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Nanzi Ai
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[Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Nanzi Ai »

Ai continued her crusade, she would get Akari out if it killed her. her blade cutting through enemies with supreme skill.
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
Status: 4.5 | Glory: 3.5 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Exceptional | Description | Themes
Possessions: Sturdy Clothing, Fashionable Things, Daisho, Yumi, Light Armor, Yumenosenshi Jade Mask, Lady Doji's Earrings

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Saru Shang
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Saru Shang »

Shang wondered if she was going to find herself on the frontlines of the Day of Thunder. Perhaps some part in her thoughts conjured some idea that it would be a formalized affair where the Thunders would venture off to a formal time and place and the rest would watch from afar. Silly her, it seemed the party would be brought to her!

She was out in the streets with her sleeves tied back and bow, already having run through the chaos of combat earlier. Now, it was about finding some salvageable arrows!
Dragon Clan • Courtier (Probably) • Artisan (Maybe) • A Bit Scattered • Needs Inspiration
Honour: What is Expected • Status: 2 • Glory: 3
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Shiba Kumori
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Shiba Kumori »

Nanzi Ai wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 10:52 am
Ai continued her crusade, she would get Akari out if it killed her. her blade cutting through enemies with supreme skill.
It would not need to kill her and she wouldn’t need to do it alone…

Because suddenly at her side was a rush of light and steel.

The waves of foes broke before their combination of steel and speed.

In the brief pause after the intensity of their path carving Kumori smiled at her cousin.

“Like old times…”
Imperial | Emperor Shiba II | Confident | Human | Shining | Fire Averse | Great Destiny

Status: 10.0 • Glory: 10.0 • Honor: Strength of A Thousand Ancestors

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Nanzi Ai
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Nanzi Ai »

"We have very different memories of our adventures," she joked. "But yes... fighting by your side is just like old times with a more... esoteric enemy."
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
Status: 4.5 | Glory: 3.5 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Exceptional | Description | Themes
Possessions: Sturdy Clothing, Fashionable Things, Daisho, Yumi, Light Armor, Yumenosenshi Jade Mask, Lady Doji's Earrings

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Shiba Kumori
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Shiba Kumori »

“I’ll take this over drinking with Ikoma.” She joked back.

“Esoteric?” She chuckled.

“The ones with the evil runes carved on their skin are the bad guys.”
Imperial | Emperor Shiba II | Confident | Human | Shining | Fire Averse | Great Destiny

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Nanzi Ai
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Nanzi Ai »

“Smart… Imperial Princess,” she corrected herself.

“I was being charitable,” she said as they did battle with the enemy. “And yes this does beat drinks with Ikoma-dono; but only barely. I told you there would be a role for all of us to play.”
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
Status: 4.5 | Glory: 3.5 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Exceptional | Description | Themes
Possessions: Sturdy Clothing, Fashionable Things, Daisho, Yumi, Light Armor, Yumenosenshi Jade Mask, Lady Doji's Earrings

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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Makime »

Makime cut one of the effigies down. She paused then to take account of the larger battle. It was going well all told.

"This wave is near spent! Be ready to move! Gather what you can, but only what is needed to survive! This is far from over!"

Some order was finally being imposed over the battle. She offered a silent prayer to Bishamon that it stayed that way.
Lion Clan • Bushi • Makime Daimyo • Tactician • Commander • Experienced • Once of the Kuwagaya • Overconfident
Status: 7.0 • Honor: "What is Expected" • Glory: 6.0

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Otomo Akutou
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Otomo Akutou »

Another bowstring twangs.

Aktuou, prone on a rooftop, dispatches another effigy.

He rises to a half-crouch and picks his way across another rooftop to line up another shot.

"More o'er here!" he calls out before his bow sings again.
Otomo Akutou, Stag Clan Hunter
Status 1.0, Glory 4.0, Honor as Expected
Crafty * Destined * Heroic * Silent * Wary * Cursed * Disdained * Driven * Phobic
Commonly with jade finger, daisho, standard clothes, pack; hat and cloak as weather appropriate
In peril, jade finger, daisho, yumi, quiver, arrows, ashigaru armor, rations, cash (the pack will wait)
When traveling, all of it

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Shiba Kumori
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Shiba Kumori »

Nanzi Ai wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:14 pm
“Smart… Imperial Princess,” she corrected herself.

