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(D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara had wandered the village, looking for a craftsman to aid her - without a great deal of luck. She didn't know who to ask, or how.

So she'd gotten some wood, and some tools, and was rather awkwardly trying to cross tie a wooden handle to the shaft of her bisento - thus far with rather limited results given her clumsy left-handed grip. She needed the task done, however, if she were to properly wield her weapon one-handed.

At least, she was fairly confident that it would help...
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"When I came into this world, I first tried to run on four legs."

For once there wasn't any tree close enough for Kai to dramatically drop from. But thankfully, there was enough shadows for her to arise from the obscurity. It would have improper for her to just walk in.

"Took me a while to accept my body didn't have a nice tail for balance, and stuffed pawns to cushion my jumps. It's only when I truly acknowledged my body won't ever be what it had been that I finally stood up on two legs, and discovered all the wonders that could be done by a hand with an opposable thumb.

Long story short, I feel like there is no craftiness in the world that could turn back Yume-kiri into your claws. If you wish to have claws again, you need new ones, fitting your new body, same as me replacing my old fangs with new ones of steel."
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Otomo Akutou »

For Akutou, however, walking in is entirely befitting, so he does that, touching the brim of his hat as he approaches.

He does miss a step when he sees Yukara, though, and he breathes deeply before proceeding.

"Evenin', ladies," he says.

Then he looks at what Yukara seems to be about, and it is clear that he stifles saying one thing in favor of "Looks like you might could use s'me help wi' that. Offer's made, if'n y' want it."
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Kaijarisuigyo wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:44 am
"When I came into this world, I first tried to run on four legs."

For once there wasn't any tree close enough for Kai to dramatically drop from. But thankfully, there was enough shadows for her to arise from the obscurity. It would have improper for her to just walk in.

"Took me a while to accept my body didn't have a nice tail for balance, and stuffed pawns to cushion my jumps. It's only when I truly acknowledged my body won't ever be what it had been that I finally stood up on two legs, and discovered all the wonders that could be done by a hand with an opposable thumb.

Long story short, I feel like there is no craftiness in the world that could turn back Yume-kiri into your claws. If you wish to have claws again, you need new ones, fitting your new body, same as me replacing my old fangs with new ones of steel."
This time the arrival did not gain such a dramatic response, and Yukara listened and nodded. "Hai, I can see how confusing that must have been. Still, as a resident of this realm for my entire life, I can say that adaptation is our... nature." She pulled on the rope, grunting in pain and frustration as it slipped and she had to start over, lining up the wooden handle with the shaft once more.

"Yume-kiri will not be used again in the style I once knew, but I will not be left declawed forever. I will learn new techniques - and I will continue to do my utmost."
Otomo Akutou wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:48 am
For Akutou, however, walking in is entirely befitting, so he does that, touching the brim of his hat as he approaches.

He does miss a step when he sees Yukara, though, and he breathes deeply before proceeding.

"Evenin', ladies," he says.

Then he looks at what Yukara seems to be about, and it is clear that he stifles saying one thing in favor of "Looks like you might could use s'me help wi' that. Offer's made, if'n y' want it."
She glanced up at him, and then sighed heavily, brushing her hair from her face and replying, "If you are good with your hands, I would welcome the aid. I am simply looking to affix this handle in the notch formed by the knots in the wood - if the rope dries in that position, it should become quite secure."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Otomo Akutou »

Ryoshun Yukara wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 7:41 pm
She glanced up at him, and then sighed heavily, brushing her hair from her face and replying, "If you are good with your hands, I would welcome the aid. I am simply looking to affix this handle in the notch formed by the knots in the wood - if the rope dries in that position, it should become quite secure."
"I'll do what I can," Akutou says and takes the cross-piece and rope. "If you'll hold th' weapon," he suggests, knowing that many people are sensitive about that kind of thing--himself included.

