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Ryoshun Yukara
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

(OOC, since she failed the attack roll, can't spend the void on the atemi, so will instead spend for init boost)

Yukara hissed in frustration as she failed to make contact, drawing the arm back, focusing her chi, and then throwing herself forward, far less constrained and far less cognizant of her own wellbeing. This time, she would not be denied.

There was no armor stopping her this time as she did not pull her punch at all, allowing the five claws to puncture deep and deliver the shockwave of earthen chi - there was no time to waste here. The fight had to end if they were going to get her family out alive, and if she was sane, there was a chance she would recognize that.

If not, she would at least be able to return to the wheel when struck down, and the task would be easier.

Full attack, Complex: Hit (for real this time)
Atemi: Rest Now, My brother: Activated
Damage: ??? (Jade Claws+taint ranks)

ATN 20+15
Full-Attack Stance
Reduction: 3
1/3 Void
1 Jade Finger (5/7)
Init: 36
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.5 Honor: Honorless Stray
Carries: Bisento, muted clothes, travelling cloak and hat, prayer beads, knife, sake

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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Tyrus »

Akuto moves quietly along the hallway and picks up the young man frozen inspecting a small blade but his body moves easy enough as the Stag picks him up.

Kenji runs across the room and enter the bedroom to see a small girl sitting in a kimono frozen staring at a scroll

Ayako focuses and through her sheer willpower she is able to stabilize the area a bit, things looking a bit more solid. She was holding things for now.

this time her claws dig deep into the jet colored flesh and the chi pulses into Aoyama and she howls in pain but spreading from the wound her skin slowly returned to its natural hue and she shrinks back to her normal size. Her eyes turned from a deep blood red to their normal bright color and her eyes were filled with horror as they darted around the unnatural home. She seemed stunned by what was happening here. "I...I kami....what have I done?" A dark force seemed to push into the space coalescing around the woman "You try to deny me in my own realm? It will not be so simple little kitten" and it pushed against the chi inside Aoyama to reinstate control.


Aoyama has been temporarily purified from her taint. Yukara make an opposed willpower roll as the corrupted realm of dreams fights against your Kiho
D6 fight willpower opposed | 4k4 ⇒ 33

Initiative Round 2/5

Yukara - 36
Aoyama, She Who Dreams of Protection atn 28
Akuto - 24
Kenji - 22
Ayako - 22
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Ryoshun Yukara
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

The claws and chi were not gentle as they did their work - Aoyama would feel excruciating agony as she was torn back to reality, to the waking realm.

This was mercy, but it was not kindness.

"A cat is free in all realms, monster!" Yukara spat back, exerting her will and focus to try and keep from being repelled. Unfortunately the force of it seemed to be overwhelming her.


28 = Opposed Willpower (Void spent, 0/3 void remain)
37 damage
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.5 Honor: Honorless Stray
Carries: Bisento, muted clothes, travelling cloak and hat, prayer beads, knife, sake

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Otomo Akutou
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Otomo Akutou »

Blade later, boy now, Akutou thinks, and he hauls the boy back to the door, dumping him outside unceremoniously--but safely.

That done, he creeps back in, still quietly, any incidental noises likely covered up by the sounds of the ongoing struggle in the main room.

He is just behind the door, and he would seem to be able to see into the main room, though his own presence may yet be unnoticed...

Simple action to haul the boy under Stealth, per Stealth 5.
Free action to drop the boy outside, per ... 1&start=14
Simple action to creep back in under Stealth, per Stealth 5.
Ability to see in assumed from earlier descriptions.
I'm happy to reroll things if needed; please advise if so.

Initiative still 24
Stealth still 58 unless required to reroll
Stance still Attack
Armor: Ashigaru
TN bonus: +3
Reduction: 1
TN to be hit: 23
0/15 +0
0/6 +3
0/6 +5
0/6 +10
0/6 +15
0/6 +20
0/6 +40 Void
0/6 Out
2/3 VP remaining
1 Finger of Jade
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
Status 1.0, Glory 4.0, Honor as Expected
Crafty * Destined * Heroic * Silent * Wary * Cursed * Disdained * Driven * Phobic
Commonly with jade finger, daisho, standard clothes, pack; hat and cloak as weather appropriate
In peril, jade finger, daisho, yumi, quiver, arrows, ashigaru armor, rations, cash (the pack will wait)
When traveling, all of it

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Yoshitsune Ayako
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

Now that the house seemed stable - for the moment - the young Crab turned her focus to Aoyama.

