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M4 EA And What is it You Want?

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:50 pm
by Tyrus
Aoyama walked through the streets with a long purposeful stride her face a mostly impassive mask though no amount of control could hide bags under the eyes or the way they were slightly red.

Re: M4 EA And What is it You Want?

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:51 pm
by Aoyama
"What is it you wanted to talk about?" She asked briskly as they walked.

Re: M4 EA And What is it You Want?

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 12:41 am
by Yumi
"There is much, but first if I may intercede myself without request," Yumi takes in a breath, changing her tone to one that was far more formal, polite. "May Earth bolster your daughter in these times. Whatever of my spirit that I might lend through that which binds to her, I do. Any child's recovery is important, but today it is your daughters that I pray for. May the spirits of all hear me," she offers, a touch of a smile from pride. Pride in her reciting, the way it sounded just as it once did from her father, a pride that was best kept private but Yumi was not a woman skilled of her diplomacy.

Re: M4 EA And What is it You Want?

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:59 am
by Aoyama
Aoyama fixed Yumi with a stare, eyes sharp and perceptive "Whoever taught you did so well, Sounded like you read it right off the scroll." He tone dry

"Thank you but unless your well wishes mend bones they are just wasted air and time and one of those is in short supply."

Re: M4 EA And What is it You Want?

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2023 11:27 am
by Yumi
"A lightened spirit does not lack it's uses," she says, but loses a little of her confidence in the moment. Quickly adding, "I am here, however, for personal reasons. My Flame is diminished in regards to this village. I find myself facing struggles that I am at a loss on how to comprehend, but from all I have learned I only have learned that they are far greater and far wider reaching than I imagined. So I come to you seeking a kindling of my Flame that I might make better sense of what is going on within this village, and the surrounding area," she says, and gives a brief trailing glance away toward the way in which she originally arrived at the village. Thoughts going to that of the fog which traps them here.

Re: M4 EA And What is it You Want?

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 1:56 am
by Aoyama
Aoyama frowned slightly "You speak indirectly. What is it you want from me to 'kindle your flame?' What is it you wish to know?"

Re: M4 EA And What is it You Want?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:24 am
by Yumi
Yumi shakes her head, "I do not speak indirectly, but there is much I wish to know. In order to fully kindle my Flame there are quite a few questions I need to ask you of the current situation. Were they such frivolous things I would not trouble you but these are not frivolous times," she offers, and gives a slight dip of her head in a show of respect.

"With that said, allow me to begin. I would like to know..."

Yumi would continue this conversation with Aoyama for as long as the woman could stand her, or until Yumi found herself satisfied she learned as much as she was able. Eventually leaving from this encounter with a desire to seek further answers she would see out Shang of the Saru, and find herself with an altogether different experience not far from here.
