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Re: (Day 3, EA) Too Tired to Sleep

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

The first answer did seem to please her, even if his general indifference did disappoint her a little. At his following question, she, as always, opted for honesty.

"Not inherently... I am... was... nimble, but not so quiet as a real cat might be."

She pursed her lips, expression thoughtful. "In my current condition, doubtless I would struggle more with physical tasks... Sorry."
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Re: (Day 3, EA) Too Tired to Sleep

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"You may not fight like you used to", he said matter of factly. "However, when your body is able to move better, there will be other ways you can help." He nodded. "That's all I mean. Keep healing, I think you'll still be needed."
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Re: (Day 3, EA) Too Tired to Sleep

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"Well... I appreciate the confidence. I will heal, and I will do whatever I can, that much I promise." Her voice sounded a little stronger than it had when he first found her. "I will not become a burden."

His other question had been allowed to slide away, not questioned further.

"We have discussed crisis, but that leaves an interesting question as well... what do you think of 'art'? One of those I met in recent days espoused the value, but I admit I did not fully understand the concept. I thought perhaps, as a fellow southerner, you might."
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Re: (Day 3, EA) Too Tired to Sleep

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"Art, huh?" his mouth quirked. "My father had a painting in his house, a landscape of the mountains, where he's from."

A chuckle. "He got it because he felt he should, he was a big man, serving a big lord, with an important job. Showing off culture made others recognize you." He looked back at her. "That's not what art is for, but some people think it is. What it's really for is...well, that landscape painting, whenever I would look at it, I felt something. Calm maybe, perhaps awe. At first I thought it was pretty, and meant something, but eventually I could appreciate it for the talent that it took to make, and what the artist must have felt when they painted it."

He tapped ash out of his pipe. "The idea that humans, given time and energy, will create things like that; a window into a world others might not see, that's art to me. So, what do I think of it? I think it's something important, it can help humans experience or express things they wouldn't normally be able to."
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Re: (Day 3, EA) Too Tired to Sleep

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

Yukara listened intently, and nodded. Her expression was strange, perhaps a little shy, but she simply voiced her assent, "That was a helpful description. I think I understand the concept better now - there was not much of that in my childhood, but the monasteries on the mountain tops were so beautiful. Old forts reborn as places of learning and enlightenment - the craftsmanship giving them strength to endure for generations to come. That is the art I knew... I am glad I was not totally incorrect in my understanding."

Putting her feet back down, she picked up the flowers, adding, quietly, "I suppose even flowers and sunrises are art of a form - that of Ningen-do itself. This is worth protecting, is it not?"
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Re: (Day 3, EA) Too Tired to Sleep

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"Absolutely", he agreed. "The garden, the people who enjoy it, everything. That's what we're here to do, at least according to most." He puffed once more on his pipe and then tapped out the ashes against his sandal. "Knowing there's beauty in the world and wanting to preserve it for yourself and others makes life worth it. Sometimes we get lost, we think a certain problems is too big, or we loose too much sleep and can't concentrate", he chuckled. "...but, moments like these can give you back some perspective."
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Re: (Day 3, EA) Too Tired to Sleep

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

"Hai, they can." She rested her one hand on his shoulder, perhaps partially as comfort, perhaps partially to show solidarity. Perhaps partially to steady herself, or just because she liked it.

Who could say?

"I may have lost something here, but I have also gained many things. Desires I did not know. To see and learn new things, new places... new people. That has value, even if right now I feel as if I have been chewed up and spat out by a giant."
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Re: (Day 3, EA) Too Tired to Sleep

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

He nodded to her, showing his own form of solidarity. "You're a tough girl, people could learn a thing or two from that."
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Re: (Day 3, EA) Too Tired to Sleep

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

She chuckled. "I suppose I just do not see the alternative. If I have a good cry, it will not change my fate."

Though as she would find later, it would at least allow her to ease some of her tension.

"Still... I think I have sat too long. I should move again, and make sure I do not seize up."

Also she was feeling an increasing urge to wash her hair, feeling strangely self-conscious about the straggly, dirty strands, even if she had been given a washcloth cleaning, she could smell blood...
Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (Day 3, EA) Too Tired to Sleep

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

"Well then", he stood up and offered a hand to her. "I'll at least walk you back to get cleaned up."
Scorpion Clan • Bushi • Scout • Not Sorry • Great Things Happen
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Re: (Day 3, EA) Too Tired to Sleep

Post by Ryoshun Yukara »

She blushed at that.

It was that obvious!?

If she had been thinking clearly, she would've immediately known it was indeed that obvious.

Still... it was odd. She would not have cared, a few days ago, how noticeable it was. Perhaps this place was driving her mad?

"Of... of course. Thank you." Her gaze fell to the ground, examining the grass in detail to hide her expression.

Taking his hand, she rose, and then reached for her bisento, though it now played the role of walking stick more than ever.

"Shall we?"

Bat :: Warrior-Monk :: Re-Armed :: Jade Claws :: Catty :: Disturbing Countenance (Catty) :: Balanced :: Yokel :: Big Stick :: Some Belated Kinda Destiny
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Re: (Day 3, EA) Too Tired to Sleep

Post by Bayushi Norikage »

He nodded and walked with Yukara until he was certain she was alright by herself.

Scorpion Clan • Bushi • Scout • Not Sorry • Great Things Happen
Honor: Let's just not. Status: 1 Glory 3.5
Carries: Swords, fan, mask, pipe, jade. Sometimes: armor, bow, hat, cloak.

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