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Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 10:55 pm
by Jiyo Sora
With wounded samurai, refugee farmers, and others streaming into the village, Sora made his way to the Headwoman's house for the second time that day.

He kind of figured Wu Zhe would probably be there, and that could be helpful too, but...

He walked up and started looking around for either Zhe or Chouri.

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:33 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
Chouri appears at the door, looking a little harried, "Ah, Jiyo-sama! Do you need something?"

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:37 pm
by Jiyo Sora
He bowed with a sort of curt speed.

"I know you are busy. If Wu-san is here, he can be of assistance. Your people need to be ready to defend themselves- I fear this attack was just the first. Who coordinates the defense of this village?"

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:41 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
"That's Aoyama," she replied. "She's the head of the guards here. She reported about the happenings out by the farms; she helped coordinate the evacuation into town. A stampede and some sort of twisted wolves?"

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:49 pm
by Jiyo Sora
"And some more natural animals driven before them, but yes, that's what I'm hearing."

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:01 am
by Wu Dai Lu
She nodded. "Her home is five doors down from here, toward the market." She calls back into the house, "Wu-sama, could you come speak with Jiyo-sama?"

She bowed. "I wish I could stay longer, but I need to go get things ready for the refugees I'm housing. I'll do an announcement at the feast to gather people to do a few house raisings and gather supplies for them."

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:08 am
by Wu Zhe
Steps were heard and Zhe came out of a room, pan and scrub in hand.

"Oh, Jiyo-sama, good evening. I did not expect you here so soon...what is the matter?"

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:13 am
by Jiyo Sora
"Carry the Fortunes, Chouri-san."

Another short bow, then he turned to Wu Zhe and spoke without preamble.

"We need to get these people not merely ready to fight, but ready to fight in conjunction with the samurai who have descended upon their community."

He nodded at the younger man.

"One of the things about your family's founder I most appreciated was his understanding that farmers being able to defend themselves wasn't some kind of abomination. I'm hoping you can serve as the liaison, and perhaps help train any who wish to learn in the use of any weapons we might be able to scare up for them."

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:21 am
by Wu Dai Lu
She bows, kisses Zhe on the cheek, and hurries off into the house.

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:18 am
by Wu Zhe
Zhe smiled like an idiot for a few seconds after the kiss before the reality of what was asked dawned on him

''I am not the best trainer but it could be done...did something happen?'' something must have since Sora would'nt come late to ask him that

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:29 am
by Jiyo Sora
Ah, young love.

"Some corrupted monsters caused a stampede, then drove some people into the village from the outlying farms. A few samurai headed out to deal with the immediate problem, but safe to say this is a first attack, I don't expect it to be the last."

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:06 am
by Wu Zhe
The dragon sighed heavily

''The pushback has begun then.'' He focused on the pan for a second and scrubbed a nasty spot ''The villagers already know...'' he began thinking

''We will need spears...Stone if don't anything better...even sharpened stakes will do over most farm equipment. We will have to fortify the village as well in a way that does not alter the festival.''

He raised an eyebrow

''Hell of a job you are tasking me with, Jiyo-sama, what is happening at the camp in the meantime?''

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:26 am
by Jiyo Sora
"Well, I imagine Lady Makime is looking around scornfully at the state of defense, and I imagine others are rattling about doing things to make themselves feel better by taking some action. I've come to you first because the villagers are an unknown quantity. We don't know these people, Wu-san, and they don't know us. But now we're in this together, and we owe it to them to give them a fighting chance. I intend to coordinate matters as best I am able. Lady Makime will be in charge of overall strategy. I'm going to try to get anyone who can fight from horseback and who has a horse set up as a mobile reserve."

He sighed.

"And I will do my damndest to get some samurai to leaven the farmers with and to help you teach. Warriors with the discipline to stand, until the farmers get some confidence of their own in battle, having someone to lead you is a great comfort."

A pause.

"There will be issues. There is distrust, and frankly, Wu-san, plenty of things about this village don't sit right with me. But Shinsei cautioned us against paranoia, and if the village falls, what chance does our camp have? Besides. The Boss would not have us leave these people undefended."

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:52 am
by Wu Zhe
Zhe continued scrubbing his pan, listening

''I'll go talk with the village defense head right after this.'' he frowned, lost in thoughs ''I have an idea...a few, actually. If there is a gifted actor at camp tell them to join the Draw Lot play tomorrow.'' he tapped his pan ''And painters, send me the painters as well.''

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 11:01 am
by Jiyo Sora
"I thought when it came to actors, the worse the better? But no matter, I can ask around. As for painters... I suppose I can ask Satsuki-san or one of the Crane..."

Sora really wasn't up on a who's who of artistic endeavors.

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:29 pm
by Wu Zhe
He gave a nod

'' me explain my train of thought'' he paused to order his words ''We are not fighting merely on the physical field, ne? We are also fighting on an emotionnal one as well. What happens during the festival can bolster or hinder our capacity to fight in our sleep.''

''With that in mind we just can't fortify the village and enter a siege state mentality. A lot of people came here in search of healing and such mesure will press heavily on them. So...if instead of fortifications we build murals to be painted over with beautiful bright colors and hopeful scenes by the villagers, who may just happens to be located in strategic locations by coincidence, we might be able to fight on both battlefields at once.''

He raised an eyebrow

''Following me so far?''

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 3:08 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Sora made a shooing, dismissive gesture.... not at the plan, but at the need for details.

"Even if we weren't, morale is critical in any defense. Part of why I want you to train these people is so they can feel like they're taking their lives back. Keeping spirits up via other means is a wonderful idea, and you'll have my support. But they'll want some sturdy structures, so they feel safe while they enjoy whatever's on offer."

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 3:52 pm
by Wu Zhe
''We must not make the assumption that we know best what they need, Jiyo-sama. A man with a broken hand needs healing, not a weapon to feel powerful. Some people will be ready to fight while others won't: It will be a delicate balance.''

He frowned and looked sternly at Sora

''You say you want the feeling of safety for the villagers but that is not the entire truth, is it? The feeling of safety is also for the samurai and the other visitors. For some, I do not doubt that safety translates as control. We must be wary of that as well.''

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:20 pm
by Jiyo Sora
The older man grinned.

"Why do you think I am asking you to serve as liaison, rather than simply putting you in command and reporting to me or one of the daimyo present? If I thought I had all of the answers, I'd plant some stupid flag with a Phoenix on it in the middle of the village and make some speech about how things are going to be. But in combat, there will be a clear chain of command. We're still working out what that looks like, but I'm delegating tasks I'd be bad at."

He leaned a bit closer.

"Which means I'm going to delegate a hell of a lot. But I think you'll do all right."

Re: Do You Have Spears? [Day 2, Mid-Evening, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:54 pm
by Wu Zhe
The dragon gave back a smirk

''I see. Well that's good to know. I guess keeping the angsty people with weapons busy is not a bad endeavor.'' he sighed ''Allright. I'll keep you updated on what's happening with the village and was the residents are ready to do. I hope we can produce more of the fireworks that were used yesterday...properly used they could prove valuable.''