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Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Canary »

Chouri gathered the villagers into he home in a closed ceremony, to express their feelings, memories, and dreams over the past year, and to focus their will on the coming ceremony. However, this year she has deviated from form, explaining that a great evil has taken root in the Dream, and that they need to focus their will on supporting those who will fight that evil.

As she expected, many of the villagers are nervous and having their doubts. Knowing that was coming Chouri has asked the samurai and others visiting to send notes of support to the villagers, explaining how important it is to do this and why.

Rules: Magic is allowed. Your character does not have to be physically present to roll in this event (and in fact, largely shouldn't be). Please note which time slot you wrote the note and spent any Void in. You do not have to do this on screen.

The goal is to get to a total of 100 Points from all participants. Anything less will be the percentage of villagers the Harbinger influences on D7.

The Whys and Hows: You should probably be able to explain a little bit about what's happening to make your case to the villagers. Roll Lore: Spirit Realms (Yume-do)/Intelligence, TN 20. Success earns 1 Points, and each Raise, Free or Called, earns 1 additional Point.

Pretty Please: Once you have what you want to say, you need to really sell it, and make them believe it. Roll Sincerity (Honesty)/Awareness TN 20. Success earns 1 Points, and each Raise, Free or Called, earns 1 additional Point.

With Sugar On Top: Finally, it's important not to accidentally insult the villagers or Chouri in this event. Roll Etiquette/Awareness TN 20. Success earns 1 Points, and each Raise, Free or Called, earns 1 additional Point.

The villagers are not easily intimidated. Threatening them will switch any positive points earned to negative points.
GM | Birb | Tiny | Floofy | Architect of Horror | Experienced 3

Honor: All of it, Status: Yes, Glory: Very yes

"Want to talk about dreams and dreamers? Sensory input gives the illusion of consciousness. You are all just dreams made of flesh. I used to be too. Now I'm flesh made of dream. You can too, Chuck. You can too."

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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

Bushi • CavalryDestinedDuelist • Hero • Ronin
Battle: Melee 5 Attack against a Follower or a Personality with lower Personal Honor than The White Tiger.
Unaligned :tiger: Description

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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Otomo Akutou »

It's in a terrible hand and somehow, somehow actually reads as if it's in the accent he speaks, but Akutou's message gets to the people.

This here hullaballoo represents a great turnin' point in th' hist'ry not only o' Blue Lotus Village, but o' th worl'. Hell's takin' over th' world o' dreams, an' if'n it wins, we're all gonna be in a heap o' trouble--an' it'll be that way f'r a thousan' years. I dunno 'bout y'all, but I don't wanna screw over th' next thousan' years o' folks; they ain't done nothin' t' deserve it yet, e'en if I've got a whuppin' comin' or if any o' y'all do.

It'd prob'ly screw up th' pickles, too, an' don't nobody want that.

S' what I'm tryin' t' say is, we c'ld really use y'all's help. This here's gonna be a battle in th' mind an' th' heart as much as it is wi' th' fist an' th' sword. Mebbe more so. Y'all got heart, an' I'm glad t' fight f'r you. Ain't y'all gonna help fight f'r me, too?
Whys and Hows passed at 24,; +2 Points
Pretty Please failed at 16,; +0 Points (didn't assign Free Raise to lower the TN, so accepting the hit)
With Sugar on Top failed at 13,; +0 Points
Total: 2 Points

Go, talky folks!
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
Status 1.0, Glory 4.0, Honor as Expected
Crafty * Destined * Heroic * Silent * Wary * Cursed * Disdained * Driven * Phobic
Commonly with jade finger, daisho, standard clothes, pack; hat and cloak as weather appropriate
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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Nanzi Ai »

Ai understood Corruption and Yume-Jigoku but she didn't know the spirit realms... but she winged it.

Armed with the knowledge she went begged, within proper propriety to be heard.

Most of all she just did not want to insult them...

She hoped she did enough.

