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Bench Warming Through The Apocalypse [Day 1, LA, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:24 pm
by Anjing
A garden...for sleeping.

Anjing steps forward and nudges one of the sleepers on a bench who grunts and rolls over.

Yes, definitely just sleeping. It was peaceful, she'd give the designers that. The sort of careful construction she'd expect out of the Crane lands.

Perhaps some in the village had no homes of their own and this was a communal effort to support them? She'd heard of worse things. Corrupted benches designed so that nobody could sleep upon them. Now that was true evil.

Still, it would take a lot of trust to sleep out in the open like this. And didn't the fog bother them?

Anjing finds herself stifling a yawn and angrily shakes it off, looking to see if there was another out of towner to compare notes with.

Re: Bench Warming Through The Apocalypse [Day 1, LA, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:49 pm
by Canary
It was very relaxing... There was something about it that was like being wrapped in a warm blanket. Maybe it was a little warmer here than elsewhere in the village...? Or the stone of the path under her feet feeling like familiar ground...

Re: Bench Warming Through The Apocalypse [Day 1, LA, Expecting]

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:38 am
by Anjing
Anjing yawns again and blinks. Yes, not that bad a garden at all really. Strange, but maybe sleeping here wasn't that weird if you needed a quick nap. Definitely the nicest part of the village.

Re: Bench Warming Through The Apocalypse [Day 1, LA, Expecting]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:39 am
by Haka Tae-soo
Another person eventually found their way to the garden - apparently following the side-path of the stream up until the pond, only then looking up to see the rest of the garden.

The way the young man looked at the garden as if studying it, eyes settling on each of the long benches for a long while, suggested it was indeed another out of towner.

Eventually, his eyes settle on the lady who somehow seemed to be similarly studying the garden, and he bows. His eyes set on the woman's garments for a while before doing so, but he seemed a bit unsure when he spoke.

"Good afternoon, Crab-nim Ajumeoni", he offers in a soft, (hopefully) cordial voice. A slight crease in his brow is noticeable right after he says the last word, but he quickly shrugs it off. "Also here for the calling?"

He might remember her from earlier in the camp, but with so many people there it was hard to be sure.

Re: Bench Warming Through The Apocalypse [Day 1, LA, Expecting]

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:13 am
by Anjing
Haka Tae-soo wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:39 am
Anjing turns, stifling another yawn (where we these coming from?) raising an eyebrow.
"Crab...auntie? Hmmmph."
She looks them over for a moment with.

"Your accent...Haka? Many of your people serve the Scorpion now."
She doesn't bow but the newcomer does get a reasonably polite nod, at least by Crab standards.

"I am Anjing of the Crab, formerly of the Seidou. I walked through your lands long ago. I...suppose I am here for the calling. Or rather, I was told I should come, which is a calling I suppose. You must be here for the same?"
She again feels the quiet calm of the garden and looks annoyed.

"This place is strange, I like it, which means I don't like it."

Re: Bench Warming Through The Apocalypse [Day 1, LA, Expecting]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:21 am
by Haka Tae-soo
Anjing wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 3:13 am
Anjing turns, stifling another yawn (where we these coming from?) raising an eyebrow.
"Crab...auntie? Hmmmph."
She looks them over for a moment with.

"Your accent...Haka? Many of your people serve the Scorpion now."
She doesn't bow but the newcomer does get a reasonably polite nod, at least by Crab standards.

"I am Anjing of the Crab, formerly of the Seidou. I walked through your lands long ago. I...suppose I am here for the calling. Or rather, I was told I should come, which is a calling I suppose. You must be here for the same?"
She again feels the quiet calm of the garden and looks annoyed.

"This place is strange, I like it, which means I don't like it."
Auntie? The young man almost smiles. She... did understand it, then! At least a bit?

The younger one looking first at the lady, then at Tae-soo, suggested he was thinking more or less the same thing.

"Haka, ne", he answers with a nod. "You... walked through our lands?" His expression slowly shifts to something between a smile and curiosity. "Not many know of the Baekma, even among the Scorpion, Ajumeonim. You must be a wise, well-travelled one, ne?"

The words are clearly meant as a compliment, although the young man's lack of knowledge of what the Crab went through may make them sound less than proper.

It is then and there that he notices.

"Anjing-nim... Anjing? As in... the Anjing? The family?" He bows again, lower. "My apologies, Anjing-nim!"

Still bowing while the woman mentions the garden does make it a bit harder to take another good look at it, but he tries to nonetheless. "Uh. It... is strange", he says, still from a ways down. "... might I ask what Anjing-nim dislikes?" A brief moment of silence. "The fog... is it less dense here, maybe?"

OOC: Ugh, sorry for the long delay!

Re: Bench Warming Through The Apocalypse [Day 1, LA, Expecting]

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:41 am
by Anjing
Haka Tae-soo wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:21 am

You must be a wise, well-travelled one, ne?"
She shrugs. "Certainly one of those two."
Haka Tae-soo wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:21 am
"Anjing-nim... Anjing? As in... the Anjing? The family?" He bows again, lower. "My apologies, Anjing-nim!"

Still bowing while the woman mentions the garden does make it a bit harder to take another good look at it, but he tries to nonetheless. "Uh. It... is strange", he says, still from a ways down. "... might I ask what Anjing-nim dislikes?" A brief moment of silence. "The fog... is it less dense here, maybe?"

OOC: Ugh, sorry for the long delay!
"Up with you boy. You bend over like that you'll fall asleep in no time. Just 'Anjing' will surface."
She shakes her head, the younger generation, so polite all the time.

"I don't like all the calm. It shouldn't feel as right as it does, it's like the whole place is meant to be comforting. Makes me want to take a nap. And the last thing you should do in enemy territory is snuggle up for a snooze in the middle of everyone. Don't you feel it?"

((No worries at all :D ))

Re: Bench Warming Through The Apocalypse [Day 1, LA, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:01 pm
by Haka Tae-soo
Anjing wrote:
Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:41 am
"Up with you boy. You bend over like that you'll fall asleep in no time. Just 'Anjing' will surface."
She shakes her head, the younger generation, so polite all the time.

"I don't like all the calm. It shouldn't feel as right as it does, it's like the whole place is meant to be comforting. Makes me want to take a nap. And the last thing you should do in enemy territory is snuggle up for a snooze in the middle of everyone. Don't you feel it?"

((No worries at all :D ))
He slowly rises, still somewhat hesitant. "Georeo... thanks, Anjing-sshi." That he attached an ending to what she asked to be called doesn't even register to him, apparently.

He takes another look around. "It... does feel right. More so than elsewhere here. But then... maybe this place has not been hurt? Like the River has?..."

The question seems to be as much for himself as for her.

"Anjing-sshi feels... the village is the enemy? Or just that something will come here? I must say the monk's words today have us uncertain..."

(OOC: Ugh, so slow. Sorry! Maybe we can come back on D3 and investigate here? Communing here would make some sense I figure...)

Re: Bench Warming Through The Apocalypse [Day 1, LA, Expecting]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:39 pm
by Anjing
Haka Tae-soo wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:01 pm

(OOC: Ugh, so slow. Sorry! Maybe we can come back on D3 and investigate here? Communing here would make some sense I figure...)
((Works for me, we can do a quick reschedule and see what day 3 holds :D ))