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Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:12 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku was feeling a maelstrom of emotions as he walked through the garden. He was happy yet conflicted, hopeful yet confused, and all because of the outcome something that by now should have been a banality. He was not conflicted or confused for fighting the monsters, as that came as second nature to him, but rather by the fact that, for the first time, he had not been the object of derision or scorn.

He sat in front of the pond, his mind still tackling the fact that he was now being considered a local hero. He was no hero, was he? Lady Otaku had rode as the wind saving the villagers before him and Yukara had slain the pack leader; he had just made sure the wolves had kept busy with him.

He sighed in exasperation and rubbed his sore thigh, as a niggling pain flared on his wound.

Is this what means to trust in others?

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:30 pm
by Nanzi Ai
Near the pond was Nanzi Ai working through her weapon kata with her katana, she wore light clothing, no armor though it was nearby, neatly stacked by her travel gear. She was alternating between working on her swordplay and then practicing her draw and strike of a skilled duelist.

Upon seeing she was no longer alone she sheathed her blade more out of politeness than anything. She wiped her brow and offered, “Hiruma-sama, it seems our paths are destined to cross this day. Have you brought your odd animal with you, or has she retired to the trees?”

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:48 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku's eyes shifted from the pond to the Nanzi princess. As usual, her snark was as sharp as the steel she carried.

"Nanzi-san I see you are being diligent in your swordsmanship. Should I be worried? I thought getting injured more than evened the odds," he retorted amused.

For some reason, talking to her at that moment made him feel better.

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2023 11:52 pm
by Nanzi Ai
“I do not think you need to worry, son of Hiruma; this is part of my daily ministrations as a samurai should be prepared. Though I would be remiss if I did not say that your defense of the village was admirable,” she said warmly.

“I assure you, your injuries do not bring me pleasure, only concern. Courtesy is first and foremost between samurai.”

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:01 am
by Hiruma Naraku
Her words caused his face to contort into a frown. He really did not seem used to the sound of praise. "They were nothing special. Lady Otaku rode as fast as the wind to save the villagers, Ryoshun Yukara slew the pack leader and Otomo Akutou carried Ryoshun Yukara to save her life. They deserve the praise."

He rubs on his bandages, scratching lightly on them "Minor wounds. Tomorrow I'll see a medic. There were people far worse than me."

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:05 am
by Nanzi Ai
“Well I will be sure to share my praise with your comrades but for now you will have to bear the brunt of my well earned praise. You faced an evil of Yume-Jigoku, that is worthy of praise and more,” she said calmly.

“I pray that Ryoshun Yukara recovers from her injuries, intact in body and soul.”

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:22 am
by Hiruma Naraku
"There is no need." Naraku whimpered as he laid defeated by her words.

"Yukara will overcome this hurdle, just like she overcame the monster," he retorts, not voicing his own worries. Her wounds had been severe and there had been no priest to close them.

"I am thinking about visiting her tomorrow at the Enrou's. I don't really know her but... she needs not be alone. We fought and we won, but this was just one of many."

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:28 am
by Nanzi Ai
“She is an odd one but I am sure she will appreciate your company,” she replied warmly, well she assumed she would appreciate it, the woman seemed to be a few leaves short of a tree in many areas.

“Are you well, though? I know encounters with the Corruption can be taxing on the mind and heart. There is no shame in feeling troubled.”

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:32 am
by Hiruma Naraku
He stared blankly at her when she asked him about his troubles. "What?"

"No, no, this is not my first time facing them, it's," he covered his face with his palm, hiding his blush. "I've never... I'm not..."


"I'm not used to being on the receiving end of praise."

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:36 am
by Nanzi Ai
“So you are troubled,” she responded kindly. “Is praise so rare for the son of Hiruma?” Perhaps Makime and Hiruma share more in common than she imagined… both being students of the Bitch-Doji school of Parenting…

She almost smiled and then remembered herself and that it was that weakness that could undo her. Plus mother had other concerns, like protecting all of the Realm’s dreams.

Was funny though.

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:46 am
by Hiruma Naraku
"You don't understand," he defended himself, hoping the earth would swallow him. "Is just that I am not used to it. I have done this during five years because it was my duty, even if it only brought me funny looks and sneers for my zeal."

"Guess you didn't even need a sword, " he was defeated. "This is just such a silly thing to be troubled for.."

He chuckled.

"Did you also have these feelings Kanna?"

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:54 am
by Nanzi Ai
If Ai was confused she did not show it, instead she simply smiled warmly and said, “Apologies it seems difficult for me to understand why the heir to the family of Hiruma would be lacking in praise? But no matter, if you wish to explain why you were derided I would listen.”

“Perhaps it would make you feel better.”

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:35 am
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku rubbed his bandages as he debated on what to do. The Hiruma seemed to be conflicted as he fidgeted on his seat, slowly rocking as he debated if it would really make him feel better.

"I wasn't always the heir," he finally ceded. "Until five years ago the heir was someone much worthy than me. My twin sister, Hiruma Kanna."

He let his words linger in the air for a while. His eyes are still locked with the pond in front of them and, at least, he does not seem to be scratching at his bandages anymore. There is a tinge of sadness behind his eyes as he looks at the pond before he lets a small pained laugh.

