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Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

Some time after the attacks, Yoshitsune Ayako half-supported/half-carried an injured woman to the house of Enrou, the village healer. Ayako helped the villager, Shizuku, to find a comfortable sitting position once they arrived; it had been a slow and difficult walk from the farmhouse where Shizuku's foot had been mangled by a fallen beam.

"Hello, Enrou!" Ayako called into the house. "Are you home? Shizuku here is hurt and needs healing."
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Enrou »

The healer opened the door - sooner than usual this time - and looked over the two women.

"What's goi- Oh." He briefly wears an expression on his face like he's trying to suppress loud cursing, but even as he does, he opens the door and starts heading inside. "Follow me. Don't worry about your shoes, I'll clean up after."
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

Ayako helped Shizuku limp into the house after Enrou.

"She was caught in a burning house and a wooden beam fell on her foot," the Crab woman explained. "We tried to get here as fast as we could. Can you help her?"
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Enrou »

Shizuku limps along with them, looking to Enrou for the answer. He glances back, frowning.

"... I can help, but I need to see what needs to be done."

He opens the door to a room with a stone floor, surprisingly. Stepping down, he walks over and quickly pulls out a fresh mat, putting in the middle of the floor, a thin, cheap-looking futon, and a wooden block with curves at the top of it.

He looks to Ayako, waving her and Shizuku over. "I need you to hold her leg at the calf so I can help her lay down here."
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

Ayako nodded at Enrou. Turning to Shizuku, the Crab gave her a solemn look before taking hold of the woman's calf and keeping it steady as the healer got them settled into place.
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

From the door came a loud knocking, as one of the villagers called, "Enrou! A samurai brought a guest here... she uh... looks like she's been chewed on by something big. I'm amazed she's still breathin, really."

Yukara certainly did not look well - her right arm had been torn from its socket and hung at an unnatural angle, and gouges and gashes covered her legs and chest, her clothes ripped and torn and soaked through with blood, leaving the pale woman even paler than her norm, ghostly white face beaded with sweat and blood, framed by matted hair that had soaked from a cut on her scalp.

Her eyes were shut, but her chest still rose and fell, some strange tenacity keeping her clinging to life.
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Enrou »

Enrou helps Shizuku lay down. "Keep your eyes closed," he instructs Shizuku.

Once she's down, he carries the wood block over and puts each leg in the curves. It does double duty blocking her vision and elevating her feet to head off shock.

He scowled as he looked over the damage, then leaned forward and said blandly, "You don't have to try this hard to be my apprentice, Shizuku-san."

It actually gets a weak laugh out of her. He got up and poured her a cup of something, holding her to sit up just a little. "Drink this. It will out you to sleep and numb the pain. I... don't know if I can save your foot the way it is."

Shizuku smiles weakly and drinks what he offers. "It's okay. It's only for a couple of days."

"True. You got lucky in the timing," he said as she settled back. Once it looked like she was breathing steadily, he looked to Ayako. "Thank you for helping her."
Ryoshun Yukara wrote:
Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:53 pm
"Fuck's sake, I'm already dealing with a potential amputation! Can people try not to die for five fucking minutes?!" Enrou said, getting up and helping bring in the new patient, setting up another mat and futon for her. "Fuck, first priority is stopping the bleeding. This foot is more delicate."

He got up and grabbed bandages and other implements and drugs needed for both. "Yoshitsune-sama, I'm recruiting you as an assistant. I'll walk you through wound treatment while I work on this foot."
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

Enrou wrote:
Sun Oct 29, 2023 4:05 pm

He got up and grabbed bandages and other implements and drugs needed for both. "Yoshitsune-sama, I'm recruiting you as an assistant. I'll walk you through wound treatment while I work on this foot."
“Yes, Enrou-san,” the young Crab said immediately. She seemed unfazed by the severity of Yukara’s wounds, but uncertain as how to proceed.

There were a LOT of bite marks; a simple bandage didn’t seem like enough. “Um, what should I do first?”
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Enrou »

Enrou pointed to one of the concoctions that he had set near her. "Use that salve and one of the cloths to clean the wounds. Each time you rinse it off, reapply the salve to the cloth. It will also help with the bleeding. I'll get to that arm in a moment, butget it back in its socket first."