OOC: Lore Spirit Realms TN20 | 3k3 ⇒ 24 (TN: 20), Sincerity (Honesty) for 1 Point, Sincerity (Honesty) + Void 1 CR TN 25 | 5k4 ⇒ 26 (TN: 25) for 2 points, and Etiquette + Void 1 CR TN 25 | 7k4 ⇒ 33 (TN: 25) for 2 more points for a total of 5 points on the event.
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
Status: 4.5 | Glory: 3.5 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Exceptional | Description | Themes
Possessions: Sturdy Clothing, Fashionable Things, Daisho, Yumi, Light Armor, Yumenosenshi Jade Mask, Lady Doji's Earrings

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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Anjing »

Anjing's note wrote:
Mon Nov 13, 2023 9:48 pm

Dear Chouri and the People of Blue Lotus Village

I just wanted to pass on the below message to you all before all hell breaks loose tomorrow.
Chouri, I appreciate you reading this aloud to those who cannot read themselves, I hope you get my voice right.

If a single one of you inbred, poisonous, traitorous, ungrateful bastards takes a step towards the enemy, thinks of joining the enemy or looks at the enemy for too long, I am coming for you. Maybe you think you can sacrifice your soul to darkness and that will protect you?

It won't. I will find you, my descendants will find you, and after we are done you will beg for the demons. Whatever tortures you imagine you have experienced will be a playful tickle compared to what will happen to you if you side with darkness. Whatever resentment you bear towards your fellow man will be returned a thousand fold. My Chroniclers will have to spend years inventing new words just to describe what will happen to his misbegotten village.

This is the apocalypse. Your little barn raisings, your little poisoned meals, your little boos boos that someone was mean to the demon possessed sorcerer who was going to sacrifice you all. They don't matter. What matters is whether the thunders save your miserable lives tomorrow. So think long and think hard about where you stand. Because if you're against us, you won't be standing for long.

P.S, I have drawn a helpful diagram below to illustrate to the particularly stupid villagers what tomorrow will look like if they step out of line.


((5 points))

Day 6 purification of the soul event.

Roll 1. Lore:spirit realms/intelligence. Calling one raise to TN 25. Spending a void point. | 6k5 ⇒ 51 (TN: 25)

Day 6 purification of the soul event.

Roll 2. Sincerity/awareness. TN 20. Spending a void point. | 5k4 ⇒ 35 (TN: 20)

Day 6 purification of the soul event.

Roll 3. Etiquette/ awareness. TN 25 Spending a void point. | 7k4 ⇒ 39 (TN: 25)
Crab Clan • Warrior • Anjing Daimyo • Weathered • Relishing Grumpy Old Age • Ruthless • Remembers the Seidou
Great Destiny

Status: 7.0 • Honor: Lip Service • Glory: 6.5

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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Hantei Genji »

Genji tried to put forward a coherent message, but there were certain issues with style. And expression. And word usage. And calligraphy.

He tried is best though.

D6 event, Lore: Spirit REalms/Int, VP for +1k1, Favoured Star, tn 20 | 4k4+6 ⇒ 25 (TN: 20) 1 point

D6 event, Sincerity/Awa, Prodigy, VP for +1k1, Favoured Star, 3 CR, tn 35 | 6k4+6 ⇒ 31 (TN: 35) 0 points

D6 event, Etiquette/Awa, Prodigy, VP for +1k1, Favoured Star, 3 CR, tn 35 | 7k4+6 ⇒ 27 (TN: 35) 0 points
Stag Prodigy * Potential Thunderstag * Golden Boy * Happily married
Honor: Honorable * Status: 4.0 * Glory: 2.0

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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Shiba Kumori »

Chouri, Yoshie, and Daisuke asked for Kumori to attend with them as the headwoman spoke to the village.

She listened as the other notes sent by the people of the empire were read aloud to the villagers.

In the end… when the time was right Kumori finally spoke.

“I’m not really the most… knowledgeable woman in regards to all the things that are taking place. I know we are here… at this important moment in order to protect everyone we all know.

We all have our reasons for doing things… Among all the notes Chouri read you can tell there are a lot of different types of people here… They all are trying to do their very best with everything they can.

It’s been my honor to spend time in your homes… To get to know of your struggles… your pains… and your potential for good. I don’t speak lightly when I say that I would gladly risk my life for your safety… I have and will continue to do so.