“I was being charitable,” she said as they did battle with the enemy. “And yes this does beat drinks with Ikoma-dono; but only barely. I told you there would be a role for all of us to play.”
“Yes…” She said as she struck down another effigy monster.

“And I listened… For once.”
Imperial | Emperor Shiba II | Confident | Human | Shining | Fire Averse | Great Destiny

Status: 10.0 • Glory: 10.0 • Honor: Strength of A Thousand Ancestors

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Nanzi Ai
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Nanzi Ai »

Shiba Kumori wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:21 pm
“Yes…” She said as she struck down another effigy monster.

“And I listened… For once.”
"Then our hardest task is done, defeating the Champion of Evil should be easy by comparison," she remarked.
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
Status: 4.5 | Glory: 3.5 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Exceptional | Description | Themes
Possessions: Sturdy Clothing, Fashionable Things, Daisho, Yumi, Light Armor, Yumenosenshi Jade Mask, Lady Doji's Earrings

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Shiba Kumori
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Shiba Kumori »

Nanzi Ai wrote:
Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:29 pm
"Then our hardest task is done, defeating the Champion of Evil should be easy by comparison," she remarked.
“Glad I could give you the confidence!” She said with a smile.

She responded to Akutou’s prompt and repositioned towards the oncoming wave.

“I’ll be waiting at the exit for you all after you win.” She said to her cousin.
Imperial | Emperor Shiba II | Confident | Human | Shining | Fire Averse | Great Destiny

Status: 10.0 • Glory: 10.0 • Honor: Strength of A Thousand Ancestors

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Nanzi Ai
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Nanzi Ai »

Ai just nodded at that and then said, "Optimism is my specialty."
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
Status: 4.5 | Glory: 3.5 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Exceptional | Description | Themes
Possessions: Sturdy Clothing, Fashionable Things, Daisho, Yumi, Light Armor, Yumenosenshi Jade Mask, Lady Doji's Earrings

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Togashi Satsuki
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Togashi Satsuki »

A lengthy battle like this was a test of endurance, not speed. Or so she was pretty sure was written in uncle Akodo's book. At some point, she realised she'd be better off focusing her magic in a different way, and conjured up a sword made of pure fire to use to fight the cursed effigies plaguing the village.

Knew these rites were corrupted as shit, she thought as she faced down another effigy. The fire kami naturally enhanced her skill with a sword and training, allowing her greater control over it than she normally would've had with a mundane blade, and another effigy caught fire and burned away after she struck it with the fiery sword.
Daughter of the Dragon • Fire • Shugenja • Sassy Princess • Otherworldly Beauty (Benten's Blessing) • Tattooed • Blessed By The Heavens • Gift of Foresight • Great Destiny
Honor: What Is Expected 🐉 Status: 4.0 (possibly Togashi's Heir) 🐉 Glory: 3.0
Theme | Profile
Has: Wakizashi, small knife, yumi and quiver, scrolls in a satchel, jade bracelet and a jade-conch, Guqin (on occassion), wide-brimmed hat with veil, travel cloak with fur.

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Ryoshun Nao
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Ryoshun Nao »

Nao was still burning them from a distance, moving towards her cousins as the way to safety was cleared for the villagers.
Bat Clan Shugenja Storyteller Small Older Than She Seems Younger Than She Thinks Destined Realm Walker Epileptic Thunder
Honor 4.5 | Status 4 | Glory 3

Carries: Wakizashi, Yari, Knife, Lantern
Accompanied By| San

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Akodo Kenji
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Re: [Day 7 - LM] Knives Out

Post by Akodo Kenji »

The lion was near the priests as they wove their spells, they could be vulnerable as they cast after all. He didn't relish cutting down the waves of effigies that swarmed the streets, but as Makime had said they were making headway. Soon they would be done, with this part of things at least.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Backwater * Tough * Faint scent of Fresh cut grass * Honest * Destined
Status: 1.0 * Glory * 3.0 Honor: Exceptional

Has: Daisho, Light Armor, Yumi with Arrows, Sake cup, Jade Bracelet

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