"For most of my life I was just the younger child. My twin was a prodigy, a kind soul who best represent the tenant of Compassion. Praise came easy to her and why wouldn't it? She was the shining star of the Hiruma family. Meanwhile since there weren't many expectations for me I just was an edgy and rebellious child, the bad twin" he chuckled and sighed, the sadness still present in his eyes. "My sister loved me unconditionally and she always egged me to be better, but I guess years of being given the stink eye had jaded me so I guess I just did not care"

" 'Do not care what they think. Do it because it is our duty' " he imitated his father, letting yet another chuckle. "And he is right. I embraced that role of villain, doing what I must to protect the people, even if I knew I would have a thankless duty. Specially when Yume-Jigoku appeared. I did not take pause to follow any report, chase the monsters and dispose of them with extreme prejudice."

"How do you explain to a family that their loving father had become a twisted monstrosity? That you had to cut him down so he wouldn't cause more damages? I get it, I truly do, and that was why I did not care. Let them revile me as a villain if that means they get to live."

"But now... the people praised me, the village calls me a hero. They thanked me for saving them. And I didn't do it alone. I had people with me and I trusted them."

He sighs

"What silliness to share, don't you think Nanzi-san?"

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:58 am
by Nanzi Ai
“What happened to your sister? I appreciate the dark tale, but there are parts I don’t fully understand,” she admitted. “You call yourself a villain but I have heard no villainous acts; yet somehow you were reviled.. By the people? Your clan?”

“Your circumstances seem hard but you rose to the occasion, that is what matters.”

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:17 am
by Hiruma Naraku
Naraku's expression darkened when she asked him about his sister.

"My twin was killed by the forces of the Harbinger," he revealed, anger flaring in his eyes. "Five years ago, when the threat was still not very known."

He looks at her when she tells about the villainous acts "It is hard to explain," there seems more to what he is saying. "Lets say that now, passing years in the fringe of our new lands, investigating rumors and disposing of monsters that are not very well understood do not set well with everyone. What was to say I was not just killing peasants?" he scoffs at the thought

"But enough about me Nanzi-san, you seem to have enough to compile a book about me," he chuckled, steering away from the conversation. "What about you? I should learn about you if I'm to succeed at not being cut by your sword once this is all over."

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:57 am
by Nanzi Ai
"Condolences on your loss, Yume-Jigoku has brought much ruin. My own family has suffered at the machinations of the enemy, but still your loss gives me sadness. Now you are here, and that is not by accident."
Hiruma Naraku wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:17 am
"What about you? I should learn about you if I'm to succeed at not being cut by your sword once this is all over."
"I do not cut down allies, Hiruma-sama," she said warmly.

"Your, friend, and you made some poor choice of words and I merely sought to correct them. You have adhered to these adjustments as a samurai is expected to. Unless you are one of those that desires pain for the sake of it... I shall keep my blade firmly sheathed."

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 11:35 am
by Hiruma Naraku
There was a warm feeling when Ai called him her ally. Naraku had been so focused on fighting alone that he had never stopped to consider that perhaps he did not need to be alone.

No more mistrust

He raised an eyebrow at her observation and laughed. "I can guarantee you Nanzi-san, that pain for the sake of pain is not something I particularly appreciate," he eyed her. "You did not struck me as someone that enjoys giving pain for the sake of pain. You're not right?"

He seemed happy for once.

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 11:55 am
by Nanzi Ai
“Of course not, I do not seek to deliver pain or suffering. It is my Duty to defend the Crane and fight the enemies of the Realm with all my heart and soul. That does not mean I enjoy delivering such misery,” she responded calmly.

“But you did ask about me, I am the third daughter of Lord Nanzi and Lady Doji, third in line to the Family of Nanzi, my uncle and husband to my sister was murdered by agents of the Corruption and replaced with a monster. It was exposed… only for another agent of Yume Jigoku to reveal itself in the skin of a traitor wearing Crane colors. Needless to say I have spent the intervening years cutting out any rot from our clan,” she responded.

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:18 pm
by Hiruma Naraku
"I do not know Nanzi-san, after my twin was murdered... I was set on a warpath against these beings. I'd like to say I did what I did only because it was my duty but I think I would not be telling the whole truth," he looks at her, gauging her reaction. "I enjoyed destroying them. I enjoyed sending them back to their realm as they convulsed and their form unraveled. It was not just grim determination, it was vengeance."

"I was wrong," he lowered his eyes. "It is easy for one to lose themselves when they are alone."

He looks back to Ai and nodded, the Crane had been amidst the most affected after the attack from the forces of the Harbinger. "A thankless task Nanzi-san," he said measuring his words, what could really be say to someone that had been forced to hunt the rot of her own Clan.

Re: Conflicted [Day 2 LE]

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2023 12:44 pm
by Nanzi Ai
She did not respond about him enjoying it, at least right away. She replied warmly, “A samurai does not need thanks to do their task they are given, it was my Duty and I saw it through. You did the same and that is enough, and even if you sought vengeance you recognize now the fault in it.”

“How did you know it was wrong, or at least the wrong path for you?”