balance in all things?"
Anjing raises her eyebrows, arms crossed.
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Sukuna »

“I’m not one to lecture. It would sound so ridiculous coming from me.” Sukuna could imagine it in her head, but somehow keeps herself from laughing at that image. “The path to finding inner balance is a personal one, anyway.”
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Sukuna wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 2:13 am
“I’m not one to lecture. It would sound so ridiculous coming from me.” Sukuna could imagine it in her head, but somehow keeps herself from laughing at that image. “The path to finding inner balance is a personal one, anyway.”
"Thank the fortunes, okay, stay here."
Anjing disappears and can be seen aggressively negotiating with a vendor before returning a few moments later with two small earth ware bottles.

"It's closer to water than most of the sake I drink, but it'll do. Should keep you warm anyway."
She hands over one of the two bottles.

"What's your name anyway?"
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Sukuna »

“Ah? Oh I forgot to introduce myself? That’s a bit embarrassing.” Sukuna accepts the bottle handed to her, looking over the earthenware bottle with a bit of interest. “Sukuna is the name I took.”
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Sukuna wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 2:23 am
“Ah? Oh I forgot to introduce myself? That’s a bit embarrassing.” Sukuna accepts the bottle handed to her, looking over the earthenware bottle with a bit of interest. “Sukuna is the name I took.”
"They didn't even give you a name?" Anjing shakes her head as she unstoppers the jug and takes a swig. "Well regardless Sukuna, you sound pretty decent. A few more monks like you up north and maybe Shinsei would have a different reputation."

Her next swig is much shallower than the first, it barely even burnt on the way down!
"You're welcome to pass through our lands anytime, you'd be in demand." Peering at the other woman. "How are you with heights?"
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Sukuna »

“Oh, I had a name in childhood. But I cast aside that identity when I became a monk. A clean slate to work from. She takes her first drink of her sake, enjoying every moment of such a rare treat. “Ah, I’ve done lots of travel in higher elevations.”

“Ah, thank you for the permission to pass through. I know there’s people in your lands that would like an extra hand.”
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Sukuna wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 2:42 am
“Oh, I had a name in childhood. But I cast aside that identity when I became a monk. A clean slate to work from. She takes her first drink of her sake, enjoying every moment of such a rare treat. “Ah, I’ve done lots of travel in higher elevations.”

“Ah, thank you for the permission to pass through. I know there’s people in your lands that would like an extra hand.”
"If anyone gives you any trouble, tell them I cleared it. And if they still give you grief, tell them I'll personally thump some sense into them if you don't get to pass. They'll know what that means."

She seems to relax a little now, already thinking ahead.
"Medical aid and construction know-how would be useful up in the outposts. So if you can work at heights like that you'd be very welcome indeed. Folks will try to pay you for your time though, might get insulted if you refuse. I'd suggest you take it and then donate it again later if you really have to. But that's your call."
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Sukuna »

“Depends on how they decide to pay me. I’m fine with some grains and other food I can travel with. A few eggs here and there would be nice if they keep poultry. Extra layers in the winter is also fine. But things outside of bare necessities I could donate later.”

Another swig from her own jug, Sukuna seems also pretty open and relaxed. “I don’t require much.”
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Sukuna wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:13 am
“Depends on how they decide to pay me. I’m fine with some grains and other food I can travel with. A few eggs here and there would be nice if they keep poultry. Extra layers in the winter is also fine. But things outside of bare necessities I could donate later.”

Another swig from her own jug, Sukuna seems also pretty open and relaxed. “I don’t require much.”
"Grain would be tough, but we could definitely get you eggs."
Nodding approvingly
"And some extra layers, real layers, can't have you freezing up on a mountain somewhere. Might be bad luck to lose a monk like that. They'll work it out should you make the journey. You can walk from one side of the empire to the other and never leave the Crab lands so long as you don't mind ups and downs."

Gesturing with her jug at the villagers around them.
"But there are still plenty of parts of it I've never seen. Had only heard this lot was loitering on the border."
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Sukuna »

“These lands are so vast, so one would be greatly blessed to see all of its secrets.” Sukuna gestures around vaguely. “As for the clothes and the eggs, that’s all I can really ask for.”
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Sukuna wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:06 pm
“These lands are so vast, so one would be greatly blessed to see all of its secrets.” Sukuna gestures around vaguely. “As for the clothes and the eggs, that’s all I can really ask for.”
"...Well, I don't think you would be a bad person or a bad monk to want more than clothes and eggs in your life Sukuna. But that's your business."
She takes another swig of her sake.

"Where are...or I guess, were your people? Which tribe were you from?"
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Sukuna »

There’s a bit of visible discomfort in the monk as she thinks back to her former family, “The Shoji. The forest provides only so much on the years of particular rough weather. And for hunting, well, there’s a cycle of birth rates between predator and prey.”
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Sukuna wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:33 pm
There’s a bit of visible discomfort in the monk as she thinks back to her former family, “The Shoji. The forest provides only so much on the years of particular rough weather. And for hunting, well, there’s a cycle of birth rates between predator and prey.”
"I see. Your peoples' lives were hard. There is no shame in it, I have met many Shoji who had to strive every day of their lives to provide for their families. Although few who expelled their own children."
That still clearly rankles with Anjing.

"My own people had the same struggles after we arrived in the north. The land was not as fertile and we knew not what to grow or how to hunt in it, the first few years were hard, very hard. But we survived, we found ways, friends aided us."
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Sukuna »

“It’s rough up there. I heard many speak of it before. How were you able to find food enough to support your people? You said that grains are a bit harder to come by, I assume a bit of buckwheat here and there. Poultry produce eggs, of course. I guess cattle produce for the people there that could stomach it. It always made me feel sick when I was offered to try.” Sukuna tilts her head in thought, trying to think of the kinds of solutions they may have came up with.
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Anjing »

Sukuna wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 11:40 pm
“It’s rough up there. I heard many speak of it before. How were you able to find food enough to support your people? You said that grains are a bit harder to come by, I assume a bit of buckwheat here and there. Poultry produce eggs, of course. I guess cattle produce for the people there that could stomach it. It always made me feel sick when I was offered to try.” Sukuna tilts her head in thought, trying to think of the kinds of solutions they may have came up with.
"Initially it was hunting, easiest to setup since even a good farm won't sprout food the instant its planted. Goats, deer, rabbits. If we could eat it we hunted it. Probably overhunted initially, but we prayed that the spirits would understand the need."

Her expression is grim as she thinks back to those years.
"Our neighbours didn't have much, but what they could spare they did, the Bat, Dragon and Spider sent what they had already grown. We had to cut rations down to the bone to make sure our children had enough. The second year was hard too, but eventually our farms took shape and we could begin to produce again. I wouldn't wish the experience on anyone, it was as though my whole people teetered on the very edge."

Anjing raises an eyebrow.
"Cattle produce? They're good for eating and their hides are valuable indeed. Our lands are not well suited to such grazing, but I'm told some of them are hardy enough to survive."
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Re: The Festive Spirit [Day 1, EE, Expecting]

Post by Sukuna »

“The meat shouldn’t make one sick, if prepared correctly. I met someone that offered some of the milk. It tasted weird and gave me terrible stomach pain after. I don’t recommend it,” Sukuna looked a bit green even remembering it.
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