"You aren't a monster!" Ayako told her, a determined look on her face as she tried to make the woman stay human by sheer force of will. "You're a mother! Help us get your family to safety!"

Healthy (0 wounds). Defense stance, ATN37
Simple Action to Lucid Dreaming to affect Aoyama (contested Willpower).
6LE Combat round 2, Lucid Dreaming to affect Aoyama, contested raw WILL, Void Point, free raise for +5 | 5k5+5 ⇒ 43
If I win, I'd like to dream that she stays in human form - if that's not allowed, lower her Earth ring by 1 instead.
Simple Action to Guard Yukara (total +30 to Yukara's ATN while she stays close, no change to Ayako’s ATN)
Crab Clan • Samurai • Great Destiny • Directionally Challenged • Dreaming?
Status 1.0 • Glory: 3.5 • Exceptional Honor
carries: heavy armor, masakari, daisho, biwa

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Akodo Kenji
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Akodo Kenji »

It was hard to see what was going on in the other room, but that wasn't terribly important at the moment as kenji scooped up the girl and moved back out into the room.

Stance defense: atn 29
Simple: pick up girl.
Simple: move towards door 30ft
Free move towards door 15ft
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
Status: 1.0 * Glory * 3.0 Honor: Exceptional

Has: Daisho, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, Sake cup, Jade Bracelet

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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Tyrus »

The dark force seeps into the woman "I...I can't fight...please save them." and begins to change her back "This one is mine already and i will not be denied." came the nebulous menacing voice but the tranformation stops part way as Ayako imposes her will on the Dream and forces her body to stop changing. Now it is the body of Aoyama that scowls "you are a troublesome crab, we should have killed you when we had the chance."

Kenji grabs the girl and makes it close to the door while Akuto creeps up and sees Kenji holding a small child and Ayako and Yukara locked in a mental battle with a woman whose form seems to shape and twist in Flux.

The house's stability shudders and begins to deteriorate again, the bolstering from Ayako beginning to weaken.

D6 fight opposed Willpower bonus to manipulate the dream | 6k6 ⇒ 29 Aoyama is only partially changed.

Yukara may make a willpower roll as a simple action on her turn to force the influence out again. She may do this for the duration of her kiho.

Kenji holds Kimi and is 15 feet from the door
Akuto is roughly 30 feet from Yamagato and 45 feet from Aoyama.

Initiative Round 3/5

Yukara - 36
Aoyama, She Who Dreams of Protection atn 28
Akuto - 24
Kenji - 22
Ayako - 22
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Ryoshun Yukara
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara grimaced, the force of will now a growing strain on her body, the chi expenditure becoming an ongoing battle - not something she had expected, but she wasn't about to give up now.

Pushing the chakra out, she tried to form the shield on her skin as she had before, in case the transformation fully reverted, but was unable to focus on so many tasks at once, and the chakra simply joined the torrent flowing out through her claws into the village soldier.

"Maam, please, listen to me. You do not have long - we will save your family, but this power is temporary. You will soon be taken again - I cannot offer you any mercy save a quick death and a chance that your soul rejoins the wheel. Please - if you have last words, make them quick, and then be still, so your death may be painless."

It was the best she could do, and she knew that the woman might not hear her - might not listen, but the resistance of the realm was drawing sweat and painful strain through her body as she was pitted directly in conflict of will with something much larger than herself, and obstinacy could only take her limited internal reserves but so far.

Time was short, and in the next moment, she would have to strike. She prayed it would be a mercy, and not a drawn out affair.

Free Action: Speak
Simple Action - Contested Will 28
Simple Action - attempt Kiho (Touch the Stone): Fails (

ATN 34+30
Defense Stance
Reduction: 3
0/3 Void
1 Jade Finger (5/7)
Init: 36
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.5 Honor: Honorless Stray
Carries: Bisento, muted clothes, travelling cloak and hat, prayer beads, knife, sake

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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Tyrus »

It may have been so much bigger than her but it was fighting two of them at once and the house was not fully in the realm but as it grew closer the entity grew stronger. She managed to eject the corruption once more and the house filled with an ominous hissing as the darkness grew frustrated and attempted to surge back into the vessel.

