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[D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:25 pm
by Wu Zhe
It had been a moment since the dragon envoy had left his fellow travelers after their meal and talks of destiny. No doubt they already had reached the village while he had to let the cattle graze some more.

They were to be a gift, after all, and it was better they were fed to keep them from eating the village head's garden.

Shou was back on his shoulder, probably sensing the departure of the bull he had been sleeping on during the trip.

''This seems to be it'' he spoke either to himself or the panda, reaching the fairly large house ''Let's introduce ourselves''

After tying the bovines to a fence, the Wu walked up the stairs to knock on the village head's door

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:51 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
A beautiful young woman answers the door quickly. "My goodness, things are busy today," she says with a bright smile. "Good afternoon, ah..." She eyed his kimono briefly. "... ah, is it Wu-sama? I apologize, my knowledge of the symbols of the Kami's followers aren't as familiar to me as they should be."

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:53 pm
by Wu Zhe
To Zhe this was something of a familiar occurring. While most people living in the Dragon lands knew of the Wu mon, most people outside would simply recognize the color of the clan...if at all.

''No apologies needed for it is normal not to recognize it if few of us venture into your village. Your guess is correct, however, I am Wu Zhe of the Dragon clan'' he bowed to the young woman

''I am here to see if it is possible to have a meeting with the village head''

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:55 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
She chuckled softly at that. "A pleasure to meet you, Wu Zhe. How fortunate that you've met her."

She steps back from the door and steps into the house. "Won't you come in? It's quite a chilly day, and I have the hearth lit."

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:05 pm
by Wu Zhe
Zhe had to admit that this was a surprise. A village head this young was rare...well rare might be an understatement

''Thank you kindly, headmistress, but before I take your generous hospitality I would like to present you with a humble gift for you and your village from my people.'' he glanced backwards, hoping the cattle was not already eating the lawn ''...and I do not think leaving them unattended is wise.'''

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 10:51 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
She peaked out the door and started in surprise. "Oh my goodness! Wu-sama, this is such a generous gift!" She put a hand over her heart, looking at him in sincere shock, but at the same time almost tearing up in happiness. "Do you know how much of a boon these will be?"

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2023 11:55 pm
by Wu Zhe
He found some relief in her reaction. He had suspected an independent village at the eve of a festival might be in need, especially in these times, but he did not want to presume too much and insult the community either.

He lowered his head

''I had sent messengers ahead of my departure to inquire if there was a need for anything but none came back. I packed what could be spared and hoped it would be enough.''

He indicated the bags on the animal's backs

''I also brought millet seeds for the next harvest. They are a crossbreed that should give greater yields in this region''

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:23 am
by Wu Dai Lu
"Oh, goodness..." She smiled with a warmth like the sun. "With this, this coming year really might make for a new era for the village like I'd hoped."

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 12:41 am
by Wu Zhe
The dragon tilted his head

''A new era?'' curiosity struck him.

Perhaps that is what Shinsei sought people for?

''I would gladly hear of what you plan for the future if you would share it. For now, however, if there might be a place we could house the cattle and store the provisions I would gladly lead them there.''

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:01 am
by Wu Dai Lu
She steps out and flags down someone going by. "Excuse me, Suzuka-san! Could you please let Ikuto-san know that we have a couple of head of cattle to add to his field?"

The woman bows and agrees, hurrying off in a new direction, toward the village's farmland.

She turns toward him and nods. "Hai... We had a good year this year. We have enough to eat for everyone, and the sacredness of this area seems to help people who need solace and recovery in body and mind. It would be nice if we could help even more people."

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:10 am
by Wu Zhe
The dragon nodded, understanding.

''That is good news to hear. In hard times solidarity is the best virtue.''

The panda, snoring in his coat, did not comment

''What is your vision? I am not much of a spiritual man but if you have a solution that eludes us, I am all ears. Many hands make for light work they say.''

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 2:58 am
by Wu Dai Lu
"Well, have you heard that we have a festival coming up starting tomorrow?"She asked as they waited.

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 10:16 am
by Wu Zhe
He gave a nod in affirmation

''I was made aware of it but the details and purpose are still unknown.''

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 3:46 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
"Well... The festival is essentially a long group purification ritual," she explained. "Purifying in the sense of refining, like metal. Weeding out what's troubling people to let them be themselves again, if you see what I'm saying."

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 4:11 pm
by Wu Zhe
Zhe listened carefully and tried to conjure an image he could grasp

''Like unclean water needs to be stilled so that the sediments fall at the bottom and the pure water rise on top?''

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 4:20 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
She nodded with a smile. "Yes, exactly. Just bringing in water that could have who knows what in it can hurt you and your family. By the same token, we've seen how having something in one's mind can potentially hurt others."

A man in a conical hat approaches and bows to both. "Hi, Chouri-sama. These the cattle Satoka was talkin' about."

She smiled at him and nodded. "Yes, Ikuto-san. Thank you for your help."

He nodded with a grin. "My pleasure." He bows to Zhe. "And thank you kindly for the help to our little village, Wu-sama. Hope ya stick around for the festivities so we can show our gratitude." He tipped his hat and took the cattle, leading them back toward the farmlands. Near Zhe, Chouri gestures inside.

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 4:32 pm
by Wu Zhe
Zhe bowed to the man

''It is a pleasure to help, Ikuto-san.''

Letting the man go, Zhe turned towards Chouri and followed her lead

''One's own balance is hard enough to keep without having external forces breach our minds with nightmare and madness''

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 4:49 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
She heads inside and takes off her shoes before stepping onto the raised floor with a hearth in the middle. "Indeed, you have it exactly right. At times like this, an event like this is all the more important. We can only do it once a year, so even though it's much less extreme here, the occasional person still becomes afflicted, and it only seems to be getting stronger."

She sighed and put a hand over her heart and she sat down. "My heart aches for them. The victims are almost never bad people. Just... suffering."

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:06 pm
by Wu Zhe
The dragon follows in and imitates his host, removing his shoes and sitting not too close to her. The dragon was well trained but he could not help but resonate with her sentiments.

For the sake of honesty, it did not help that she was...pleasant to look at.

Not that he would look at her in any impolite manner, no, not at all. He only had utmost respect.

''Life has it's joy and pains and one cannot go without the other but it is easy to lose oneself in a single moment. That's why family and friends are so important''

Re: [D0, LA] A gift from a visitor

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:15 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
She nodded with a small smile toward him. Their eyes briefly meet, but she looks away, her cheeks a little pinker. "Yes... Family, friends, and community. That's part of why I tried to help organize people after they began showing up here. It seems like people with troubles are drawn here; they needed support, and I can't do everything on my own."