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[D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Makime Omoi »

Omoi walked tentatively through the streets at dawn. He had only just arrived at the encampment when he directed his daughter to get things sorted and made his way to town. The thick fog combined with his ailment made navigating the narrow streets difficult but though he was careful with each step he did not seem to mind being totally lost. As he made his way up and down the streets and alleys he paused from time to time, listening to something on the wind as the village slowly came to life.
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Kai »

A flute whistled a melodic song on a street corner. A lone man just played as he watched the streets get full and slowly the fog was lifting. His garments showed the wear of travel as the flutist seemed to have been traveling for a while. He sometimes closed his eyes and let the music speak for itself as he listened for the rise of the city and his own harmony.
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Makime Omoi »

The tune bounced strangely through the narrow, foggy street but pulled the Lion towards it's source. Omoi approached hesitantly, careful not to disrupt to musician as they performed. He stood against a nearby wall and closed his eyes briefly to let the music take him elsewhere; a warm smile on his face.
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Otaku »

The muffled clip of iron-shod hooves on packed dirt adds a percussion line to the morning harmony. The rhythm of hoofbeats goes irregular, then silent, as a wordless instruction from the rider brings the grey horse to a stand near the two men at the corner.

Otaku watches the pair quietly for a bit, considering. Neither seems imminently inclined to speak. Neither, apparently, does she.

The horse is less patient. It snorts, tossing its beautiful gray head and making the silver ornaments on its bridle jangle a metallic disruption of the peaceful flute music.

Otaku sighs, then takes a breath and says quietly to the men, "Good morning."
Ki-Rin ▪ Daimyo ▪ Warrior ▪ Shinjo's Votary ▪ Short ▪ Quiet ▪ Ascetic ▪ Voice ▪ Hero of the People (Blue Lotus Village)
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Kai »

The flutist lowers his instrument and nodded. He looked up at the woman. "Good morning, ma'am..." Then at the man. "sir, good morning to you as well." He gave a small bow. "How fair thee this morning a long ride?"
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Otaku »

Otaku smiles slightly and bows from her saddle, as comfortable in her movements as if she were standing. The gray horse cocks its head amusedly, rather above these silly human gestures. She tousles its mane with a soft “tch.”

After these silent pleasantries, she gives an honest answer to the flutist’s question. “I am,” a pause to consider, “unsure of my direction.” She frowns, seeming uneasy about this admission.
Ki-Rin ▪ Daimyo ▪ Warrior ▪ Shinjo's Votary ▪ Short ▪ Quiet ▪ Ascetic ▪ Voice ▪ Hero of the People (Blue Lotus Village)
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Makime Omoi »

Once the daimyo spoke it banished any doubt the fog was causing and Omoi bowed deeply.

"Blessed morning to you Otaku-daimyo. I suspect the fog is playing tricks on all but the residents here; I trust that Amaterasu will guide us when she is ready. I would be honored to aid you if I can, but the uncertainty of this place allowed us to enjoy a tranquil moment with some wonderful music." He said offering a bow to the flautist. "Perhaps that was what this moment was about."
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Kai »

The man took his flute and put it away. He looked around. "Well ma'am the inn is that way." He pointed the way. "The stables..." He gave it some thought. "That, I haven't searched for." He said with a bit of remorse.
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Otaku »

Otaku doesn't respond immediately, taking a long moment to smooth the sweat-roughened coat on Tsubame's shoulder. Then she swings lightly down from the saddle. She hadn't exactly meant I don't know where the inn is, or I got turned around in the fog--though the latter was closer. What is the matter with this place, that I can't tell north from south here? would... probably sound crazy to these two.

