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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Enrou »

Enrou seemed all too happy to redirect his attention to Norikage.

"I'd be more inclined to say I know too much about it, because in general the possibilities are quite vast depending on localized factors. Earthy and pungent help narrow it down, as does the idea of loosening up, but going wild is a bit of a different story. If it were being smoked directly is one thing, but if it were just from the residual smoke of a firecracker what you're talking about would need to be far more concentrated to have a similar effect as most of the dosing would be spread out in empty air." He looked up, tilting his head from one side to the other and back, gears working in his head. "Most likely what you're describing is a specific mixture designed for a particular effect, which does sound like something that would fall into my expertise. Are you able to directly list any more symptoms to help narrow it down? If it's something I made myself it shouldn't be too hard to identify, and there are a few options I can think of already, but too many and too varied to be of any real use."
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"Hmm...I suppose euphoria would be a more consistent descriptor of the effect." he scratched his chin under his mask. "Someone mentioend...ka...kavi?" He was too tired to remember correctly. "They did blame you for it, though. The villagers, I mean."
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Makime »

"Or more directly who else would have access to any of the drugs needed for this act, and in the amounts necessary." Makime added.
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Enrou »

"If you're referring to kava, that is traditionally used as a method of promoting relaxation and imbuing one with energy. It could produce some of the euphoric effect you mention, but by itself it wouldn't be all that potent. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the villagers mentioned that simply because they knew the name but not the effect of it. Or they might have meant that to misdirect those with less medical knowledge away from their antics. Could go either way honestly."

Sincerity to sound all sincere and shiz
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

Seems sincere, but honestly I trust nothing in this village completely.

"So what else would they need to produce the effect, and who else possesses the same knowledge you would?" he asked. "Putting aside the newcomers to the village."
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Makime »

Makime cut off the Scorpion, "And who else save you has both the knowledge, skills, and access to furnish the substances in the required amounts. Do not attempt misdirection with me."

Forgot to add this:
Investigation/Perception against Doctor Facilier here. Knock Knock Redux | 6k4 ⇒ 38 (TN: 27)
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Enrou »

Enrou shrugged slightly. "Knowledge and skills are one thing, and among those in our village only I'm really capable of that level of engineering. Access is a bit of a different story. While most of the stronger herbs are things you'd find in my garden, there are still some I don't have total control over, such as some of the more...vibrant species of mushrooms which grow in the areas surrounding the village. I can help to identify what might have caused the situation if I had just a bit more information. Has anyone spoken to the fireworks team about this yet?"
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"I haven't, came to you first. Also had another question or two, but it can wait."
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

There was something about Enrou's explanation that sounded a bit off. It seemed Lady Makime noticed as well though, so the younger lion kept quiet.

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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Makime »

Enrou wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 10:03 pm
Enrou shrugged slightly. "Knowledge and skills are one thing, and among those in our village only I'm really capable of that level of engineering. Access is a bit of a different story. While most of the stronger herbs are things you'd find in my garden, there are still some I don't have total control over, such as some of the more...vibrant species of mushrooms which grow in the areas surrounding the village. I can help to identify what might have caused the situation if I had just a bit more information. Has anyone spoken to the fireworks team about this yet?"
Makime frowned, "But how much would be required to effect a large area...could anyone but you produce the sort of quantity that would be needed? I can not imagine it was a miniscule amount to affect the number of people it did."
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Enrou »

"You are correct that affecting a large area would be challenging, which does seem to suggest this was an orchestrated act. That's why more information about the delivery method itself is required to make a proper conclusion on the matter. Whoever is responsible would at least have to know how the drug would be affected by such close proximity to fire, and how much could be distributed without affecting the overall performance."
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Makime »

"And would it be too much to assume that a lot of the potential substances used would require some manner of work to be done in their preparation? For potency's sake? Or just to be better and spreading in general?" Makime continued her questions.
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Enrou »

"That would be a fair assessment, yes, although there are a few cases of plant or fungal based being more potent in the wild and requiring processes to diminish their effects for safer consumption." The more Enrou spoke on the matter, the more it seemed like there was some significant preparation done prior to the creation of the fireworks.
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Makime »

"So then. It is very likely either someone with great skill at this sort of work did so behind your back or else your stores were used." Makime rubbed her knuckles, "That would be a fair assessment of the situation correct."
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Enrou »

"I would not begrudge you that assumption, and I do find the idea of someone using my personal stores rather vexing." Enrou went back to puffing on his pipe, fixing Makime with an even stare. "You sound as if you've decided something."
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Makime »

"Have you checked those stores lately?" Makime asked, "Or since the festival? I was a merchant once and my father would keep a hawk's eyes on his stores. Not a silk thread ever escaped his watch." She returned his stare. "Kenji-san can help if you require."
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Enrou »

Enrou scratched the back of his head a bit sheepishly. "I will admit I've been a bit lax on that particular front of late. But if something were amiss, I would be able to notice. I haven't been so careless that I wouldn't know if something was missing, if I were to go look. Extra eyes wouldn't be remiss, however. Mine are...quite tired right now."
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"Well, who makes the fireworks here, and who was responsible for looking after it all? Investigation seems to point that direction." he said, offering the next step. Which had been mentioned before. "It helps to have everything accounted for here, I agree, but some of us can get working on that while others dig through the stock here at the shop."
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Makime »

"I see the supplies of the healer are not held in the same category of importance as a merchant hold's their own goods." Makime replied dryly, "I do not propose a whole counting of your stock merely what could have been used at the festival. We agree the quantity was large correct? It's much easier to notice a bolt of cloth missing as opposed to a few threads of silk. I need not have a perfect count of what is missing. Only that large amount of it is missing."

She turned to look at Kenji, her expression conveyed a sense of annoyance once it was turned from the healer. By the time she looked back at him her expression was one of stoic passivity.
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Re: Knock Knock Redux (D3 MM)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

Kenji shifted, getting ready to move should he need go search for supplies. To him it almost seemed like the man partook of some of his own product and his mind was a bit too drug addled to recall what he took.

Either way he'd strongly suggest no one injured visit this medicine man once they left.
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