We have trusted you… We have worked for you every day since coming here… and we will protect you to the best of our ability… even at the cost of our own lives… All so that you… and all the people in this world can be rid of the poison that seeks to consume us all.

I ask you to please… in the end… trust us. The enemy cannot be trusted… but we can. Please… be strong. Don’t relent to its lies. Let us protect you in this moment… It’s what we were called to do.”


D6 Event, EA, Lore: Spirit Realms, VP | 3k3 ⇒ 21 (TN: 20)

D6 Event, EA, Sincerity (Honesty), VP, 1CR | 5k4 ⇒ 31 (TN: 25)

D6 Event, EA, Etiquette, VP, 1CR | 5k4 ⇒ 38 (TN: 25)

Total: 5 Points
Imperial | Emperor Shiba II | Confident | Human | Shining | Fire Averse | Great Destiny

Status: 10.0 • Glory: 10.0 • Honor: Strength of A Thousand Ancestors

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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Makime »

Makime stared at the messenger. "They want me to what?"

"A letter Lady Makime, both her majesty, Jiyo-sama, the liaison, and Chouri have all requested you write something to help ease the fears of..."

Her eye twitched, "Did they now? Very. Well." She opened up her writing equipment and began:
TO: The inhabitants of the insignificant, until recently, village of Blue Lotus

I believe over our shared time we have begun to truly understand one another. And in that understanding has grown the tree of hatred and it's many, many fruits of despise.

I despise you because you are a town of feckless, cowardly, incompetent, insincere, capricious, stupid, unthinking, duplicitous, fools who immediately fell in with the first traitorous temptress to speak a few honeyed words and her drug addled huckster of a minion.

You of course despise me because on a fundamental, emotional level you understand I am completely correct in my estimation of your inner selves and that makes you upset.

Unfortunately fate has played us both most cruelly and now we find ourselves in need of each other. There are nine people, any one of whom is worth ten thousand of you worthless idiots, who are going to face the very champion of Jigoku itself. Their success in part relies on your completing the ritual. As it, likely, requires you to only do the same brainless activity you did last year, this should be a simple task worthy of your limited means.

Failure dooms us all to a thousand years under the cruel yoke of Jigoku. That thought should horrify you, if not because of your lack of self-preservation instinct, then at least for the future of your children. If, however, that is insufficient then allow to elaborate further. If you fail the nine Thunders because of your cowardice, for I am merciful and willing to look over your ineptitude, then I will retrieve my army. An army which lies just south of here across the river. I will fight my way back through Jigoku's minions. And I will erase your town from existence. I will burn every building to the ground, I will pull up every foundation stone, I will till the earth until no sign you ever existed is left. I will wipe you from the minds of men in your totality.

Have a pleasant day.
(Chop of Makime)
The courier was pale as he finished reading. "L..Lady Makime are you sure?"

Makime leaned back and tapped her chin, "You have a point let me see it."

To the bottom she added:
Addendum: If we win I expect you will desire to celebrate and/or mourn. This is natural and perfectly ok, indeed given the circumstances I would even say you earned it. So good job you. I, however, am still not eating your shitty food.
Makime smiled and handed it back, "Now it's perfect."

Raw INT for Lore: Spirit Realms. TN 20. VP spent for 1k1+4 | 4k4+4 ⇒ 34 (TN: 20) Passed 1 point

Sincerity/AWA. 3 Called Raises. VP spent for 1k1+4 | 5k3+4 ⇒ 26 (TN: 35) Failed

Etiquette/AWA. 3 Called Raises. VP spent for 1k1+4 | 6k3+4 ⇒ 34 (TN: 35) Failed, so close

1 point
Lion Clan • Bushi • Makime Daimyo • Tactician • Commander • Experienced • Once of the Kuwagaya • Overconfident
Status: 7.0 • Honor: "What is Expected" • Glory: 6.0

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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Kai »

*Flutist *Archer *Silent
Status: 1 Honor: Untrustworthy
Fatigue 0

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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Jiyo Sora »

Sora knew he was bad at smooth talk and comforting platitudes- he did his best work with teasing, sarcasm, and those blessed moments when he shut up.

So he sent a basic primer on the issues at hand, with a couple of helpful diagrams... but he probably could have been a bit less academic in his presentation.