"Yes, I'm Otaku. You've the advantage of me." She nods to Omoi, then her gaze flicks to Kai. "You're a visitor here too?"
Ki-Rin ▪ Daimyo ▪ Warrior ▪ Shinjo's Votary ▪ Short ▪ Quiet ▪ Ascetic ▪ Voice ▪ Hero of the People (Blue Lotus Village)
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Makime Omoi »

"This one is named Makime Omoi, Student of Ikoma's Path in the service of my family." He said with another formal bow and waited for the flautist to introduce themselves.
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Kai »

" thy service." He gave a bow. "It is an honor to meet you both." He smiled. "Visitor to this town. True that is."
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Otaku »

"You know Shinsei, then?" Otaku asks softly. Now that her feet are on the ground, she has to tilt her face up a bit to look the two men in the eyes, though her stance remains as balanced as ever in spite of this. One hand rests casually on Tsubame's stirrup, the other hangs lightly at her side.

*well, she'll have to look up at Omoi for sure. Kai doesn't have a profile, but I'm assuming he is taller too! Most people are... :?
Ki-Rin ▪ Daimyo ▪ Warrior ▪ Shinjo's Votary ▪ Short ▪ Quiet ▪ Ascetic ▪ Voice ▪ Hero of the People (Blue Lotus Village)
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Kai »

Kai looked at the woman move down from the horse. Now that she is on the ground and saw her size. He pondered on his answer. "I am yet to meet him. I just travel around trying to make a coin with my music and my talents."
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Makime Omoi »

Going down on his knees when the Daimyo dismounts, Omoi smiles at her at the mention of the little prophet. "Are you here because of Shinsei-sensei too Otaku-daimyo? I heard that my Daimyo was coming but I did not expect other illustrious parties to be attending. Perhaps there will be more people around the encampment than I first thought."

Turning to look at Kai he continued. "You picked an interesting time to be where you are Kai-san, you may have more than a few people to serve as your audience; you play beautifully."
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Kai »

Kai nodded. "Interesting times indeed. There is much hearsay on the end of time and the bringer of corruption is on the rise. Then again rumors and wind just pass by." He shrugged. "Bringing a bit or ease ot the minds of the people helps these rumors move on to just bad memory."
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Otaku »

Otaku looks slightly nonplussed when Omoi actually kneels. "Please don't, Makime-san," she says with a slight shake of her head. "That's... excessive."

She listens attentively to both men's accounts of why they're here. "That teacher will say it's no accident you're here either," she guesses, waving off Kai's claim that his travels are random. "He has a camp outside the town, then? I saw only fields as I came in from... coming from the south road." She frowns again. "Fog does not so confuse my direction, usually."
Ki-Rin ▪ Daimyo ▪ Warrior ▪ Shinjo's Votary ▪ Short ▪ Quiet ▪ Ascetic ▪ Voice ▪ Hero of the People (Blue Lotus Village)
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Makime Omoi »

He stood and smoothed his clothes.

"The fog is certainly lingering, I would not be overly concerned with becoming turned around in it; not yet. But yes, it is early but a small encampment is growing on the edge of town; I would point you in a direction but it is probably easier if you just ride the perimeter till you find it. It may be more to your liking rather than staying within the village."

Turning he addressed Kai. "Otaju-daimyo is likely right, Shinsei-sensei doesn't seem to believe in coincidences so I look forward to seeing what your part in history is. Have you experienced much of the prophet's wisdom?"
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Kai »

Kai chuckled as the thought of all of this being a dream of this prophet and the fog made it more mysterious. "Heard that he selected the ones to rescue Hisomu... that his Crow has a judging temper." He explained about what he had heard about the man. "If there is such thing as a written life... I wonder if we are the characters such writer."
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Otaku »

Otaku half-shrugs, one shoulder rising and falling. "My Lady was there, then. She trusts him."

The gray horse snorts derisively.

Otaku punches him lightly on the shoulder. "Enough, you."
Ki-Rin ▪ Daimyo ▪ Warrior ▪ Shinjo's Votary ▪ Short ▪ Quiet ▪ Ascetic ▪ Voice ▪ Hero of the People (Blue Lotus Village)
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Re: [D0, EM, Open] Echos in the Fog

Post by Makime Omoi »

"That is an interesting Question Kai-san, if we all have a destiny is all of this predetermined by Lady Amaterasu. At least two of the Kami have sent their most loyal followers here, perhaps they too can see the threads of fate." He said speaking glowingly of the celestial beings.
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