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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Nanzi Ai »

“That is quite the awakening, but I am pleased something positive has come out of this experience. Were we able to make some headway on the letter we found or the Dreamstone in the forest? Surely between yourself and my Honored Cousin you will find the meaning of it?” she asked.
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

"I managed to crack the first part of the scroll," he admits. "What I have been able to understand that the diagram is not a complex diagram but rather four seals that make a complete diagram when you put them together. They're clearly meant to be on four things that are then separated, but we still need to crack the cipher. I am hoping to meet with your cousin soon so we can give it another try."

"I feel we are close to a breakthrough though," he continues. "Yet for some reason I think the answer will beget more questions."
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Nanzi Ai »

"That is amazing, I could not make heads or tails of what I saw," she said honestly.

"My education in riddles, koans, and ciphers is rather limited," she admitted. "But even knowing this much is a boon."
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

"I could have attempted it but I feel like your cousin might provide insights that I simply can't," he admitted "It is best if this is a team effort rather than shouldering all of the weight of the world on your shoulders."

Her comment made him chuckle. "I'm certain you're selling yourself short," the moment the word short escaped his lips his mind wandered towards the conversation with Hikaru making him purse his lips and blush.
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Nanzi Ai »

“Yes, a team effort will see this through,” she agreed and said, “and it takes wisdom to accept outside help.”

She raised her fan to shield her gentle laughter and then said, “One must know their limits, of what they are capable of what they are not… to better know when they must exceed what they are capable of if possible. Or something to that effect.”

“I admit that analogy got away from me.”
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

"Its, don't, it is," he jumbled his words before shaking his head. "You're tall. Not short. Stature befitting."
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Nanzi Ai »

Ai had always been tall, since she was young; though her mother was the one of the smaller Kami she was still a giant among most peoples and her father was equally tall in stature. In fact it had been a surprise to meet Matsu, someone that was taller than her… what a strange juxtaposition that was.

She smiled serenely and said, “Yes, I suppose I read far more into the jest than was intended. I missed the forest for the trees as my Honored Father would say.”

She felt mild embarrassment at misreading the joke and then added sheepishly, “You are of sufficient stature, yourself.”
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

"It wasn't meant as a jab," he shakes his head still blushing. "I really like your height. Makes you look like a warrior princess. Not that being short would make you look any less, I mean look at Lady Shinjo!"


He covers his face with his hand, hiding his embarrassment. "I just remember something. That's why I acted like that. Its nothing. Thanks for the compliment."

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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Nanzi Ai »

She looked confused for a moment but let it pass and said, “Shinjo-obasan is wonderful, she is always on some interesting adventure, she is one of the reasons I decided to take to the road and see the Empire with my own eyes and explore the Realm. Why hear about far off places when I could simply see them for myself.”
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
Status: 4.5 | Glory: 3.5 | Infamy: 0 | Honor: Exceptional | Description | Themes
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

He sighed, his plan of looking like an absolute fool in front of her achieved with success. "I imagine Ai-san."

"I'm sorry, my rambling has probably confused," he apologized now more composed.
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Nanzi Ai »

“Not at all, Naraku-san, your words are comforting and any friendship that can blossom in this place should be cherished. We did not come here as friends, but hopefully we shall leave it as such, no matter the manner of our parting,” she said warmly.

“I will always remember that Naraku-san admires my stature and is a good man.”
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

"I am a better man but hardly a good man. Not yet," he lowered his eyes yet retained a small smile. "I'll keep getting better, learning along the way, and hopefully in the end I can feel confident about it. Maybe then I can be up to your status my incipient enemy turned friend."

"Not just your stature. I admire you Ai. Your strength of character motivates myself."
Crab Clan • Samurai • Menacing • Poison Master • Thunder of Rebirth • Hero of the People
Status: 5.0 Honor: No (2.5) Glory: 3.5 (5.5 for remainder of game)

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Nanzi Ai
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Nanzi Ai »

Hiruma Naraku wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 12:23 am
"Not just your stature. I admire you Ai. Your strength of character motivates myself."
She smiled under the weight of the earnest words, but had little else to say in response. She collected herself after a long awkward moment and said, “Then you have simply realized the potential you have had inside you all along. You were a hero long before I came along, Hiruma Wolf Slayer.”
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

Nanzi Ai wrote:
Tue Nov 07, 2023 2:09 pm
She smiled under the weight of the earnest words, but had little else to say in response. She collected herself after a long awkward moment and said, “Then you have simply realized the potential you have had inside you all along. You were a hero long before I came along, Hiruma Wolf Slayer.”
"I guess in my memoirs I will need to include a chapter on how you were the catalyst for such change?" he teased her before lowering his eyes. "Perhaps... you know I met a cousin of yours today. Doji Hikaru. He told me perhaps the attitude I had was not my real face and as such that is why it pained me, that embracing this new attitude was embracing the tenant of Sincerity."

"You know what I think?" he lifted his eyes to meet Ai's. "I think the Crane should be famed for speaking in riddles."
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Nanzi Ai »

“Hikaru-kun is dear to my family and his words carry a great deal of weight with my Honored Parents,” she said to him.

“Riddles, truly? I find him to be rather straight forward and direct if a bit reserved. What confuses you so about the Crane?”
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

He eyed the Crane

"Is not the Crane by themselves. Or rather is is. The talk about Bushido... it's going to be a journey but I am beginning to understand it."

He lowered his eyes

"You also confuse me Ai-san. When I'm with you I feel confused but happy and I seem to stumble on my words and well, it's weird"

He lifts his chin up to look at her.

"I think I've never met a person like you. That is why I think it is a riddle."
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Nanzi Ai »

“Bushido is simple and complicated, it can be contradictory and circuitous but the core is to live in a way that brings Honor to you and your family and understand that we are all servants of a greater power and we have a responsibility to each other.”

“I would be impressed if you understood it all in a few days,” she said warmly. When he reveals how he feels inside; she smiled and said, “Naraku-san, have you ever known affection for another outside your sister and family?”
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

Her words made him blush as he gathered his composure.

"No, I mean, I never, what?" he stumbled trying to find a suitable excuse before just surrendering, his shoulders slumping down. "I never really really saw anyone else with affection."

He wasn't going to make a fool of himself.

"I apologize if I offended you. I had no intention."
Crab Clan • Samurai • Menacing • Poison Master • Thunder of Rebirth • Hero of the People
Status: 5.0 Honor: No (2.5) Glory: 3.5 (5.5 for remainder of game)

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Nanzi Ai
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Nanzi Ai »

"I am not offended, I am flattered and joyful that my presence brings you such sweet emotions," she said warmly. "It is unexpected, but not unwarranted. Has your Honored Parent arranged a spouse for you in your absence?"
Warrior Princess | Tall | White Hair | Dark Skin | Yumenosenshi | Great Destiny | Daisho
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Re: [Day 4 - LM] Street Spirit

Post by Hiruma Naraku »

Naraku didn't understand what the Nanzi was saying. He eyed her confused, as he had been doing ever so frequently when in her presence.

"Marriage?" he mumbled before shaking his head. "He hasn't. He believes I should choose whoever I want. Or adopt a heir like he did."

He mulled over her words.

Not unwarranted

He blushed. Again.
Crab Clan • Samurai • Menacing • Poison Master • Thunder of Rebirth • Hero of the People
Status: 5.0 Honor: No (2.5) Glory: 3.5 (5.5 for remainder of game)

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