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Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:21 pm
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Otomo Akutou wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 8:53 pm
"I've no doubt you'll do well, ma'am," Akutou says, recalling the previous evening's excursions. "How d' you think t' go about that kinda mastery, though? I'll admit I ain't thought o' dreams as somethin' that c'n be much mastered, but, well, diff'rent folks've got diff'rent strengths."
"I have no idea," Ayako admitted. "Fighting in dreams isn't something they taught in sword school; the closest thing to that is maybe meditation. I suppose mastering your own thoughts is a place to start, anyway."

She shrugged. "I was hoping the revered teacher would be able to give us some advice, too. But I'm not sure we can wait for the Nine Champions of the World to be announced before we start doing stuff."

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:50 pm
by Otomo Akutou
Yoshitsune Ayako wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:21 pm
"I have no idea," Ayako admitted. "Fighting in dreams isn't something they taught in sword school; the closest thing to that is maybe meditation. I suppose mastering your own thoughts is a place to start, anyway."

She shrugged. "I was hoping the revered teacher would be able to give us some advice, too. But I'm not sure we can wait for the Nine Champions of the World to be announced before we start doing stuff."
"'Deed not," Akutou agrees.

"Never did catch th' knack o' meditatin'," he continues. "Not part o' th' curriculum f'r me. How's it work?"

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:51 am
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Otomo Akutou wrote:
Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:50 pm
"Never did catch th' knack o' meditatin'," he continues. "Not part o' th' curriculum f'r me. How's it work?"
"Oh, well, anyone can do it ... it just takes some practice," Ayako said. "It's a matter of breathing right, and focusing your thoughts. I can try to show you, if you like?"

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:53 am
by Otomo Akutou
Yoshitsune Ayako wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:51 am
"Oh, well, anyone can do it ... it just takes some practice," Ayako said. "It's a matter of breathing right, and focusing your thoughts. I can try to show you, if you like?"
"I'd be obliged," Akutou says. "How d' we start?"

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:11 am
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Otomo Akutou wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:53 am
"I'd be obliged," Akutou says. "How d' we start?"
"Well, first, let's sit down." Ayako sat down cross-legged to demonstrate.

"Then, take a few deep breaths...." Her voice became calm and even, her words spoken more slowly.

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:43 am
by Otomo Akutou
Yoshitsune Ayako wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:11 am
"Well, first, let's sit down." Ayako sat down cross-legged to demonstrate.

"Then, take a few deep breaths...." Her voice became calm and even, her words spoken more slowly.
Akutou does as instructed, taking a seat and slowing his breathing.

Ain't unlike quietin' f'r huntin', he thinks.

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:54 pm
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Otomo Akutou wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:43 am
Akutou does as instructed, taking a seat and slowing his breathing.

Ain't unlike quietin' f'r huntin', he thinks.
"Breathe deeply - with your belly, not your upper chest," Ayako instructed. "Breathe innnnnn....... breathe outtttt....." The cadence of her words slowed even more, to match the deep breaths they were taking.

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:52 pm
by Otomo Akutou
Akutou follows suit

He says slightly, getting a bit light-headed.

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 7:12 pm
by Yoshitsune Ayako
"No need to think of anything ... just focus on your breathing ...." Ayako droned on in a soothing voice. "Innnnnn ..... outttt .... innnnn ....... outttt....."

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2023 7:23 pm
by Otomo Akutou
Akutou continues.

So does the light-headedness.

Akutou catches himself losing balance.

"Whoa, there."

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 2:39 pm
by Yoshitsune Ayako
Ayako opened her eyes and said, "It's okay. Maybe that's enough for now; just go back to sitting normally." So saying, she changed her position, unfolding her legs and stretching her arms a bit.

"If you have that happen again, you can think about your body's balance and what you need to do to get back to center," she said in an encouraging voice. "But anyway, that's the basic idea behind meditation. Not everyone likes doing it, but I find it helps me a lot when I get, uhhh, unfocused."

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 2:42 pm
by Otomo Akutou
"Just a little dizzy, there," Akutou says. "Don't know what happened."

He resumes a more normal position. "I guess it ain't normal, though, given how you reacted t' it."

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 6:50 pm
by Yoshitsune Ayako
"No, it's alright," Ayako said. "I've had more practice at this, and everyone's a bit different. Don't think about it as 'not normal', it's just... just what your body and mind does. You can think about how it feels, why you feel that way, and how to adjust it. Maybe you're sitting in a way that's cutting off your blood, or maybe you needed to eat first, or something else that you can control."

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2023 7:06 pm
by Otomo Akutou
"Well, ma'am, I did eat," Akutou says. "Not sure 'bout th' sittin', though; it's a possibility."

More like y' had it comin', botherin' people, he thinks.

"Don't know as it'll be helpful, though."

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:16 pm
by Yoshitsune Ayako
"Don't worry if it doesn't come right away. It takes some practice," Ayako said encouragingly. "Meditation is one of those things that gets harder if you try to force it, so just accept that the conditions aren't right, and we can try again later, or somewhere else."

"For a hunter like you, maybe a garden isn't ideal; maybe somewhere out in the wilderness would be a more peaceful place for contemplation."

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:20 pm
by Otomo Akutou
Akutou nods.

"'Preciate you takin' th' time t' talk t' me," he says with a wry grin. "Ain't always been th' case that folks're happy t' do so."

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:25 pm
by Yoshitsune Ayako
"Oh, it's nothing," Ayako said. "Are you the only Stag here, then? I've been lucky to have a lot of clan folk here. I guess it's a long journey from ... uh ... where your clan is living now."

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:30 pm
by Otomo Akutou
"I ain't," Akutou replies. "Th' Young Lord's here--Hantei Genji. Also another Hantei, Akito, though I ain't seen much sign of 'im."

He takes a deep breath. "I came up sep'rate fr'm 'em. I ain't one t' rub shoulders with th' high an' mighty, really. Still ain't sure my purpose here, either. Had some ideas 'bout it, started lookin' inta things, but I ain't got real far in 'em yet." He shrugs. "But then, I'm one outsider among a lot of 'em, s' I c'n un'erstan' locals bein' wary 'bout me."

Akutou looks at her. "Gotta be some comfort in havin' family with you, though, ain't there?"

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:37 pm
by Yoshitsune Ayako
"Y-yes," Ayako said, looking down awkwardly. "I'm really glad they're here. To be honest, I would be lost without them. It's hard to imagine crossing the whole breadth of the Empire all alone, like you did. Was it hard?"

Re: Thinking (3 MM, open)

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:50 pm
by Otomo Akutou
Akutou notes the hesitation, but he does not remark on it.

Instead, he shrugs a touch. "Took some doin'," he says, "crossin' up. Was able t' ride on a river boat f'r a fair bit o' it, s' that helped. Had a good long walk, though, an' saw some purty country. Huntin' could've been better 'long th' way, but th' season's what it is."

He shakes his head. "Foragin' was worse. But, ag'in, th' season's what it is.

"But one thing in favor o' goin' cross th' back-country is there're fewer folks t' make trouble. An' there's been 'nough o' that t' go 'round, an' no doubt 'bout it. Damn shame, too; s'me good folks got got as oughtn't've."