With the shaft of the bisento secure, Akutou shows that he learned something in his youth, doing an at-least adequate job of wrapping and knotting.

"Might he'p you a bit, there," he says.

Roll to tie the knots, 22,
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara grasped the handle, giving it an experimental jiggle.

Finding it secure, she nodded. "I will allow it to dry before I go any further - that should set the position properly, especially once I add the glue."

Setting Yume-kiri down, she withdrew a small bottle she had procured, pouring out a dull gray liquid which she worked into the rope and wood around it, letting it settle into cracks in the fibers.

"When all is done, I will either have a weapon I can use more easily, or a better crutch. In either case, I will have been successful."

Looking at the two, she inquired, "How have you been? I know these last few days things have only grown stranger than before - and this trouble with Rock-sensei as well... It is rather troubling to me."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Otomo Akutou »

Akutou shrugs.

"Still ain't sure why I were sent up t' these parts," he says. "Been doin' a few things here an' there, not sure any good's comin' o' any o' it. Still, can't not try while I'm here, since I'm here."
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"Quite right."

Yukara rested the weapon by her side on the porch, listening to the patter of rain as she took a slow breath. It was peaceful, beautiful... eerie.

"I am not versed in great mysteries and the nature of reality, only in the small and human mysteries of this realm. My role here is still a mystery to me, but when I am called, I will answer. I will not have the story written in which I run from my problems."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"Lady of the Bat, how much do you think weight an arm? Your balance is not at all what it was. And you're only making it worst by putting more and more weight on your remaining arm right now.

You're thinking ‘How can I do with one arm what I could do with two?’ And that's a false path."

Kai suddenly threw a kick targeting the Bat's belly, expecting her to avoid or parry it.

"You are not one or two arms floating in the airs. Your body is a whole, and must rebalance itself as a whole. Think of everything you can still do, with your legs, your belly, your spine. Think not of becoming back what you were with glue and rope, but of becoming a new you. Adapt yes, definitely. But not by imitating the past.

Could have a prosthetic shield, or extra armor, affixed where used to be your arm. Would help with balance, and allow you to develop new techniques where you can still parry attacks with that side of your body. Could move to a lighter spear, to keep the advantage of range without putting excessive strain on your remaining arm. Could do a lot really. As long as you accept it's not about becoming back what you were, which isn't possible, but becoming something else, as strong or even stronger."
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"You need not tell me about my balance, I am experiencing it every waking moment-" Her response was cut off by the kick.

Yukara did not avoid it, or really parry it. She caught it, but it still drew a gasp on impact, followed by a wince of pain and a disgruntled glare.

"Ow. What was that for?"

Releasing the foot, she replied, "I know I will not return to what I was. I fought with a style that was light and swift - and now I must rethink how I utilize the weapon."

Rubbing at her stomach, wincing, she added, "This is why I am changing the grip - changing the stance. I will have to adapt a great deal, but I cannot do so without experimentation. I cannot swing Yume-Kiri as I did, but I may yet be able to wield it in a new way - I have to. I have no other weapon and no time to train in a new style."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Otomo Akutou »

Aktuou strides up, putting himself between Kai and Yukara.

"You've made y'r point," he says between gritted teeth. "Don't do it ag'in."
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

Kai ignored the interruption:

"Remember our first encounter? Your reflexes were so acute a fly couldn't even come near you while you were napping without getting struck. Now a turtle could reach you before you react.

Of course, you could blame it on lack of sleep, on your body still being recovering. What I believe however is that the strike that removed your arm also damaged your spirit. You currently don't believe you are the warrior you were. And yet, you are.

Yume-Kiri is not your sole weapon. It's just an extension of your main weapon: Yourself. You still have the body of a warrior, the training of a warrior. You have the potential to move as swiftly as before, to strike as deadly as before. If you embrace the spirit of your techniques instead of merely their form.