[The Whys and Hows Lore: Spirit Realms (Yume-do)/Intelligence, TN 20, 2 called Raises, Fukurokujiun's Blessing Applies for +1k1, Jiyo Void-Bomb for +2k2 | 7k5 ⇒ 46 (TN: 30)- 3 points

Pretty Please: Sincerity (Honesty)/Awareness TN 20. Worth a shot! | 3k2 ⇒ 17 (TN: 20)- 0 points

With Sugar On Top- Etiquette/Awareness TN 20 | 3k2 ⇒ 7 (TN: 20) Yeah no.

3 points total.]
ImperialAssassin and former BabysitterLibrarian • Experienced 3 • Bushi • Evil Eye • Tough as Old Leather • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru Veteran • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin • Lucid Dreamer • Probably Older Than You • Literally Went to Hell One Time • Has Five Kids and Babysat Shiba II and all of her sisters, Don't Test Him

Day to Day- A daisho, at least one scroll, a Nezumi Memory Stick, five fingers of jade and some dried flower petals.
Danger Imminent- Add light armor, a naginata, a yumi, and arrows.

Status: 4.0 Glory: 4.8 Honor: 2.8

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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Sugri »

Sugri's letter was sincere and heartfelt and, surprisingly, free of any cross-cultural faux-pas.

Unfortunately it was also written from a cosmological perspective mostly alien to Rokugan and even those parts that overlapped didn't exactly translate well between languages.

Hopefully, in this case, it really was the thought that counted.

(D6, LM: Purification of the Soul - The Whys and Hows - Lore: Spirit Realms/Intelligence unskilled, VP for +1k1 | 4k4 ⇒ 11 (TN: 20) - Nope

D6, LM: Purification of the Soul - Pretty Please - Sincerity/Awareness, 1 raise called, VP for +1k1 | 5k4 ⇒ 32 (TN: 25) - 2 Points

D6, LM: Purification of the Soul - With Sugar on Top - Etiquette/Awareness unskilled, VP for +1k1 | 4k4 ⇒ 25 (TN: 20) - 1 Point

3 Points total)
Invinda • Guru • Archer • Destined • Cursed
Integrity: Exceptional • Status: None • Glory: 1.5

Carries: Simple (if unusual) clothes, bow (unstrung unless expecting trouble), quiver of arrows, a simple knife

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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

Satsuki gathered her kinsmen Ranmaru and Shang to bless them with the best of luck in this task. It was for the benefit of Doji after all! So that meant the newest member of the Dragon, Hikaru, also got to benefit from the blessings of the kami to do his very best. They had promised eachother to save Lady Doji together, and so they would!

She wasn't sure how well the villagers could read, and if words would be lost on them, so Satsuki decided to do some illustrations.


Humor was always a good icebreaker, she figured, and portrayed Jigoku as a pathetic loser, contrasted by the clans of the Empire as a super-guy of sorts. Her mother might've been proud of the effort she put in, and probably some Saru would've found it hilarious. Maybe.


OOC: Satsuki casts Benten's Touch on Hikaru and Ranmaru. Also casting Fire Kami's Blessing on Shang, Ranmaru, and Hikaru. Satsuki casts both of those spells on herself.

D6 Early Afternoon. Casting Fire Kami's Blessing on self. +1k0 Dutiful Disciple, +1k0 Nadare's Insight, +1k0 Spellcraft Mastery. | 10k4 ⇒ 48 (TN: 10)
D6 Early Afternoon. Casting Benten's Touch on self. +1k0 Nadare's Insight, +1k0 Spellcraft Mastery. | 7k3 ⇒ 24 (TN: 15)
D6 Early Afternoon. Purification of the Soul. The Whys and Hows. Lore: Spirit Realms/Intelligence. Fire Kami's Blessing. +4k0, Void +1k1. 3 raises. | 10k5 ⇒ 39 (TN: 35) - 4 Points
D6 Early Afternoon. Purification of the Soul. Pretty Please. Benten's Blessing +0k1, Benten's Touch +1k1+3, Void +1k1, Crane Tattoo +3k0. 3 raises. | 9k6+3 ⇒ 46 (TN: 35) - 4 Points
D6 Early Afternoon. Purification of the Soul. With Sugar On Top. Benten's Blessing +0k1, Benten's Touch +1k1+3, Void +1k1, Crane Tattoo +2k0. 3 raises. | 8k6+3 ⇒ 43 (TN: 35) - 4 points

12 Points
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 4.0 (possibly Togashi's Heir) 🐉 Glory: 3.0
Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver, scrolls in a satchel, jade bracelet and a jade-conch, Guqin (on occassion), wide-brimmed hat with veil, travel cloak with fur.

