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Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:40 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:11 pm
She bowed her head in appreciation. "We are in a dark time, and much of the reason why the Empire has been able to hold on this long against the nightmares is that the divine Lady Doji of the Crane Clan has been putting her life and soul at risk to defend every living being in the land. Her vigil has already lasted many years..."

"In my travels, I heard a story that if one or more people were to fold a thousand paper-cranes, it would bring good fortune and grant a wish. If the village and us visitors could pool together our resources of what colorful paper we have available, maybe it's something we could all do together tomorrow, in hopes that it can strengthen Lady Doji's spirit?"
Chouri looks thoughtful. "Well, tomorrow is meant to be a day of contemplation and family bonding... but that's not a bad activity for that, I think."

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:45 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
Hiruma Naraku wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:16 pm
"Best after the festivities and best if it comes from you," he replied. "My countenance might be a bit... intimidating. It is best if it comes from you."
"Understood. I will do so, then."

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:50 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Chouri wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:40 pm
Chouri looks thoughtful. "Well, tomorrow is meant to be a day of contemplation and family bonding... but that's not a bad activity for that, I think."
Close enough to overhear, Hikaru bowed, low and respectful. "The Crane thank you, Lady Chouri." He said, his quiet voice tinged with emotion.

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:58 pm
by Togashi Satsuki
Chouri wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:40 pm
Chouri looks thoughtful. "Well, tomorrow is meant to be a day of contemplation and family bonding... but that's not a bad activity for that, I think."
Satsuki offers a smile. "Thank you. Words and actions have power, so it could very well make a difference."

With a polite bow, she stepped away to avoid crowding the woman too much.

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:59 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:50 pm
Close enough to overhear, Hikaru bowed, low and respectful. "The Crane thank you, Lady Chouri." He said, his quiet voice tinged with emotion.
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:58 pm
Satsuki offers a smile. "Thank you. Words and actions have power, so it could very well make a difference."

With a polite bow, she stepped away to avoid crowding the woman too much.
She smiled, warm and sympathetic, at Hikaru and Satsuki. "You're very welcome. I came here to try and help people. I'm happy to offer what I can."

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:00 pm
by Wu Zhe
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:55 pm
"Inspiration and guidance, Doji-san. I can gather supplies but I am no painter while I am told you are quite accomplished on that domain" he admitted

"Some may have questions other may seek inspiration and that is where someone of your skill can prove invaluable"

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:18 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Togashi Satsuki wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 3:37 pm
She glanced to Sora. "I have a feeling that will happen each time destiny takes shape before the day is upon us..."
"Now you damn kids know what the Tournament of the Kami was like for me."

Both sincere and amused, Sora then watched Kumori speak and... nodded.

That's the way, Laughing Bird

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:39 pm
by Shiba Kumori
Kumori intentionally avoided looking Sora’s way…

His face was sure to be in some form that was bound to be supremely annoying.

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:16 pm
by Otomo Akutou
Quietly off to the side, Akutou watches with interest.

And he eats more of the food. In for a penny and all that.

"Who made th' gyoza? They're great!" he says, more or less to himself.

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:40 am
by Doji Hikaru
Wu Zhe wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:00 pm
"Inspiration and guidance, Doji-san. I can gather supplies but I am no painter while I am told you are quite accomplished on that domain" he admitted

"Some may have questions other may seek inspiration and that is where someone of your skill can prove invaluable"
Hikaru sighed, then nodded. "So long as it does not keep me from my other duties, I shall assist. Is there a time and place you would like this event to take place?"

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:43 am
by Wu Zhe
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:40 am
Hikaru sighed, then nodded. "So long as it does not keep me from my other duties, I shall assist. Is there a time and place you would like this event to take place?"
The dragon rubbed his temples once more, looking suddenly very tired

''Well...since there is now the suggestion of folding paper cranes. Kite making might have to be postponed.''

He composed himself

''I will not unduly take your time. You have three riddles to solve, after all.''

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:53 am
by Doji Hikaru
Wu Zhe wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:43 am
The dragon rubbed his temples once more, looking suddenly very tired

''Well...since there is now the suggestion of folding paper cranes. Kite making might have to be postponed.''

