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Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

Post by Makime »

Makime made her way to the home of the one whom, she had been told, was vaguely in charge. Given all the events of yesterday, the Lioness was armed and armored. Which certainly made her look imposing.

Good, maybe this would go easier that way.

Stepping up to the door, Makime lightly knocked on the door frame. It was loud enough to be heard but not so loud as to be rude or threatening.
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

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A young woman, very much not armed or armored and with no mons on her kimono, emerged. It's certainly the woman who had spoke last night - Chouri. She bowed deeply on seeing Makime, then blinked once or twice. "Ah, good morning, Makime-sama. Would you like to come in?"
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

Post by Makime »

"Yes." Makime replied, stepping in shortly after the other woman moved out of the way. "It's rather larger then one might expect."

She turns to regard Chouri, "Please make yourself comfortable. I just have a few questions and then I will take my leave."
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

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Chouri nodded with a sigh. "They insisted," she replied with a slight shrug. "I admit, it's too much room for just me."

She stepped over to the hearth and poured two cups of nice-smelling liquid, pushing one toward Makime if she wanted it. "Herbal tea, if you'd like, Makime-sama. Please, ask whatever you'd like to know."
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

Post by Makime »

"There are other uses a building of such size could be used for," Makime managed a smile that was not a smile, she waved away the tea, "No, thank you."

She walks around the room a bit, hands behind her back. Glancing back she continues, "Might I enquire first how your people came to be here in this town. In your own words, I've heard enough of rumors."
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

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She watches Makime, expression slightly nervous at the pacing. "I originally came here looking for answers to the trouble lately - the madness people were falling under. Some research pointed me to rumors of a former tribe up here that had insight into spiritual matters. More people started showing up after that - mostly people with problems. Nightmares, illness, all sorts of things. We decided to start building a place for ourselves."
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

Post by Makime »

"And what sort of research? Can I ask for your sources? Some sort of local rumor or was it other more solid information that led you here?" Makime paused and held out a hand, palm downward, "Please don't mind me, it helps to keep my focus."

She kept her other hand, the one closest to her weapons, behind her. Pressed into her back waiting for the other hand to return.
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

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"I was following rumors at first, to places that were reputed to grant insight and things like that. Most of them were dead ends. Six years ago or so, I heard about a supposed Kisaki Tribe that had visions of the future in this area as I passed through the capital. So... I came here. It took a while to find, but the area is strange enough that I don't think anyone would disagree that there's spiritual power here," she explained.
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

Post by Makime »

"And what had you heard about the Kisaki Tribe? Just that hey had visions of the future?" Makime pressed further, her pacing had stopped for the moment. "And what were you doing before hand...what lead you on this particular journey to abandon your presumed homeland?"
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

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"Not much beyond that. They lived somewhere strange, a land of fog and mist that only a few can find," she said. "We found a little more when we started cleaning things up here. They had writing, and some of their records on ritual observances were recorded."

"As to what led me to leave my homeland... It was claimed by the Crane Clan. I didn't feel that my place was there, so I have been wandering and studying since then. Helping people where I can."
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

Post by Makime »

"Why didn't you find the Crane to your liking? Or one of the other clans?" Makime kept her eyes on the head woman now, "I understand many did, but it is of interest to me in this case. Would it be a bit too presumptuous to assume a great many of those gathered here would have similar feelings in regards to the Children of Heaven?"
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

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"It's not a matter of liking or not liking. It was just... not where I was supposed to be," she replied with a helpless shrug. "I wish I had a better answer for you, Makime-sama. As to the rest of them, their reasons for not being here are as many as they are. They're not hostile to the Clans of the Kami or anything like that. Some of them were too old to go where they needed to. Some of them left because they were worried their nightmares would lead to harm. Some felt lost in the new world."
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

Post by Makime »

"...I see." Makime nodded, "Well one last question on this topic and then we shall return to the writings and these...ritual observances you mentioned. Do you remember where in the Crane lands you came from?"
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

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"I was born along the coast, toward the south," she said, looking at Makime curiously. "Please forgive my rudeness, Makime-sama, but I feel a little as thought I am being interrogated."
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

Post by Makime »

Makime nodded at that, "In a way you are, yes." She crossed her arms, "You are the head of this village, perhaps not in the same manner one in my homelands are...but still possessing some authority and responsibility. I want to take your measure, because if anything happens regarding the village you will be the first approached. And, it has to be said, likely the first blamed. Fairly or unfairly, such is one of the burdens of leadership. Though I assume you understand this?"

"But let us return to the more pressing matter? These writings and rituals you found. You are a learned woman to have been able to read them and a brave one to try them." She uncrosses her arms, "Or desperate...regardless you tried them yes?"
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

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She closed her eyes and nodded. "That is the truth."

"Yes. Well, you'll see them yourself if you at least go and see the festivities later today."
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

Post by Makime »

"I would prefer to hear about them in your own words." Makime smiled a not smile, "You deciphered these words and reconstructed the rituals after all yes? Though I assume with aid."
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

"Desperate is probably the more accurate," she admitted with a sigh. "Until we found them, I wasn't sure what I was going to do about the people with nightmares. Enrou has helped me a lot with them, yes. And we did try them. The records were partial, so they weren't as effective as they are now."
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

Post by Makime »

"So you altered the rituals then?" Makime asked, "Or were you able to reconstruct more from the writings over time?"

"...and where did you learn to read these writings? Or any writings. Literacy is not a common skill."
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Re: Day 2 LM: Knock Knock (Closed)

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"We altered them little by little over time," she explained. "We noticed they eased the nightmares for some people, and enhanced the work of healing salves."

"As to literacy... I availed myself of the Imperial libraries during my travels. If I wanted to know more, reading is too useful of a skill not to have."
Heimin | Village Headwoman | Tattooed | Friendly

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