Meanwhile, he was absorbed in carefully removing wood Shards from Shuzuku's foot.
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

Ayako nodded and got to work, cleaning Yukara’s wounds and applying the healing salve. The first cloth was quickly stained dark red with blood, and the Crab swapped it for another, continuing to work. Her ministrations were inexpert, but diligent.

Soon, all of the washcloths were stained bloody, and Ayako had to pause to rinse and wring them out. But Yukara’s injuries were cleanes, and her bleeding was slowed, if not quite stopped.

“The salve is helping, but she’s still bleeding a little,” Ayako reported. “Should I, uh, apply some pressure? Or wait for you?”
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Enrou »

"Put her shoulder into the socket," he instructed. "You're a warrior, I assume you've dealt with dislocated joints before. After that, put a cloth pad over each wound, then wrap it firmly in a bandage. The pad will create extra pressure on the spot."

He now had a bowl of bloody wood Shards and was carefully probing the bones. "Shit," he uttered.
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

“Well, I haven’t personally…” Ayako started to say, face turning pale. But it was clear that the healer was too busy working on Shizuku to be distracted right now, so Ayako turned to the unconscious Bat and started to probe at her damaged shoulder.

Shoulder bone connects to the collar bone, Ayako told herself. I think this is the shoulder socket? The young Crab held the point of Yukara’s shoulder with her left hand, grasping the Bat’s upper arm with her right hand and attempting to guide it into place.

The Bat’s arm still had an unpleasant looseness to it; it didn’t seem like it had connected yet, so Ayako tried again. The Crab's knuckles whitened as she gripped Yukara's arm tighter and applied a little more pressure.

D2 ME Attempt to fix Yukara’s shoulder, Intelligence/Medicine, Void point for skill | 3k2 ⇒ 10 (TN: 15)
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Enrou »

Enrou glanced up. "Stop, hold on." He stepped over once Shizuku's wounds were clean and probed the arm, seeing what was torn. It takes him a little while, until finally he gets a knife that looks wickedly sharp and opens it a little so he can see.

"... Shit. This thing is basically hanging on by her skin, and barely that with the wounds. Shizuku's isn't as bad as it looked initially, but this... I don't have the resources to fix it properly. It's a loss."
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

"I... I must have messed it up," Ayako said, her hands trembling. "I-I'm so sorry."

She took a few deep breaths to try and center herself. "What can I do to help?" Ayako asked, sounding a little calmer. She put her hands behind her back to hide them.
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Enrou »

Enrou shook his head. "No. It was nothing you did. You can't fit a beam in a notch if rot has eaten it through," he replied grimly.

He pointed out the door. "Get the brazier from the other room and bring it over near me, along with the grate-like bowl next to it."
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

Ayako ran to the other room to fetch the requested items. The Crab quickly returned with the brazier and bowl, along with a handful of charcoal to feed the brazier.

“Here, perhaps?” she asked the healer, setting up the apparatus near him.
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Enrou »

"Yes. Please light it," he said, setting several slender metal implements into the slotted bowl. It turns out the size is set so they will heat while still being handy for him to take. Why he needed hot implements was unclear just yet to those unfamiliar with medicine.

He carefully sharpens his knife and ties off Yukara's arm. "There shouldn't be too much blood flow with this, but I'll need you on hand to dab it away with the cloths when it does show up."
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

Ryoshun Nao had been nearby, assisting some of the villagers, when she heard that someone of her clan had been injured. She arrived as quickly as she could.

"What's happened?"
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Enrou »

Ryoshun Nao wrote:
Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:35 pm
Ryoshun Nao had been nearby, assisting some of the villagers, when she heard that someone of her clan had been injured. She arrived as quickly as she could.

"What's happened?"
"Good times with amputation," Enrou replied brusquely. He glanced up at her. "Assist or leave."
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Re: Looking for healing (D2 ME)

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

"I will assist." she nodded. ""I can attempt some magic healing, but let's make sure there aren't any complications."
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