Your style is about range, swiftness, jumping around, dancing. You need not Yume-Kiri for that, and if weapons could talk, I'm sure it would tell you to believe in yourself instead of clinging to them. You need another spear, a lighter one, or maybe another weapon altogether. Not a complete swift in style. To the contrary, one with which you can dance around as elegantly as you once could with Yume-Kiri without needing to all learn anew.

Be you. Not an image of you."
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

As Akutou stepped in, she raised her hand, gesturing that she was not badly hurt, though her expression was appreciative of his concern.

Turning back to Kaijarisuigyo, Yukara listened. She did not flinch away or argue.

Instead she simply nodded, faintly, but replied, "This is true - and in time perhaps I will make such a change. In this moment, however, I know a conflict is coming. Coming soon."

Yukara tapped the haft of the Bisento. "With this, I can at least strike at the darkness. Perhaps in a stance of stone, rather than fire, but I can still strike. The time to re-envision my dream may come later - but in this moment and crisis I will take the blade I have and I will use it. When all is set and the weapon is ready, perhaps tomorrow I can show you what I envision, and you can say then if I am an utter fool, or merely somewhat one."
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Otomo Akutou »

Akutou sees the gesture and nods.

Not for him to step in for someone who waves it off.

Still rankles, though.

He keeps an eye on Kai, even if a lot of what she says makes sense.
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"It is because time is of essence than I am being brusque. Trial and error is great in the long run. Not when the fight is maybe tomorrow.

You likely did not start your training with a weapon whose weight alone requires having already a solid body. Aren't there other weapons you've mastered on the way that would more appropriate now?

And, if it's solely a short term palliative you are looking, which is understandable in such circumstances, wouldn't some magic be better? I'm sure the priests of the kami have some tricks up their sleeves for such situations. You likely aren't the first injured warrior they have to temporarily return to their previous best form, if only for a short moment."
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"I know of no magic to replace lost limbs."

Yukara stated calmly. "I did not study any other weapon, save my fists, and they are hardly suitable replacement. I do know stances that only use one arm to hold the weapon. They can be adapted."

She stood, brushing herself off, wincing, faintly, and picked up the weapon. "I cannot show the full motion so as not to disrupt Otomo-san's work, but I can make my idea clear."

With the side-handle to allow her to keep the weapon jammed tight against her forearm, she braced the back of the shaft against her body, sinking into a relatively deep stance, blade tip pointed directly at Kaijarisuigyo, held rock steady on target. "Attempt to move around it, and I can simply use my body to keep the point on target. I cannot strike with the force I once did, but I can still offer the barrier of the blade and defend my allies."
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »


I see. The strike cut deeper in your soul that I had thought. You don't intend to fight. Just to die while holding a weapon."
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara sighed. "No. You underestimate my will, Kai-san. The Stone can break a foe just as fire can consume it. I do not wish to die - I wish to win. I collect all the weapons at my disposal - here and now, to do so."

The blade did not deviate. "You would find it not so trivial to pass this blade, if we put it to the test. I do not, however, wish to harm you, simply to prove my determination. You are not my enemy."
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"An experience then. Draw the line of your maximum range on the ground while still with the tip of your blade. It used to be close to a perfect circle even without moving your feet right? Now what does it look like without being able to switch your grip at will?"
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Re: (D4, EE) Adaptation is Human (open)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara lowered the blade tip, drawing, the circle, and indeed, it was limited indeed, while she kept her feet and body still.

"You are correct that I will have to adjust myself and my style."

Lowering the blade, she gently touched it down, and then drew the circle again, using a twist at the waist and measured steps - drawing a much wider circle - not perfectly formed, but certainly surprisingly wide - and done nearly as quickly.

"I will not pretend myself the equal of my own past - but I cannot focus on what I have lost - on this we agree. I simply must choose the best way I can to move forward in this moment. When time allows, I will continue to learn, adapt, and evolve. That is necessary, but I must be practical in this moment, no?"
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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