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Saru Ranmaru
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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Saru Ranmaru »

With the aid of the kami, Ranmaru devised perfection:
To the gentlemen of the village,

This world is imperfect. If only we could wipe away the impurities... or can we? You see, our enemy relies on cowardly machinations to corrupt your very souls. They rely on seeking out vulnerabilities in the psyche so that you will be twisted to serve them.

But you have seen me, Saru Ranmaru, Defender of the Empire. You have witnessed the perfection of my physique and now you behold the courage within me. It is your time to cast off the yoke of societal oppression and become the man you were always meant to be! There is a warrior within each and every one of you burning to prove himself! It need not be with a sword you may not know how to wield either. Your courage, your desire to destroy the enemy, that will fuel our victory.

All this is in the name of the Emperor! If we die on the Day of Thunder, we die in glory. We die hero's deaths. But we shall not die, no, it is the Harbinger who will taste death and defeat! As you know! Our Thunders have already been selected, prepared to strike deep into their champion's heart. Our efforts will ensure that the enemy cannot interfere with their sacred duty.

Once we have claimed victory, we will present ourselves to the Emperor as heroes! The ones the Empire needs, the ones it deserves.
To sign it off, he left a scribble as a reference.
I tried.png
I tried.png (3.77 KiB) Viewed 550 times
When he set down the paper, he shook off the taint of writing. It was a rather feminine art... but then again, he couldn't just go to every single village across the Empire. He would need to be able to dispense his message through writing and having a woman do it for him seemed... wrong in some way.

Ranmaru shook his head. These doubts would only infect his great creation. When he picked up the letter to deliver to the house, he kept his bicep tense so that his vigor could be transferred into it. Hopefully it would survive when it was then read by Chouri, a woman!


D6 EA Event Roll #1: Unskilled Lore / Intelligence TN 20, VP for +1k1, +4k0 from FKB | 6k3 ⇒ 21 (TN: 20)

D6 EA Event Roll #2: Sincerity / Awareness TN 35, VP for +1k1, +1k1+3 from Benten's Touch, +0k1 from Benten's Blessing | 6k6+3 ⇒ 37 (TN: 35)

D6 EA Event Roll #3: Etiquette / Awareness TN 35 (CR 3, forgot to note last time), VP for +1k1, +1k1+3 from Benten's Touch, +0k1 from Benten's Blessing | 8k6+3 ⇒ 50 (TN: 35)

Total: 9 Points
Last edited by Saru Ranmaru on Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Glistening Muscles | Ascendant Swordsman | Yearns for Paradise
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 3.0 | Honor: Honorless Dog

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Wu Zhe
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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Wu Zhe »

Zhe was present amongst the participants, near lady Chouri, honored to be allowed to participate.

He listened to the words spoken through the letters then, made his own appeal.

He had to admit that he did not know much about the spirit realms or Yume-Do for, in the end, he was not quite different from any of them. He was a simple man, wishing for simple things.

Still, he explained that he found strength and comfort in that.

There was strength in the people assembled, simple strength, honest strength, true strength.

There was courage in vulnerability, courage in humility, courage in dreaming of a better tomorrow and waking up to make it true through hard work and solidarity.