The woman was fighting too tears streaming down her face "Please...just save them. Save them...from...m-" her voice cut short as she groaned, the shadow entering her once more, beginning to change her.

D6 contest Willpower against Yukara | 4k4 ⇒ 25 (TN: 28) push out

D6 contest Willpower against Yukara | 5k5 ⇒ 37 pushing back in

PC turns
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Otomo Akutou
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Otomo Akutou »

Wonder if'n I c'n pull this off, Akutou thinks, since folks're distracted.

And so Akutou creeps forward, hoping that his careful motions and the clearly intent focus of Aoyama and whatever is in her will allow him to pass without notice to reach Yamagato.

Certainly, he is able to reach the man. Just as certainly, he can hoist him up to bear him out, if with a little more effort than with the boy before.

Simple action to reach Yamagato under Stealth (Stealth 5 permits moving up to Water x 10 as a simple action; Akutou's Water 3, and 30' was the quoted distance)
Simple action to hoist Yamagato.
I'm happy to reroll things if needed; please advise if so.

Initiative still 24
Stealth still 58 unless required to reroll
Stance still Attack
Armor: Ashigaru
TN bonus: +3
Reduction: 1
TN to be hit: 23
0/15 +0
0/6 +3
0/6 +5
0/6 +10
0/6 +15
0/6 +20
0/6 +40 Void
0/6 Out
2/3 VP remaining
1 Finger of Jade
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
Status 1.0, Glory 4.0, Honor as Expected
Crafty * Destined * Heroic * Silent * Wary * Cursed * Disdained * Driven * Phobic
Commonly with jade finger, daisho, standard clothes, pack; hat and cloak as weather appropriate
In peril, jade finger, daisho, yumi, quiver, arrows, ashigaru armor, rations, cash (the pack will wait)
When traveling, all of it

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Yoshitsune Ayako
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

"Give up, evil ghost," the Crab growled as the shadow over Aoyama returned. "We will not let you have her!"

Ayako visualized the evil spirit in her mind's eye, then imagined it becoming smaller... weaker...

Healthy, Defense stance, ATN37
Simple action to 6LE Combat round 3, Lucid Dreaming to affect Aoyama, contested raw WILL, Void Point, free raise for +5 | 5k5+5 ⇒ 36 - if successful, try to reduce the evil spirit's Earth by 1 (hopefully reducing its future willpower rolls and wounds)
Simple action to Guard Yukara (still +30 ATN while nearby)
Crab Clan • Samurai • Great Destiny • Directionally Challenged • Dreaming?
Status 1.0 • Glory: 3.5 • Exceptional Honor
carries: heavy armor, masakari, daisho, biwa

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Akodo Kenji
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Akodo Kenji »

The family was almost safe it seemed. Which was good? Maybe, it was hard to say al things considered, but this event only solidified in his mind that all the people here might actually to some degree be lost. Moving outside he deposited the girl before moving back inside and drawing his blade.

Defense Stance:
Atn 29
Simple: Move outside
Free: Place down a child
Simple: Move inside
Free: Draw sword
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
Status: 1.0 * Glory * 3.0 Honor: Exceptional

Has: Daisho, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, Sake cup, Jade Bracelet

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Ryoshun Yukara
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara tried to keep the darkness out, but ultimately she felt herself slipping further and further - the Chi beginning to grow sluggish, her body aching with the exertion, sweat beading all over her as she felt searing pain behind her eyes.

With a scream of frustration and fury, she tried one last time, and then was rebuffed, her hand coming free as the chi burst backward at her.

While the woman was still sane... in that split moment... she tried to deliver a clean kill, though her body shook with the exertion as her chi began to flow normally within her once again, the blade of her Bisento arcing down in a beautiful cut, but one delivered without the strength to instantly kill a target that was not holding still.

