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Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:16 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
"Presumptuous? Why? You are speaking your mind Ai-san. I prefer a blunt word than a velvet lie," he smiled and shrugged. "I don't know. She was always happy when she was near me as I was too. Do you have any sisters or brothers? Any twins?"

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:23 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"No twins but two elder sisters and one younger sister... no brothers," she admitted. "but I have a nephew from my elder sister."

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:25 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
"Big family. Are you particularly close to any of them?"

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:31 pm
by Nanzi Ai
“All of them, though I often was more interested in learning to swing a sword than the more courtly pursuits of my Honored Mother,” she admitted.

“Family was important to our Honored Father, so we were always raised to trust and be there for each other. Even if we quarreled, it was always us against the world. Normal stuff, I suppose.”

“But I also have many cousins around the Empire, so my family tends to be very numerous.”

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:04 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
"I don't know if you know, but my father was amidst the first followers of your uncle. My father genuinely loves your uncle and the two have a strong bond of friendship. I guess that is why our families complement each other so well," he told her.

"I remember when I was little, your uncle would visit us, bringing candies and gifts. My sister absolutely adored 'Uncle Hida' and he would dot on her, giving her piggyback rides and spinning her in the air much to her joy," he smiles as he reminisces. "I was absolutely terrified, I would hide behind my father, not knowing who the giant was. This caused your uncle to laugh so much and I think it might have been one of the rare times I saw my father crack a smile."

"I love your uncle. He is a strong, nay, the strongest warrior one could face. He protects our clan and shoulders us on, despite whatever tribulation we might face. And even when faced with bumps, he perseveres and soldiers on, improving along the way."

"If I live to succeed my father, we will continue to be the spear point of the Crab although," he grinned. "I think I might be too old for the piggyback ride now."

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:12 pm
by Nanzi Ai
"I don't know, Hida-ojisan is a very big man," she teased. "I do enjoy seeing him though since he came North I have not had the opportunity to spend much time with him or your clan."

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:19 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
"Well you have family there but if you wish to enjoy the spartan hospitality of Kyuden Hiruma, I'm sure my father would find you a room," he looks at the pond. "Although all of us will have a lot of castles and cities to visit should we survive. Nay, when we survive."

He rubbed his wound once more, though this time he did not peck at the bandages. "Tonight the enemy will assault our dreams again. And the day after it will be the same. It wishes to sap our strength but it will find it hard," he grinned at her. "After all, even you and me found common ground."

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:38 pm
by Nanzi Ai
“I suppose we have, Naraku-san; it has been a most enlightening encounter to be sure. Perhaps I had even misjudged you, on some points,” she responded warmly.

“Be strong tonight when you rest, even if you do not find sleep do not submit to their designs.”

“The hour grows late, and I must see to nightly affairs. I shall see you on the morrow, then?” she finished with.

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:42 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
"I also misjudged you Ai-san and, to be honest, I am glad I did," he smiles warmly.

He also stood up, slightly wincing at the discomfort of his wound. "Tomorrow then. I must prepare the message to put on the pole before I turn in," he replied. "You'll see, by the end of our stay here you'll become a half decent scout."


Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:43 pm
by Nanzi Ai