He was more honored to be with them then amongst the great and powerful and no matter what happens, he his be fighting for them.
The Whys and Hows ,Roll Lore: Spirit Realms (Yume-do)/Intelligence, TN 20, void for 2k2, paragon of compassion, untrained | 5k5 ⇒ 23 (TN: 20) 1 point

Pretty Please, Roll Sincerity (Honesty)/Awareness TN 20, void for 2k2, paragon of compassion, untrained | 5k5 ⇒ 29 (TN: 20) 1 point

With Sugar On Top, Roll Etiquette/Awareness TN 20, void for 2k2, FR from Wu. 3 called raises | 8k5 ⇒ 35 (TN: 35) 5 points
Zhe total: 7 points
Dragon Clan - Wu - Bushi -Tribal - Farmer - Dairy - Blessed by Ebisu - Great Destiny - Agricultural reformer - Thunder of Mercy
Honor: What is expected, renown 1, Status: 4, finger of jade

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Reiko Ohta
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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Reiko Ohta »

A letter:
Dear residents of Blue Lotus Village:

We all need you to do your best. You know more about this than me, so I have to trust you. I don't want to, but we work with what we get. The very fate of the SPIRIT REALMS depends on the people and this ritual, so we can't really have you slacking.

If any of you become corrupted, do not fear. Your death will be swift as the one I promised my sensei. But honestly... I believe in you. You are very tough people.

- Reiko Ohta.
Day 6 LM, Purification of the Soul, The Whys and the Hows, Lore: Spirit Realms/Intelligence, TN20, VP 1/3 day 6 for +2k2 (Seeker rank 3), 1 called raise, tn25 | 7k5 ⇒ 45 (TN: 25) - 2 points

Day 6 LM, Purification of the Soul, Pretty Please, sincerity/awareness, TN20, VP 2/3 day 6 for +1k1, 1 called raise, tn25 | 6k5 ⇒ 25 (TN: 25) - 2 points

Day 6 LM, Purification of the Soul, Etiquette/Awareness, unskilled, TN20 | 4k4 ⇒ 13 (TN: 20) - blows the Etiquette

4 very rude points
Last edited by Reiko Ohta on Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
Spider ๑ Bushi ๑ Scout ๑ Scholar ๑ Doctor ๑ Short ๑ Wiry ๑ Curious ๑ Archer
Honor - Untrustworthy | Status - 1.0 | Glory - 3.0 (Character Profile)
Has: daisho, daikyu and quiver, shoulder bag with testing items in it, occasionally accompanied by a pony named Kinboshi

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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara sat down, and while she was fairly sure she understood the issue at hand, she wasn't entirely positive. Still, she put brush to parchment and scrabbled out, in heinous script that would embarrass a child:
hELlo, pEoPle oF thiS lOVeYy vILlAge.

You arE cuRrEnTly liVinG oN ThE dOorwAy to hELl. ThIs is bAD. I bELiEvE I woUld bE corrEct in sAYinG it is VEry bAd. IF tHe mAGicaL EndEavOrs bEing atTEmptEd by thE sAmurAi hErE arE not succEssFul, you wILl probAbly go crAZy and thEn tURn intO dEmonS. THat will Also bE bAD.
That was probably how it worked. She was fairly certain.
If you bEcomE dEmOns, I wILl HAve to KilL yOu. I Do nOt wiSH to Do So, but I Am tASkEd with huNTing and kiLLing dEmons. I killEd OnE a fEw dAys ago, whEn it sEt fire to yOur barns. If yOu do Not Do whaT yoU arE tOLd, yoU wiLL becomE a dEmOn anD try to SEt fiRE tO your baRns, aNd thEn I wILl kILl you. ThAt wOUld bE uNfoRtunatE.
Actionable, straightforward. Honest. That was what her sensei taught her. Never lie, not even with a pretty lie to spare the feelings.
KiLLINg alL of You wouLd bE vEry TIRing, and aLSo qUIte dEprESsing. ThEREforE, I aSk that You do As You are TOld and Do Not Turn into dEmons. ThEn wE can bE friEndS.

OthErwisE YoU will bE dEaD, anD I will bE sAd.

WiTh grEat sINcEriTy,
Ryoshun Yukara
Handing the message off, she was sure that they would see the wisdom of her words.


