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Day 6 LE: Revelations

Post by Wu Zhe »

It was getting late but there would be a last thing that needed to be adressed before the morrow. Something Chouri should know about.

Zhe was a Thunder

He might not be able to see her again after the Day of Thunder.

This could be a farewell

He sat silently on the courtyard's porch as he was used to do now, gazing at the sky. A teapot was near him with two cups, as always.

Shou was resting on his lap
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

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She came out to join him, as was her own growing habit, her own news to give. She kissed him on the cheek as she sat down.
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

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Zhe took her hand to help her she sat down and took the opportunity to lay a kiss on the back of it. He then poured for them both.

''I have news you should be made aware of''
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

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She accepted a cup of tea, nodding and looking down at it. "Me, too. You should go first."
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

Post by Wu Zhe »

He gave a slow nod and painfully collected the few words he truly needed

''I was chosen as one of the nine thunders to face the Champion of Jigoku, tomorrow''
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

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Chouri gave a dry, empty chuckle. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised. You're wonderful, Zhe." She paused, took a sip to gather her thoughts, and replied. "I'll... be heading up there with you. I... I won't be leaving."
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

Post by Wu Zhe »

The headwoman's lover could not move a muscle when she announced she would be coming with him and staying

''I...what?'' he passed a hand through his hair taking a second to think ''I would like to know the reason...if you want to tell me''
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

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"The scrolls I made... The story in them needs to be read by someone once the Champion is weakened," she looked toward him and smiled sadly. "The person who reads it will be bound, as well. It's... not a fate I would force anyone else to endure."
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

Post by Wu Zhe »

The dragon could understand that part, at least

''So you will be bound with the champion? For how long?''
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

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"Until the seal is broken, same as it," she said, staring down into her tea. "I'll be there with the Champion and a dream version of this village and its surroundings."

She does her best to maintain a calm facade, but it's clearly cracking.
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

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Zhe was silent for a long moment

''I could take your place'' he proposed
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

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She straightened, eyes wide. "No! Absolutely not!"

She shook her head, gripping her cup tight. "I... I wouldn't wish the fate coming on almost anyone, never mind you."
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

Post by Wu Zhe »

He slowly straightened as well

''I know you would not wish it upon anyone. It is a cruel fate...but to share it alone is unthinkable.'' he frowned ''No, not alone. I will come with you''
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

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She stared at him, obvious tears in her eyes. "I- The selfish part of me wants to agree, but... You have so much you could do here, rather than spending a thousand years going slowly insane alongside me."

She gripped her kimono, tears starting to flow. "The villagers will need an advocate..."
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

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''They will'' he replied, producing a scroll ''I put it down on paper and made it as official as it can be. I will inform Jiyo-sama and the imperial princess on the morrow''

Zhe stared back at her, taking in the image

''I will not leave you. We might go insane for a thousand years but if we have each other we'll have a fighting chance''
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

"Zhe..." It's all she could get out before starting to cry, throwing her arms around him. "I... 's too much-..." She sobbed. Usually she was very composed, but she simply couldn't keep it in. It was too much.
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

Post by Wu Zhe »

He hugged her close, his own sadness drying up in the knowledge of what would happen. Others might see it as insane but for him there was nothing more logical. That brought him to the next subject to sensibly follow with:

''Is it awkward if I ask your hand in marriage now?''
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

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She puts a hand over her mouth and cries even harder for a few moments... but at least this time it's in happiness. Finally, she's able to clean herself up and nod.

"I-I will. I'll marry you. But... I have one thing to ask. I'd like a new first name, as well as taking yours. Chouri... it's my adult name, written as 'omen village'. It's all but a stamp of ownership."
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

Post by Wu Zhe »

''Oooooh'' he nods ''Who should give you your new name then?''

He looked up, wondering

''There are a few monks here, Nozomi-san or Ukyou-san could give you a new one...or do you prefer to choose your own?''

His eyes opened wide, realising something

''Ooooh. The little nezumi shaman could also give you your name''
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Re: Day 6 LE: Revelations

Post by Wu Dai Lu »

She smiled, eyes still watery. "I think it would be the most meaningful if you chose it. Think of it as a wedding present."
Heimin | Village Headwoman | Tattooed | Friendly

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