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Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 5:38 pm
by Bakuriel
The three remaining villagers struggle back to their feet, the movements uncoordinated and unnatural to behold. Without much thought to their actions, they simply turn and scrabble their way to the closest available target, Kumori, following Norikage's retreat to restrain the guard.

Attack against Kumori | 4k2 ⇒ 13 (TN: 36)
Attack against Kumori | 4k2 ⇒ 17 (TN: 31)
Attack against Kumori | 4k2 ⇒ 16 (TN: 31)

But their momentum has been stopped, and their attacks fail to landInitiative Order

Bayushi Norikage<=========
Village Guard(prone) atn 5
Shiba Kumori
Yumi=Hisomu Reo
Villager1(prone) atn 15
Villager3(prone) atn 15
Villager4(prone) atn 15

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 5:47 pm
by Bayushi Norikage
"Hisomu-san, check Enrou-san if you can!"

Norikage tied up the guard securely through their chaotic thrashing, then dashed to pick up another rope and ready it to help secure more threats.

Simple Action, tie up guard: 36
Free Action, move to another rope.
Free Action, pick up said other rope.
Simple Action, move back toward villagers.

Defensive stance: TN 34
9/18 healthy rank
2/3 void

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 5:52 pm
by Bakuriel
The guard puts up a token resistance, but is unable to accomplish much as he finds himself bound in place.

Contested roll against Norikage | 4k3 ⇒ 16 (TN: 36)

Bayushi Norikage
Shiba Kumori<=========
Yumi=Hisomu Reo
Villager1(prone) atn 15
Villager3(prone) atn 15
Villager4(prone) atn 15

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:03 pm
by Hisomu Reo
"Understood". Reo moves over to Enrou and checks on the man's status, limping heavily on the journey.

Defensive stance
Simple Action (possibly Complex depending on distance) Move to Enrou
If any actions are available, check status of Enrou and/or perform Medical to revive

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:05 pm
by Shiba Kumori
“Try not to hurt them!” Kumori repeated as she dropped her blade and grabbed one of the patients.


Free to drop sword.

D5 LE Fight, Jiujutsu to Grapple, Tech and Kharmic | 8k5 ⇒ 63 (TN: 15)

D5 LE Fight, Grapple Control | 6k3 ⇒ 50

Wow… So Grappled one of them with a 50 to control it on their turn.

ATN: 16
Stance: Attack
No Wounds

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:16 pm
by Yumi
As the crazed villagers don't seem capable of inflicting much damage to the others at this point. Yumi carefully makes her way to the one she struck with her arrow. Moving beside them, kneeling beside them. Checking them for breath, and then bleeding. Confirming they had died.

Once confirmed, she removes the arrow from his leg.


SA: Remove arrow.

FA/SA: Move, And all the other basic stuff she does.

Does the combat need to.continue at this point?

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:31 pm
by Bakuriel
Yumi wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:16 pm
As the crazed villagers don't seem capable of inflicting much damage to the others at this point. Yumi carefully makes her way to the one she struck with her arrow. Moving beside them, kneeling beside them. Checking them for breath, and then bleeding. Confirming they had died.

Once confirmed, she removes the arrow from his leg.


SA: Remove arrow.

FA/SA: Move, And all the other basic stuff she does.

Does the combat need to.continue at this point?
I am generally of the opinion that no, combat seems thoroughly finished at this point. Anything further would just be extra rolls for very little purpose.


Combat is over!
All players receive .5 Glory.
There will potentially be some level of fallout for the dead villager on D6.
Enrou is in no danger of dying, but will not regain consciousness before D6. Word will need to be sent to his apprentice, as well as anyone who can lend a hand to help with the increased workload while Enrou is incapacitated.

You may continue to rp in this thread if you wish.

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:39 pm
by Shiba Kumori
Kumori would continue to secure the patients until the whole commotion came to a stop.

“Bayushi-san… see what you can make of how this started.”

Kumori went to the lone dead villager and checked for signs of life.

“Hisomu-san… see what can be done for any of them.”

She stood and nodded to the wanderer she didn’t know.

“Thank you for your response to protecting the people.”

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:48 pm
by Bayushi Norikage
"Hisomu-san seems to know something about what may have happened to them", he indicated Reo with a head gesture. His eyes shifted toward Yumi for a moment and he looked back to Kumori, giving a nod.

Then he went to investigate the house a bit, to see if he could trace back the events that happened there.

Investigation: 21

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:02 pm
by Hisomu Reo
"It looks like they are sleepwalking. If I am a betting man, I would say that something is using their dreams to puppet their bodies to do this." Reo looks at the group of tied persons. "But if I give them something that would make their muscles limp and unable to move until they wake..."

He choses to avoid the comment that what he is talking about is essentially a paralytic poison. "I will examine them for signs of Taint as well. Enrou will be fine, but he's out cold. I'll spend the night here to keep an eye on things."

(OOC: Medicine (Taint), Craft: Poison and/or Lore (Corruption) checks to treat the patients and/or check for Taint?)

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:04 pm
by Shiba Kumori
“If they are no danger to anyone as they are… We should avoid anything that would cause distrust with the people of the village.” She replied.