Simple Action Contested will to keep her mind clear: 19 -
Simple Action Attack (Will coup de gras if she is still, if not, attack plus damage:) (hit) (19 damage)

ATN 20+30
Full Attack Stance
Reduction: 3
0/3 Void
1 Jade Finger (5/7)
Init: 36
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.5 Honor: Honorless Stray
Carries: Bisento, muted clothes, travelling cloak and hat, prayer beads, knife, sake

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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Tyrus »

As they found themselves more and more immersed inside this thing's realm it grew stronger and more powerful. Ayako put up a tremendous fight their clash of wills shook the foundations of the soon to be dream home, the whole space shuddering. Ultimately, however, this was its element. It repelled Ayako from it shaking her off if just barely.

Yukara's blade swung but was met by a forearm, a jet black forearm and the blade sizzled into the flesh but did not sever the arm. Aoyama growled at them her mind and body fully in thrall to the corruption once again. she lets out a roar as she swung on the meddling Crab guard the tetsubo making two brutal cracks into her. she then slid back with a snarl

D6 fight willpower opposed vs Ayako molding the dream bonus | 7k7 ⇒ 37 (TN: 36)

D6 fight attack on Ayako full attack | 10k5 ⇒ 40 (TN: 37)
D6 fight attack on Ayako damage | 7k3 ⇒ 33

D6 fight attack on Ayako full attack | 10k5 ⇒ 47 (TN: 37)
D6 fight attack on Ayako damage | 7k3 ⇒ 28

Initiative Round 4/5

Yukara - 36
Aoyama, She Who Dreams of Protection atn 18
Akuto - 24
Kenji - 22
Ayako - 22
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Otomo Akutou »

Can't believe that worked, Akutou thinks, and, hearing the sounds of conflict resuming, he knows that speed matters more than remaining hidden now.

So he bolts for the back door, carrying Yamagato.

And, Fortunes willing, he gets him outside, where his children await in presumed safety.

Stealth dropped
Should take the two Simple Actions to get Yamagato out the back door (it only took two to get to him, after all)
Free Action to drop him outside

Initiative still 24
Stance still Attack
Armor: Ashigaru
TN bonus: +3
Reduction: 1
TN to be hit: 23
0/15 +0
0/6 +3
0/6 +5
0/6 +10
0/6 +15
0/6 +20
0/6 +40 Void
0/6 Out
2/3 VP remaining
1 Finger of Jade
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
Status 1.0, Glory 4.0, Honor as Expected
Crafty * Destined * Heroic * Silent * Wary * Cursed * Disdained * Driven * Phobic
Commonly with jade finger, daisho, standard clothes, pack; hat and cloak as weather appropriate
In peril, jade finger, daisho, yumi, quiver, arrows, ashigaru armor, rations, cash (the pack will wait)
When traveling, all of it

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Akodo Kenji
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Akodo Kenji »

It was time to leave, and Kenji was going to do his part to make that possible. His sword lashed out at the demon, attempting to sever the creature's leg, or at least attempting to hamper its pursuit. His first strike landed Cleanly, digging deep into its flesh, and his second followed up a moment later hopefully laming the monster.

Then with a final nod to the two women, he backed through the door. Weapon still at the ready and waiting for the others and perhaps the beast to follow.

Stance Attack:
Simple Action: Attack
Round 4 Simple Attack on Aoyama. Free raise from akodo 1 to target leg, 1 Raise For Dmg, +1k0, +6 Akodo 2 | 9k4+6 ⇒ 40 (TN: 33) = Hit
Round 4 Simple Attack on Aoyama. Damage. 3k2+1k0+1k0+3k0 = 8k2 Void for 1k1 = 9k3 +6 if in Yume-do | 8k3+6 ⇒ 45 (TN: 33) = 45 Dmg, 39 if not in Yume-do

Simple Action: attack
Round 4 second Simple Attack on Aoyama. free raise for called shot leg. 1 raise for damage final tn 33 | 9k4 ⇒ 26 (TN: 33) = Hit

Round 4 second Simple Attack on Aoyama. damage. 3k2+1k0+1k0+3k0 = 8k2 leg damage! | 8k2+6 ⇒ 26 26 or 20 Damage if not in Yume-do

Free ACtion: Move outside.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
Status: 1.0 * Glory * 3.0 Honor: Exceptional

Has: Daisho, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, Sake cup, Jade Bracelet

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Yoshitsune Ayako
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Yoshitsune Ayako »

After absorbing the monster’s powerful blows, Ayako wiped a faint trickle of blood from her mouth.