He composed himself

''I will not unduly take your time. You have three riddles to solve, after all.''
Hikaru's brow furrowed with concern, but he was hardly going to press.

"Very well. Another time, then." Hikaru bowed. "The families may enjoy the folding of cranes as well, and it is for a cause I very much believe in." Hikaru said, some feeling in his soft voice.

He inclined his head. "Indeed I do." He was silent a moment. "May I ask, are you yet married, Wu-sama? Or betrothed?"

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:04 am
by Wu Zhe
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:53 am
Hikaru's brow furrowed with concern, but he was hardly going to press.

"Very well. Another time, then." Hikaru bowed. "The families may enjoy the folding of cranes as well, and it is for a cause I very much believe in." Hikaru said, some feeling in his soft voice.

He inclined his head. "Indeed I do." He was silent a moment. "May I ask, are you yet married, Wu-sama? Or betrothed?"
He shook his head in the negative

''I am not. The last few years saw me preoccupied by my reforms and with the shadow of famine looming personal matter took second place to the need of the people of the Empire.''

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:14 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
Chouri wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:59 pm
She smiled, warm and sympathetic, at Hikaru and Satsuki. "You're very welcome. I came here to try and help people. I'm happy to offer what I can."
"It would be helpful if we had a better understanding of things here." Nao spoke up after some thought. "If we had a better understanding of the festival and the traditions associated with it, and whether there has been anything unusual about it this year. I don't think it is a coincidence that we were drawn here at this time. There may be something or some activity here that has attracted the attention of the threat we face."

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:24 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
Ryoshun Nao wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:14 pm
"It would be helpful if we had a better understanding of things here." Nao spoke up after some thought. "If we had a better understanding of the festival and the traditions associated with it, and whether there has been anything unusual about it this year. I don't think it is a coincidence that we were drawn here at this time. There may be something or some activity here that has attracted the attention of the threat we face."
She nodded. "Please come by my house tomorrow, and I can go into it in more detail."

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:41 pm
by Ryoshun Nao
She smiled warmly. "Thank You."

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:56 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Wu Zhe wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:04 am
He shook his head in the negative

''I am not. The last few years saw me preoccupied by my reforms and with the shadow of famine looming personal matter took second place to the need of the people of the Empire.''
"Of course." Hikaru nodded. "It has been a difficult time. I just found myself curious about marriage customs. My three tasks put me in mind of it. They very quite a bit from place to place. I expect this village may have its own, ever so slightly different from any other place's."

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:43 pm
by Wu Zhe
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 4:56 pm
"Of course." Hikaru nodded. "It has been a difficult time. I just found myself curious about marriage customs. My three tasks put me in mind of it. They very quite a bit from place to place. I expect this village may have its own, ever so slightly different from any other place's."
''Have you found the answers to your riddles, Doji-san?'' the dragon inquired, curious with the eyebrow arched ''I can help you, should you wish it''

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:29 pm
by Doji Hikaru
Wu Zhe wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:43 pm
''Have you found the answers to your riddles, Doji-san?'' the dragon inquired, curious with the eyebrow arched ''I can help you, should you wish it''
"Ah..." The corners of Hikaru's lips just barely turned up, and he looked significantly over at Satsuki. "Perhaps I had better just say that I continue to strive towards that goal, but I have high hopes for the outcome."

He turned back to Zhe. "It is something we might discuss another time, although in truth, I think I only need to develop the ideas I have..." Hikaru's brow furrowed as he considered them.

Re: Our Daily Bread: The Hearth Room [D3, EE, RP Thread]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 2:28 pm
by Wu Zhe
Doji Hikaru wrote:
Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:29 pm
The dragon followed the crane's gaze and understood the full portrait.

''It is a good thing you already have a pathway to a solution. I will only offer one advice then, even if it might be very presumptuous of me to do so.'' he lowered his voice ''I am no master of the blade but I have heard Mirumoto speak: No strike can ever be truly perfect, only as perfect as the moment allow. Boldness can be rewarding even if it makes you vulnerable.''

His own eyes turned to lady Chouri and he smiled

''In some affairs, vulnerability should not be feared.''