Void for skill, Lore TN 20, HotP Free raise for -5TN: Fail
Void spent: Fail
Void spent: Fail
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.5 Honor: Honorless Stray
Carries: Bisento, muted clothes, travelling cloak and hat, prayer beads, knife, sake

Description :: Theme

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Doji Hikaru
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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Doji Hikaru »

Newly married, and newly under the benefits of the spell his wife had cast, Hikaru sat down to write a letter, as requested. Instead, he found himself staring at the paper. His thoughts seemed to be going a mile a minute. What was a minute, anyway? What was the nature of time, and space, and everything contained within. He could almost feel the neurons in his brain firing... wait, what were neurons? Hikaru found himself scribbling furiously on the page, until he had...


Hikaru frowned down at the sketch for a few moments. Then, grimacing, he folded it into a paper crane. Perhaps in that form it would do at least some good for Lady Doji...

In the end, his appeal was simple and sincere, and all the more powerful for that.
People of Blue Lotus Village. Please. Set aside resentment. Set aside fear. We need your help. Lady Doji needs your help. The whole world needs your help. Moments of true destiny do not come often, and they do not come to everyone. It has come to all of you. What you do tomorrow can change the course of history.

Help us. Please.

Doji Hikaru, Lady Doji's Retainer

D6EA, Whys and Hows, Void for skill, +4k0 Big Brain spell from Satsuki, 1 CR | 8k3 ⇒ 17 (TN: 25) - 0
D6EA, Pretty Please, Void +1k1, +1k1+3 Satsuki's spell, +0k1 Benten, 3 CR | 6k6+3 ⇒ 36 (TN: 35) - 4
D6EA, Sugar Shuar, Void +1k1, +1k1+3 Satsuki's spell, +0k1 Benten, 3 CR | 6k6+3 ⇒ 67 (TN: 35) - 4
8 points total
Crane Clan * Romantic, but also Stay Away From Me * Very Flammable * Stick Bearer * The Impossible Dream
Status: 3.0 • Glory: 3.0 • Honor: Exceptional

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Saru Shang
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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Saru Shang »

Shang had been suffering from a sudden migraine as she had been trying to craft this letter. Ultimately, she broke the tone of the letter down as if she was kindly convincing a child to do their chores. It came from a place of good intention, although mired with some passive-aggressive tones.
To the wonderful villagers of Blue Lotus Village and Chouri-san,

Hello, how are you doing? I'm doing passable! I would like to take a moment of my time to address my thoughts on my stay to properly address my sentiments, my review and most importantly, the most pressing matter at hand. It seems that there is a calamity coming that the Thunder Champions will be dealing with and we will be needing your help. I don't know the whole business that is at hand, mostly that it deals with the dreaming realm, which you have a strong relationship with as lucid dreaming cultists but has also been invaded by Jigoku. You should know the rest, it seems all that you've been focusing on during our stay.

Did you know? You have been misled in your cult but that's not a matter I can speak directly about, only based on what I've heard. All that matters now is that you're on our side and that's okay. At least, it should be only okay if you maintain your part in helping us and the Kami Empire at large. If you don't wish to help, that's well and fine. We cannot control you or your destiny, I only wish that you have it in your heart to do what is right and help us. I do not believe a bird should be caged if it wishes to fly free. If you do not, I also don't control the destinies of many who don't see any use in you and will slaughter you in haste. They say that you'll be considered the enemy and it will be very unfortunate. Let's just avoid that.

Lastly, I know that we've gotten off on the wrong foot here. You've done a lot to include us in your festivities and shared your kind hospitality. I've personally enjoyed myself and I've certainly made use of your plentiful stores of sake. However, it seems that there have been some very questionable things that happened in our dreams that I've been told have been tampered with. While I don't hold any grudges, I cannot in good conscience recommend a visit to Blue Lotus Village to any of my friends or colleagues. Perhaps they will find themselves trapped in the middle of the winter or find themselves wounded and in desperate need of staying in your village. Then fine, I believe it will serve as a passable place to stay, I will say that much.

If there were five stars in the sky, only two of those shine brightest for Blue Lotus Village. Two out of Five Stars should be considered an overtly kind review of your village.

Also, please help. It will improve your standing.