“We should definitely keep a watch on them tonight… That’s a great idea.”

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:06 pm
by Bakuriel
Hisomu Reo wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:02 pm
"It looks like they are sleepwalking. If I am a betting man, I would say that something is using their dreams to puppet their bodies to do this." Reo looks at the group of tied persons. "But if I give them something that would make their muscles limp and unable to move until they wake..."

He choses to avoid the comment that what he is talking about is essentially a paralytic poison. "I will examine them for signs of Taint as well. Enrou will be fine, but he's out cold. I'll spend the night here to keep an eye on things."

(OOC: Medicine (Taint), Craft: Poison and/or Lore (Corruption) checks to treat the patients and/or check for Taint?)
(Medicine (Taint) TN15 to check for Taint, Craft: Poison TN20 to make 2 doses of the paralytic agent, +2 per called raise. Otherwise takes one time slot for each set of 2)

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:13 pm
by Bakuriel
Bayushi Norikage wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2023 6:48 pm
"Hisomu-san seems to know something about what may have happened to them", he indicated Reo with a head gesture. His eyes shifted toward Yumi for a moment and he looked back to Kumori, giving a nod.

Then he went to investigate the house a bit, to see if he could trace back the events that happened there.

Investigation: 21
Though the chaos and damage caused by the villagers has made it difficult to discern much of what happened, one strange detail stands out very clearly to Norikage; there is no sign of forced entry, and no damages beyond those inside the rooms currently being used to house the villagers. In fact, the chaos seems to spread outward from within the sick ward itself.

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:23 pm
by Bayushi Norikage
Yep. Hisomu-san said it was likely an attack from their dreams. Definitely Harbinger fuckery. Makes sense.

He kept at it, but was available for questions or comments. He would need to get his arm looked at as well.

"Seems like they know these kinds of things happen already", he said thoughtfully. "Ropes, a guard. Though what good does the guard do when they're a victim too?" He snorted, annoyed.

He eyed the dead villager with a hint of frustration.

Sleepwalking into death is a shit way to go.

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:25 pm
by Hisomu Reo
Shiba Kumori wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2023 7:04 pm
“If they are no danger to anyone as they are… We should avoid anything that would cause distrust with the people of the village.” She replied.

“We should definitely keep a watch on them tonight… That’s a great idea.”
Reo nods as he looks over the number of bodies lying about, including the very dead one. "Making enough to dose them all will take time, but I can do it before I sleep tonight. I will take the first two shifts if someone can relieve me before dawn."

Patients, Please!!! D5 - Doses of Paralytic agent - Fatigue penalties - Craft/Poison | 6k5-5 ⇒ 28 (TN: 20) Will continue to make rolls in more time slots

Patients, Please!!! D5 -Medicine(Taint)/Intelligence to check villagers for corruption | 8k5-5 ⇒ 45 (TN: 20) Pass

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 8:50 pm
by Yumi
Yumi received the messages directed at her, but did not move much from her position over the dead villager. It was clear to her, by her eye, that had they been in better health the arrow would not have killed them. Yet, they were also driven mad by something perhaps beyond their control?

Yumi looks despondently across those around her, and asks, "If the head woman was able to heal an arm in front of our eyes, why did she not help these people first?"

With that question asked, she offers a brief prayer to the body before her. Standing, she collects herself and her things and walks from this place. Far from this place.

/exit Yumi

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 9:03 pm
by Bayushi Norikage
"...?" He didn't see her statement as particularly wrong, considering where she seemed to be coming from. Though the presence of samurai in the village likely complicated their resource management. Maybe he'd ask around tomorrow.


"So...she's not going to help keep watch after complaining that people aren't doing enough for them..." he scratched his head. He shrugged and kept looking for any possibility of more clues. It didn't really matter. After all, people have their own reasons for doing things.

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 9:08 pm
by Hisomu Reo
Of course, the dead one we can't do anything about." It's a lingering remark, but Reo can't help it. He had been doing everything possible to keep them alive. "If it counts for anything, the things that these people are here for are standard fixes: basic injuries that can heal with time and proper attention. We are far from growing season, and Enrou is well trained and well equipped. Whatever injuries they had before...and still have for that matter aren't serious. But a missing arm or a crushed limb? That sort of thing isn't supposed to happen in a lifetime."

"That isn't to say that I trust them. Six villagers all at one time is odd, if not impossible."

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 9:37 pm
by Bayushi Norikage
"Well no shit", Norikage snorted. "You'd almost think there was some malevolent force at work trying to screw everything up for us", he said, pouring on the sarcasm. He smirked then. "Don't let it bother you though, you've been in worse situations than this from what I hear, Hisomu-san."

Re: Patients, Please!!!! D5, LE

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2023 11:20 pm
by Hisomu Reo
Reo pauses, then nods. "I did once watch the man they devoted the Order of Heroes to have his head pulped like a melon. And then I married the greatest thief in the Empire and had six kids." I looks out at the disabled townsfolk. "I will take sleepwalking humans, even ones I need to care to minimally harm."