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A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:16 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
Chouri sat on her futon near the hearth that she usually slept near, staring intently into the flames as she held a cup of sweet-smelling herbal tea in her hands. A blanket was wrapped around her shoulders. It had taken the full out after the feast and then some to finally clean up, but they managed it together.

She smiled to herself as she watched, taking a small sip. It was a good evening.

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:31 am
by Wu Zhe
''It was a long day for you, was it not?'' the dragon's voice was almost whispering, not wishing to disrupt the peace of the moment. His hair still had some wetness clinging to it as he sat down not too far.

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:42 am
by Wu Dai Lu
Chouri sets down her tea and smiles, waving him over next to her on the futon. "Very. I can't tell you how much I appreciated your help with the food."

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:07 am
by Wu Zhe
Zhe was powerless and smiled back, joining her on the futon

''It is all natural for you already do much for us all. I must apologize if I had to leave for a moment while the cleaning was getting done...for I really needed to visit the baths.''

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:30 am
by Wu Dai Lu
She throws the blanket around his shoulders as well and snuggles up next to him. "I don't mind. You already do some much here."

There's a long pause before she says, "... I like you, Wu-sama. You're so kind, and you being here... It makes the place so much more warm."

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:49 am
by Wu Zhe
The dragon paused, considering. He smiled and passed an arm around her shoulder, gently

''I like you as well, Chouri-sama. You are passionate, caring and smart. You welcomed me into your home and gave me some peace.''

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 7:37 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
"You deserve it, Wu-sama," she said, closing her eyes. "Everyone deserves some peace in their life. This has been a place where they could have it for a little while, but... things are going crazy, it feels like."

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 8:40 pm
by Wu Zhe
''Yes is feels like'' he paused ''But it will pass, like all things do.'' he breathed in, then kissed her head

''In the shade of nightmares intangible, the tall and mighty balk at their powerlessness and seek to shrink to world to fit in a box they feel comfortable with. Still courage and compassion was shown time and time again, people ready to extend their hands to one another...When the wind bellows and the clouds thunders the oak shall tremble while the reeds dance.''

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:20 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
"What about people who are powerless against something like this?" She asked quietly. "It feels like... things may only escalate."

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:27 pm
by Wu Zhe
''The feeling of powerlessness is an insidious poison'' he began ''But I don't think we are as powerless as we think we are. Or rather, power is a lure and not the true solution to this.''

The dragon went silent, thinking

''I don't have answers but I have gut feeling. Things may get worse but that's because we might be on the right road. We can't stop the storm but we can prepare, all together.''

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 9:50 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
She nodded, quiet for a few moments. "... I hope that's true."

She pressed her face against his arm. "... My family went north, past where the Crab are now, when our village decided to join the Crane." It was quiet and apropos of nothing in particular.

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:05 am
by Wu Zhe
He took time to listen, not only to the words but the silences who also conveyed meaning

''That might have happened to my family and myself as well if not for the Wu. I was young when my people left the land we used to live on and my memory of it is uncertain at best. I do remember some faces, however. Some were family, some were old friends, some I have never seen again. When the Dragon opened their lands to us, we could scarcely believe it''

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 3:24 am
by Wu Dai Lu
She nodded, listening. "Where were you from, do you know?"

"I don't remember a lot of mine, either. I was... around six, I guess, when they left. My Tribe called themselves the Nami. We were fishers, mostly, with a little village on the coast... We weren't too far from where the Kuwagaya used to be. A little farther north," she said. "I was left behind. They couldn't afford to bring someone who wasn't self-sufficient. My two older brothers were. They were about 10 years older than me."

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:05 am
by Wu Zhe
''A bit further south, where...I do not know. We were semi-nomadic, I think. They called us the Gaimanche as we where cattle herders...and still are.''

He held her tightly for a moment

''It must have been horrible for you''

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:05 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
She hugs back, smiling a little. "My story isn't that different from other people here. No one comes here without something like that. I just... want someone to know me. I hope you don't mind being that person. I'd like to know you, too."

"You said I was brave before, by the way. I... don't think that's true. I'm kind of a coward."

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:19 pm
by Wu Zhe
''Perhaps this is why I am so at ease here. I feels like home.'' he looked at her eyes and smiled ''I do not mind you being you. I also hope you don't mind me being me.''

He paused at her admission of cowardice but the smile never faded

''What do you mean?''

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 4:42 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
"I like you being you," she replied, looking up and meeting his eyes with a smile, then down when he asked what she meant. "I'm afraid of dying."

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:12 pm
by Wu Zhe
Zhe carefully brought his hand to her chin and raised her head so their eyes could meet

''That does not make you a coward.'' he removed his hand and continued ''I am no wise man but to admit that you are afraid takes courage. We all are afraid of many things, few can readily talk about it.''

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:30 pm
by Wu Dai Lu
"I..." She seemed to struggle with her words for a moment before finally setting on a quiet, "Thank you..."

She leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.

Re: A Long Day [D3, LE, Closed]

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 8:32 pm
by Wu Zhe
The kiss was returned tenderly as he held her in his arms.