Day 6 - Early Evening, Purification of the Soul, Lore: Spirit Realms (Yume-do)/Intelligence: Void for +1k0 Skill, +4k0 from Togashi Satsuki MAGIC HALP, 1 Raise Called | 8k3 ⇒ 21 (TN: 25)

Day 6 - Early Evening, Purification of the Soul, Sincerity (Honesty)/Awareness: Void for +1k1, 3 raises called. Whoops, forgot Emphasis! | 8k5 ⇒ 49 (TN: 35) 4 points

Day 6 - Early Evening, Purification of the Soul, Etiquette/Awareness : Void for +1k1 (3/4), 3 raises called. | 8k5 ⇒ 27 (TN: 35)

Total Points: 4
Dragon Clan • Courtier (Probably) • Artisan (Maybe) • A Bit Scattered • Needs Inspiration
Honour: What is Expected • Status: 2 • Glory: 3
Carries: Parchment, Charcoal, Wakizashi, Yumi & Quiver, Fan, Straw Hat, Cup, Jade, Dreamstone


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Hisomu Tadaka
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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Hisomu Tadaka »

In the Late Afternoon, Tadaka write his story:

"The Spirit Realms are like the ocean. Jigoku are like seagulls. Evil and full hate, caring about nothing but chaos and destruction. Be like the jellyfish and heroically stand against the evil of the seagulls. Aid the Thunders as a jellyfish would throw jade at the seagull. Protect the ocean my fellow jellyfish!"


The people didn't quite get it, but he seemed pretty sincere and seemed to be calling himself a jellyfish so he wasn't being insulting. Either way, the kids seemed to like and played jellyfish and seagulls, throwing clumps of dirt at each other for the next few hours.

Lore Spirit Realms (Yume-do)/Int VOID for skill YOLO | 3k2 ⇒ 13 (TN: 20)

Sincerity/Awa VOID 1 Raise | 5k4 ⇒ 41 (TN: 25)

Etiquette/Awa VOID 1 Raise | 5k4 ⇒ 31 (TN: 25)
Spider Clan Bushi * Ninja * Seeker of the Sea * Naval * Destined for Greatness * Captain of The Jolly Jellyfish * Formerly Hisomu Goju * Name Restored
Honor: Untrustworthy/Status: 3.0/Glory: 3.0
Items: Bronze Sword, Jade, Light Armor

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Re: Purification of the Soul [D6, EA, Event]

Post by Matsu »

Matsu had to roll her eyes at the request. Oh, the villagers won't listen to me noooow, please, Samurai, lend me aid from the consequences of my own actions of willfully making a deal with a demon.

Still, it was to help on her mission to deal with those demons, so Matsu was a good soldier. She had found herself grateful for the blessings from Haka Tae-soo, and sat, staring at her parchment.

A few hours and several crumpled parchment later
To the Villagers of Blue Lotus Village-

I don't like you. And you don't like me.

But I am willing to let bygones be bygones.

Whatever you do- don't fuck this up.

She held up the parchment, and nodded, sending it off.

Day 6 - Purification of the Soul - Roll 1: The Why's and How's (Intelligence 2, Lore: Spirit Realms 0, Void for Skill, Mental Quickness from Haka Tae-Soo +1 Int, Fire Kami's Blessing +3k0, 3 CR, TN35) | 7k3 ⇒ 22 (TN: 35) 0 Points

Day 6 - Purification of the Soul - Roll 2: Pretty Please (Awareness 2, Sincerity 0, VP for Skill, Benten's Touch from Haka Tae-soo for +1k1+3, Touch of Air's Grace +0k1, 3CR, TN35) | 4k4+3 ⇒ 24 (TN: 35) 0 points

Day 6 - Purification of the Soul - Roll 3: With Sugar On Top (Awareness 2, Etiquette 0, VP for Skill, Benten's Touch from Haka Tae-soo for +1k1+3, Touch of Air's Grace +0k1, 3CR, TN35) | 4k4+3 ⇒ 27 (TN: 35) 0 Points

Total: 0 Points from Matsu
Spider Clan | Bushi | Daimyo | Great Destiny | Amazonian | Bishamon smiles | Paragon of Courage | Honor: What is Expected | Glory: 7.0 | Status: 7.0
Carries: Daisho, Shakuhachi, Sturdy Clothing, Straw Hat, Fur Cloak
Danger: Bisento, Light Armor
Demonfucker Count: 7

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