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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"There's probably someone. Probably.


The old man with a weird eye and a tendency to speak loudly maybe?


You people tend to be a serious bunch. Let's hope this is not one of the stories you'll have to deal with to defeat the darkness.

And if it is, well, someone would have to improvise themselves a comedian. Often it's not you who chooses the role, but the role which chooses you."
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

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He chuckled at that. "I wouldn't trust Jiyo Sora to make anyone laugh. Well, not on purpose anyways." Though Kenji had to consider laughing at the man's attempt to make Wu Zhe the villages liaison, but that was too cruel.

"We are a serious bunch." HE agreed with a nod. "Some of that is also the result of the times though. With our dreams harried and strange happenings around us. Not to mention the villagers seemingly purposefully drugging us. It's been hard to keep a light heart."

"If I had to trust anyone to make us laugh though... Maybe Lady Anjing? She's been able to keep a light heart in spite of the hardships the crab have faced. So she likely knows a thing or two about humor,"
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"Not a bad example. If the pattern of the story goes as usual however, she won't be at the vanguard of the fight this time. The old generation remains at home to protect it while the youth at the apex of their potential go for the hunt.

In other words, you can learn from her example. But not expect of her to fight your battles for you."
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

"The idea we are all living in a story book is pretty weird to me." Kenji admitted with a shrug. "It probably doesn't help either that I'd prefer to fight by Lady Anjing's side than a good number of the other samurai here."

"I suppose we don't really get much choice in that matter though."
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"Didn't some of your people wrote very long books full of many words to state exactly that? That for the honorable, there is no freedom of choice, only duty?"
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

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"Just because I accept it's my duty, doesn't mean I can't be grumpy about it." Kenji replied with a smirk. "The important part is you do it anyways, despite and reservations you might have."

Well, on the surface at least. There was certainly more to it than that.
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"I'm the last person who can tell you what you are allowed to say and not say without bypassing the Sacred Tenet of Courtesy. More of a fan of the far more tricky Honesty one. Being truthful about oneself is not easy. Even to oneself. Need to accept one own flaws and qualities equally, without tempering them with pride or self-deprecation.

Be aware of what you cannot do. But do no underestimate what you can do."
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

"All the pieces are part of a whole." Kenji offered in return. "Because knowing your limits is good, but you also must know when you have to try and exceed them regardless and have the courage to do so despite the consequences."

"Of course, that doesn't mean we each can't have our preferences. Just that we must consider the whole."
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"Clearly, if one day we feel like retiring to a monastery, we'll fit with the monks like peas in a pod."
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

"I'll pass on that." Kenji replied his lips curling into a thin frown.

"I'm not much on the idea of being a monk one day."
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

"Well, it might happen anyway. Or not. Lots of things people say they'll do and not do when they'll be old when they are young they end up doing or not doing regardless.

But also, not really important? It's one of those things that will happen if it's to happen, and will not if it's not. Not much point delving into it.

There are some futures which are to be fought with every bit of strength as they cannot be allowed to pass. There are some that are simply to be embraced when their time comes."


Good point to stop, with D7 around the corner and all?
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

"Mmmm." Kenji grunted an acknowledgement.

"I suppose you have a point there." He began, the rest of what was said not overly important as the scene closed.


((It that works for you it works for me.))
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

Post by Kaijarisuigyo »

[sure; thanks for thread]
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Re: D4MA Return to peace (Open)

Post by Akodo Kenji »

(thanks as well, sorry for my slowness)
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