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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Kai »

Kai rose a brow as his face showed puzzlement. "I thought that followers of the Kami were their loyal followers... Am I incorrect?" He seemed lost in thought. He was trying to solve a puzzle that was yet to exist. He probably will be persuaded to follow one of these Kami people.
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Makime Omoi »

Omoi blanched at the suggestion that he was anything but loyal. "Well...yes of course, did my words suggest otherwise as that certainly was not my intent."
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Otaku »

Otaku exhales a soft whuff of breath that slightly resembles a sound her equine companion might make. More words, more problems.

“So you’re not? Loyal to any of the Champions.”
It’s a mild question, seemingly quite neutral.
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Kai »

Kai shrugged. "Champions? Do you mean the Kami?" This was question that would be weird in another time. "I guess we can say that this Emperor has my loyalty."
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Makime Omoi »

"I believe the Daimyo is asking if you have sworn yourself to one of the clans." Omoi added. He turned to address the Unicorn. "I've been studying maps lately and there is still a great amount of this empire that is unclaimed by a kami, lands that remain distant from the Emperor's light; especially in the south. Regretfully so, there must be so many people out there who do not know that the world is changing around them."
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Kai »

Kai sighed. "Why is so important to be part of a clan? What makes it so special?" He looked down pondering placing his hand on his chin. "Is it that important to belong?"
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Otaku »

“To find what is worth your loyalty? Yes,” Shinjo says matter-of-factly. “If that’s the Emperor, well enough.”

The gray horse pushes its head against her back, and she turns to rub its nose. “I know. Camp soon.”
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Makime Omoi »

"Duty and loyalty to the Emperor is what matters in the end."

Omoi adopts a for formal posture and continues.

"Beyond whatever Shinsei-sensei has in store for us it is my hope to record as much of the events here as possible for history. Should time and your interests allow it I would love to speak to the both of you at length. Otaku-daimyo, you are one of the most honored and influential people in the budding empire outside of the Kami themselves. Heavens willing the Otaku family may grow and reign into eternity and you are the genesis of that. I would to hear you thoughts on the formation of the empire, you meeting with Shinjo-kami and so many other things; though I certainly understand if you would prefer to discuss such things with one of your own historians.

Kai-san, I am quite interested in learning more about you; your travels and thoughts on the changing world we live in. Without judgement I would like to hear your tale and your opinions on loyalty, duty and wider philosophical topics; as well as hear some more o your flute playing."

His request ended Omoi bow to the two in thanks for hearing his words.
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Kai »

"It is something we could discuss at a more private place. The lady's horse wants to leave and the lady may want to leave as well." He looked at his flute and smiled. "A song to bud you well travels to the camp that you seek." Kai started playing.
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Otaku »


Otaku looks a touch nonplussed as Omoi unfolds his rather elaborate request.

“Telling tales is not my gift,” she responds eventually, soft. “I don’t know eternity. Loyalty… that, I know. But I’m not good with words.” Her lips quirk. “It’s Ide you want for those.”

She nods politely to Kai. “Tsubame thanks your courtesy,” she says, lips quirking further as she rubs the gray horse’s nose again
Ki-Rin ▪ Daimyo ▪ Warrior ▪ Shinjo's Votary ▪ Short ▪ Quiet ▪ Ascetic ▪ Voice ▪ Hero of the People (Blue Lotus Village)
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Makime Omoi »

"Of course." Omoi said with an apologetic bow. "I would never want hold either of you, thank you both for hearing my request and may the heavens bless you."
Lion Clan • Courtier • Historian • Great Destiny • Going Blind • Warrior at Heart • Widower • Father

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