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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Anjing »

Day 4 it’s me again. Contested investigation vs sincerity. No realistic chance but for completion's sake. TN 50 | 5k3 ⇒ 23 (TN: 50)

“Makes sense to me.” Anjing nods. “Well, appreciate your time and your help with the defences. Stay safe, one of my people got pretty badly hurt in the village this morning so we’re all a bit jumpy.”

And to Wu.
“And make sure you dress warm. You’ll catch a cold with all this drizzle you hear? Although if you’re by a cooking fire maybe that’s the smarter solution.”
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Zhe »

Chouri's sudden wincing caught Wu's attention but he would adress that after the daimyo's departure.

''Of course, Anjing-sama. I am no stranger to the cold or the outside but I am grateful for you concern.''

There was one last thing he could bring up before their departure

''Anjing-sama, is the crab field camp still separated from the main imperial one? If so might I suggest you and yours to come stay in the village?''
Dragon Clan - Wu - Bushi -Tribal - Farmer - Dairy - Blessed by Ebisu - Great Destiny - Agricultural reformer - Thunder of Mercy
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

Anjing wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:52 pm
Day 4 it’s me again. Contested investigation vs sincerity. No realistic chance but for completion's sake. TN 50 | 5k3 ⇒ 23 (TN: 50)

“Makes sense to me.” Anjing nods. “Well, appreciate your time and your help with the defences. Stay safe, one of my people got pretty badly hurt in the village this morning so we’re all a bit jumpy.”

And to Wu.
“And make sure you dress warm. You’ll catch a cold with all this drizzle you hear? Although if you’re by a cooking fire maybe that’s the smarter solution.”
Chouri bowed with a sigh. "Of course. So I heard. They're in good hands if they went to Enrou-san. My pleasure, Anjing-sama. Please stay safe. I hope these incidents dial back, but I will make sure we're prepared in concert with your people if not."
Heimin | Village Headwoman | Tattooed | Friendly

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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Anjing »

Wu Zhe wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 10:37 pm
''Anjing-sama, is the crab field camp still separated from the main imperial one? If so might I suggest you and yours to come stay in the village?''
"Oh that is a kind offer. And certainly in times like as things worsen we must all pull together. But I won't have my people just stomping their way in somewhere if it puts folks out. Could you maybe draw up a list of possible homes and send it to us? I'll pass it on to the rest of the Clan then."
Chouri wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:00 pm

Chouri bowed with a sigh. "Of course. So I heard. They're in good hands if they went to Enrou-san. My pleasure, Anjing-sama. Please stay safe. I hope these incidents dial back, but I will make sure we're prepared in concert with your people if not."
"I have no doubt they're in good hands. And I look forward to how we work together in the future."
She nods politely at the two of them.
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

Anjing wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:02 pm
"Oh that is a kind offer. And certainly in times like as things worsen we must all pull together. But I won't have my people just stomping their way in somewhere if it puts folks out. Could you maybe draw up a list of possible homes and send it to us? I'll pass it on to the rest of the Clan then."
Chouri bows at that. "I am sure most of our citizens would be happy to open their homes to your people, but we can check."
Heimin | Village Headwoman | Tattooed | Friendly

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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Makime »

The conversation had veered into the surreal, Makime watched patiently. This woman was a liar. A good one, she was sure of it. But the Lioness was not able to find a crack in her most recent statement. Still she would take nothing Chouri spoke at face value.

"I believe we have taken up enough of these two's time Lady Anjing," Makime uncrosses her arms and rests her hand on her sword, "I'll have someone stop by to begin construction of the earthworks soon. If the Fortunes are favorable then perhaps they will go unneeded."

She waits for Anjing's response, and assuming it is agreement they both leave.
Investigation/Perception vs Chouri Day 4 2nd sincerity. You better believe I am throwing VP at this. +4 Tawagoto's army. Please let me catch this lady in another lie | 7k5+4 ⇒ 31 (TN: 50)

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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Anjing »

"Of course, there is much to do and precious little time to do it, days at most."

She nods at Makime and then at the two hosts.
"I am sure that all will be right soon. In the meantime I will speak prayers to Lady Sun for the both of you. Be well and take care, you especially Chouri, you are so busy you seem to be working as a woman possessed."

Anjing will make a polite exit as needed.

((Thanks for the RP :D ))
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Zhe »

Zhe bowed to the two daimyos as they left and closed the doors behind them. Once gone for sure he returned to Chouri's side

''Are you allright lady Chouri?''
Dragon Clan - Wu - Bushi -Tribal - Farmer - Dairy - Blessed by Ebisu - Great Destiny - Agricultural reformer - Thunder of Mercy
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

She bowed politely to both daimyo as they left, watching after Anjing for a long moment before looking to Zhe.

"I'm... all right. That was quite a meeting."
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Zhe »

''It was...somewhat better then I expected'' he replied before showing his concern ''But you seemed like you were in pain for a moment.''
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

"That went better than you expected?" She asked, eyebrows rising. "Dare I ask what you expected?"

"It's... just..." She pressed her lips together, then said, "Have you ever had one of those headaches where it feels like you're being stabbed with something sharp? One of those."
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Zhe »

Zhe knew of headaches but random stabbing pains...not so much.

''Perhaps I kept you up too long last night. A lack of proper sleep can do that, you know.'' he gave her a smile but it was clear he still had some worry

''On the subject of the meeting...yes it could have been worse. Anjing-sama seemed fairly open despite Makime's accusation and you stood your ground for both the people of this village and yourself. That will earn respect.''
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

She turned bright red at his theory and mumbled an acknowledgement of the possibility. She looked embarrassed but not unhappy.

She coughed a little. "She did. I'm glad. I know there's been a lot of worry and distrust around. It's-" She coughed a little more, grabbing a handy piece of cloth. "My apologies."
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Zhe »

Zhe make a large goofy smile and gently bumped hips in good humor.

But the cough would not escape notice.

''That seems more then a simple headache'' he brought his hand to her forehead to check for a fever
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

She giggled a little at the hip bump. Zhe felt no fever, and Chouri smiled. "It's not that kind of cough. I used to have it when I was young... I guess it's come calling again."
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Zhe »

Zhe went pensive for a second. He brushed her cheek lightly

''When you said that you were afraid of death...was it because of your illness?''
Dragon Clan - Wu - Bushi -Tribal - Farmer - Dairy - Blessed by Ebisu - Great Destiny - Agricultural reformer - Thunder of Mercy
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

She nodded a little, looking down in shame. "Yes... I remember thinking that people are supposed to get stronger when they grow up, not weaker."
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Zhe »

A light hand was laid on her shoulder, he gave a nod of understanding

''The purification of the body it to fight it?''
Dragon Clan - Wu - Bushi -Tribal - Farmer - Dairy - Blessed by Ebisu - Great Destiny - Agricultural reformer - Thunder of Mercy
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

She shook her head. "No. It's only for others. It doesn't work on conditions you're born with, unfortunately."
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Re: It's Me Again (Day 4 EA)

Post by Wu Zhe »

''You fought it so far...will you be okay? I can brew you some tea, if you'd like''
Dragon Clan - Wu - Bushi -Tribal - Farmer - Dairy - Blessed by Ebisu - Great Destiny - Agricultural reformer - Thunder of Mercy
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