“Your family is safe now,” Ayako said in a reassuring voice - to whatever remained of the real Aoyama. Then she raised her weapon and delivered two mighty swings of her axe.

Falling back to follow Kenji out the door, Ayako hoped that Aoyama would find peace in her next life.

Ayako takes 28 and 23 wounds after Reduction; spends a Void Point to reduce one of these by 10 (has now spent 3/4 Void).
Total 41/92 wounds (Grazed, +2 to TNs). Attack stance (ATN30).
Crab Clan • Samurai • Great Destiny • Directionally Challenged • Dreaming?
Status 1.0 • Glory: 3.5 • Exceptional Honor
carries: heavy armor, masakari, daisho, biwa

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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Tyrus »

The first slice of Kenjis blade goes deep through the trunk of muscle that is Aoyama's thigh. Her corrupted flesh sizzles against his sacred weaponry, the second shot severs it and the giantess barely manages to catch herself using the tetsubo as a support. Thick, black ichor sizzles away on Kenji's sacred sword as the severed leg thuds to the floor.

Ayako hacks into the monster axe blade biting into almost stone like flesh. Had these been normal weapons you feel they might have harmlessly bounced off.

The two samurai left leaving only Yukara and Aoyama in the home. It was becoming, more solid? More real by the second? Was the force releasing it or was that which is a dream becoming real in the realm of dreaming? Aoyama was there standing with the support of a tetsubo breathing heavily but not done yet, a pool os thick black Ichor slowly forming beneth her severed limb. she glared at the final samurai other tetsubo held in a ready stance.
As the other samurai exit they see more villagers have gathered but the house is barely there, just an impression of a house between the others wavy and hazy.

The rescued family was slowly coming too just now being able to move with sluggish motions eyes just fluttering open.
It is just Yukara engaged with Aoyama in the house

She had only a few seconds before she would likely have a very long time to ponder these questions.

Round 5/5
Aoyama atn 25

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Otomo Akutou
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Otomo Akutou »

Shit, my bow!

Summoning speed--and spending a Void Point to bump his initiative--Akutou grabs his bow from just inside the door of the vanishing house.
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
Status 1.0, Glory 4.0, Honor as Expected
Crafty * Destined * Heroic * Silent * Wary * Cursed * Disdained * Driven * Phobic
Commonly with jade finger, daisho, standard clothes, pack; hat and cloak as weather appropriate
In peril, jade finger, daisho, yumi, quiver, arrows, ashigaru armor, rations, cash (the pack will wait)
When traveling, all of it

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Ryoshun Yukara
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Re: Combat Event: Family Matters D6, LE

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara could feel the house coming apart around her, some sixth sense screaming at her to flee - but her conscience also screamed at her to make one final attempt - to turn this latest failure to success. She had to try.

She dug Yume-kiri in to the floor as she dipped into a low stance, thrusting forward with a reckless swing with her left hand, slamming open palm into the cursed women- unleashing the kiho one last time through those emerald talons - one last chance for the soul to be purged if it could be separated from the corrupted body.

She didn't even know if this would work - but it was all she could do for Aoyama now.

The claws tore through skin and armor alike, dispensing the earthen chi in a rough and unsophisticated burst- again unleashing a wave of agonizing clarity... whether that would be enough to return the soul to the wheel, or if the darkness would have the woman forever, Yukara couldn't remotely say.

Then she launched herself backward, kicking off the floor from her crouched stance with all her strength, using her bisento as leverage so her entire body pushed her clear - and not a moment too soon. She left the distortion feeling the eerie touch of unreality brush her back, pulling at her... dragging at her spirit for a moment, until her own nature reasserted itself with a fierce burst, ghostly fire tracing her form for a brief, illusory second, twin tails swishing behind her as she landed and rolled...

Then sat up, and declared, profoundly, "Shit."

Complex Attack - Jiujutsu Strike: Hit (
Rest now my Brother: Atemi -
Damage: 47 (
Contested Will to push Dark out via Rest now My Brother, if needed (28
Free Action - Leave house
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.5 Honor: Honorless Stray
Carries: Bisento, muted clothes, travelling cloak and hat, prayer beads, knife, sake

Description :: Theme

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