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Akodo Kenji
Posts: 427
Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:05 pm

Wasting away the hours. (Day 1 Early night)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

Kenji couldn't sleep, maybe it was whatever that weird smell had been at the festival. Had affected him some, it was hard to tell. Either way after some tossing and turning he had taken to the streets of the town to walk off excess energy. Maybe after that and a bit more meditation he might be able to get to sleep.

Still it was odd to be out wandering at this hour, and he wouldn't of bothered on any other night, but at least tonight there were still a few revelers wandering around.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
Status: 1.0 * Glory * 3.0 Honor: Exceptional

Has: Daisho, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, Sake cup, Jade Bracelet

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